This is an anglo canadian
This is an anglo canadian
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Looks like a pretty cool guy
He's sexy as fuck.
looks like sargon with a tan
Yeah he looks like the average ontarian desu
It's an Indian you leaf
If you look at his features closely, you can tell that he's actually indian-chinese mutt
>This is an anglo canadian
Isn't that the fag who went after h3h3?
If Canada had 9 french proviences and one Anglo one instead of how it currently is. We would be filled with blacks and nafris instead of Asians and pajjets
??? The USA was majority Anglo and we have more blacks than anyone else in North America. You were saying? Anglos were the ones who brought thousands of African slavs into their own homelands, not the French. Why angloids project so much of what they do onto other people? is the lack of self awareness a disease?
>Montreal is the blackest major city in Canada
>France is the blackest country in Europe
Your large black population is a result of bringing millions over to pick cotton and slave labour, Canada never had this.
Canada's largest non white groups ( excluding Quebec) are chinese, Indian and flipinos
However In Quebec it's Haitians, morrocans and Algerians
No you retard. We bring blacks because they speak french and we want to keep the proportion of french vs english speakers as it is. If there were 9 French provinces we wouldn’t need to do that
There are morons who take that happy merchant seriously?
Your arguement was that "the evil french causes us to have blacks", when it was infact Anglos who brought the largest amount of blacks into the Americas. Without Anglos the black population in the Americas would be halved entirely.
quintessentially british just like Pajeet singh
no these are
>There are morons who take that happy merchant seriously?
Nope, but the guy in OP was even more cringe and retarded than they are.
Based Muta, I like his deep web browsing vids, very comfy way to spend a Sunday evening.
who is this pajeet? Someone explain
The largest intake of blacks through the trans Atlantic slave trade was into the Americas was through Brazil not the United States.
Yes you tend to take on diaspora from your former colonies. Which as I mentioned is why Montreal is the blackest major city in Canada, France is the blackest country in Europe
talk shit all you want on que bec having more black, when I walk outside in montréal, for 90% of the population will look latino/white. the 8% black population is mostly haitian, which are our greatest ally.
How can you tell? He just looks indian to me
>who is this pajeet, Someone explain
true I am a chiller and I cope with growing a beard to hide my chin away
But who’s this guy seriously
He is indian-arab.
he is unironically sargon with a tan
>France surpassed us