Everyone says that Japan is great, but nobody says why is Japan so great

Everyone says that Japan is great, but nobody says why is Japan so great...

Can someone explain this?

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no certain people

nobody is saying that. re*dit hates japan. western media is too. Zig Forums has become a subdivision of red*it. twatter mob is attacking us frequently. whos saying it?

On videos, Japan is looking fucking awesome, theres no dispute about that, but how it is in reality, I do not know

Japan is great for visiting. Living there is hell on earth for anyone who is used to having a life beyond 60 work weeks, 51 weeks a year, just to live in a 16qm apartment.

Zig Forums and /bant/ of course.

The culture is built around being autistic. It attracts a certain type of person. Reddit intellectuals dislike Japan cause weabs

true. the great thing about it is that both weebs and anti-weebs, and redditors and such and their opinions have nothing to do with us in reality.

It was a ton of fun to be there for my first ever international trip and I can't wait to go back as soon as I can but I wouldn't ever want to live there for an extended period of time.

after ideological memes like this spread due to reddit and mutts started to revolve around chink money like hollywood making films for the chinese, nobody is actually saying that. its already reached the bottom. the western internet has been much more western centric than ever or else highly capitalistic/pro globalism. you are just talking about the internet in 2007.

you can rape their females ,
they wont report you to the police

japan is great
ly over-rated


space magic

I loved it earlier. But now I don't care.

Do reddit hate Japan? I haven't been on reddit for half a decade, but I thought they love Japan because of anime.

More specifically, they don't accept Japanese values. Some of them consume Japanese media but they don't want to give us credit for making our own stuff. It's very weird though. Looks like they wanna hold us down.

>reddit and the western media hate us
Isnt that good? That means you are doing something good.

years of propaganda

It's just uncomfortable because most of the articles about Japan are just about their moral superiority to it. They want to describe Japan as an inferior and backward society. Ive now ignored most of them. Now they only repeat the same shit

You mean Americans right? Like America isn’t a weird country itself. You think its normal to carry an AR 15 around in broad daylight?

Reddit loves Japan in stupid ways.

Reddit does not love conservative culture and traditional values

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AFAIK nearly all mutt/bong media outlets/news sites are like that. There's no positive article about our social/cultural norms anymore. It's not an exaggeration. You can confirm it by researching it.

Dude I really hate westerners not even joking. And no I am not a weeb. I just hate what western culture has become. Wish I was back in the 50s. Honestly.

>some autistic jap larper says some random made up shit
>people will just believe him without asking because of his flag even though hes telling obvious lies

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It wasn't like that 10 years ago. They've suddenly drastically changed since 2011 or 2012. Now they at most write a positive article about Nintendo lol.

Because you are a conservative, homogeneous country and they think that is backwards because they want you to accept their degenerate bullshit.

Then tell me the truth Adolf

>Then tell me the truth Adolf

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/r/japan and /r/japanlife is full of davidos who think Japan is shit and had retarded leadership but for some reason won't fuck off back to their home counties

Japanese can't take criticism

>r/japan and /r/japanlife

>reddit is the entire internet and what they say is the general consensus of the whole human population


>admitting to browse r/japan and /r/japanlife

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