Where would you rather live?

Where would you rather live?

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Obviously Portugal

Croatia. Isn't the Atlantic quite cold even in Portugal?

what about Algarve?

Yeah I forgot that was Portugal, guess I'm going with Portugal then because I could do trips to the superior Spain easier.

Portugal is more south


Croatia obviously, I could give you many reasons and arguments

Croatia all day every day over everyone not just Portugal

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Unironically saying this no country compares

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We actually have islands

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*blocks your path*

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Croatia, I speak the language and it's similar shit.

Unless you are a manlet than go to Portugal (they are even shorter than Italians pic rel)
If you like Amazonian gfs Croatia obviously

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Of course if you prefer brown you'll go to Portugal otherwise Croatia


>The Croatian shilling in this thread

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croatia bc isn't the average male height like 1,80cm? yummy

this desu senpai

Portugal obviously, prettier women but uglier men, better climate, decriminalized drugs etc etc

Portugal. Went there few months ago, I was really surprised by how it's a comfy country with nice people and beautiful girls.

Portugal because slavs ruin everything

what kind of question is this

would you rather get shot or get 100$

based Ivan

The sea here isn't particularly warm. Occasionally it's hot in Algarve, but it's still Atlantic ocean. Med sea is a lot warmer.

The temperature outside the water is still great, though.

>Be 6' white man
>go to Iberian Europe
>everyone is 4' 6" tall
keep seething

Dude Croatia is one of the safest countries in the world let alone compared to Portugal

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Dude Croatia has better climate we are on the Mediterranean not the Atlantic, also if you want some continental weather it's in Croatia as well

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I don't think anyone compares to the beauty safety culture and phenotypes of our country and people on such a small area and population

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