my country
>glorious history full of heroes
>women are beautiful
>people are righteous and kind
>the envy of the whole world
your country
>hisotry is nothing but a succession of shameful defeats
>women are ugly
>people are cunning and evil
>the laughingstock of the whole world
My country
>hisotry is nothing but a succession of shameful defeats
>I surrender!
>hisotry is nothing but a succession of shameful defeats
Can't lose if you don't play.
Your women feminist shit.
I will throw shit at you.
>my cunt good
>your cunt bad
>*smug anime girl.jpg*
>hisotry is nothing but a succession of shameful defeats
At least we didn't loose to France
Is getting fucked by German BVLLS over and over again considered glorious history full of heroes?
>gets fucked by vikings
>swedes rule russia
>gets fucked by mongols
>tatars rule russia
>gets fucked by poles
>polish king rules russia
>gets fucked by germans
>german dynasty rules russia
>gets fucked by commies
>jews rule russia
>gets fucked by americans
>monke rules russia
ah yes, the glorious russian history
My country produces great coffee and is returning to monke
remeber WW2?
You mean the second world war we won? Yeah I remember it. Now do you remember... wait, I don't even know what war your country had because you're just THAT irrelevent.
Seethe more, Costa Rica.
>>your country
>>hisotry is nothing but a succession of shameful defeats
Name a war germany won in the last 100 years
wtf france I thought we were friends...?
I've never claimed Germany is invincible m8
>my country
>>glorious history full of heroes
>>women are beautiful
>>people are righteous and kind
>>the envy of the whole world
>your country
>>hisotry is nothing but a succession of shameful defeats
>>women are ugly
>>people are cunning and evil
>>the laughingstock of the whole world
People who believe this retarded “le French are surrender monkeys” meme almost invariably have Zig Forums tier understandings of history
never claimed France is either
btw decolonization war were lost on purpose
If literally any other flag on Zig Forums had made this thread it would have banterous replies but for some reason even if a frog is obviously taking the piss people will take the most blatant bait and post the most obvious responses
I've never understood this
Thats because being a frog, we can be 100% sure that he unironically, sincerely means it.
>we won
by that logic Italy won the war too
Can you say it in front of Germany
And what does that have to do with me?
Um... No? Does Italy have a permanent UN security council seat? Don't think so.