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International #1236
I'm a diaspora Latino (not Chi) Muslim convert. AMA
A man shaving their beard is like a lion shaving their mane
/deutsch/ für echte Brudis
What is this animal called in your country?
Say goodbye to our Canadian posters
What do English accents sound like in your language?
Be American
Are there any countries in the world where women like blond guys?
Fastest travel method in urban areas
Half my family got crushed by a plane
Do lefties act like Vietnamese food is the greatest thing in the world in your country?
ITT: post countries that are basically better versions of you're country
What brazilians thinks of pic related ?
Canadian cartoons
What parts of your cunt are stereotypically known to be right wing and which one left wing?
Are Indian anons still awake?
Your cunt
It's a joke that these countries have seperate "languages"
/fr/ - Le fil Francophone
Post something from your meme folder
Why are Asian women so cute
/ro/: firul nostru
Are europeans the only people with good fashion taste?
You may not like Warsaw, but this shot is pretty nice
Why did Yugoslavia do this?
Why does latinamerica have a brown filter
Why are Americans like this? Too much bourgeois propaganda?
¿Why is german beer so superior to southern europe beer?
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
International board
E*ropeans will be extinct in my lifetime
Do people in your cunt fail suicide attempt three times in a row?
Is your people represented in LOTR?
I just realized america doesnt have villages
We have a saying in Poland 'east of Konin Asia begins'
Hellenic Empire
We got too cocky, WASPbros
Is this the most powerful region on Earth economically?
/fr/ - le francofil
This evil cannot be concealed by the power of Europeans and our decendents...
Imagine if we all united based on ethnicity
Would you dismantle Germany
Only 5.5m inhabitants
The greatest mind in the history of humanity comes from dinaric alps...
Zig Forums will defend this
/brit/ (antipodeans welcome only with permit)
Sverigetråden - Whitetrashkungen
Hilo /esp/ mas los giris que se cuelan
Whatever China grows, they can’t get our respect
I live in Tokyo where do you live?
/österreich/ manchmal auch fälschlicherweise /deutsch/
/brit+ aus/
1. citizens have no business being in occupied land
I came here to be surrounded by extremely attractive girls but i accidentally got a gf here and now i can't fuck them...
Which phenotype are you int
What have you been doing during lockdown?
Polish-German friendship thread
Latinas Vs Slavic gfs
Is this White country?
ITT post interesting pictures of your world leader
/brit /
Why Russian young ppl don’t want to live in Russia anymore?
Do germs really?
1. your country
Krauts be like
/med/ - olive oil general
Why do Japs look like Southeast Asians?
/fr/ - Le francofil
Post your country's natural borders
/deutsch/ diverse Ausgabe
Kurva anyátok
What do you call a 'cheerleader' in your language, Zig Forums?
Thank god UK did brexit
What's the difference?
He suffers in Brazil
No culture at all besides drinking beer
Did anyone find a way to build commieblocks that is less depressing?
He suffers in Israel
How young would you?
Top 5 most bullied cunts on Zig Forums
This guy walks up to your largest trading partners ass and starts a new cold war, what do you do?
What does Zig Forums think about America?
What does Zig Forums think about russia?
Do japs really do this?
/desi/ - Ayatollah Khomeini edition
What happens here?
If your country went to war tomorrow, would you sign up to fight for your country?
The most redpilled picture/story ever....it will cause the fabric of society to tear in half
/ita/ il filo
*Blocks your path*
ITT: your country's flag in the past
Why are Americans like this?
/lat/ hilo latino
/dixie/ - Southern US and Friends
Tfw my conscripting date to navy is July 21st
I suffer in Khazaria
/cum/ - Canada, United States, and Mexico
Mexico won't recover from this
Why americans so obsessed with race?
1. You're cunt
You wake up in 323 BC
Fellow burgers, we often get made fun supposedly being bad at geography...
What's your favourite board game?
Fishe in tube
Are diverse Freinds groups common in your country ?
Struggling in a western country
Do you ever feel bad for Brits? I would kill myself if I had to live in England with a family
Whitebros, we got too cocky
I hate this country
Russia is so big, did you know we have an autonomous region for jews and gays?
Tell me more about Western party culture. This doesn't happen here
Japan's GDP per capita has been the same for the past 30 years
Is your country receptive to homosexual relationships? How about you state or territory or whatever your unit is?
Have you ever had Chinese food?
Argentinians can't tell apart bananas from platanus
Ottomans expanding through anatolia
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
Ur cunt
Why can't whypipo handle spicy food?
How do you cope with depression in your country?
Why are Indians like this?
He's not wrong
Sverigetråden - kattupplagan
/lang/ - Language Learning General
Why are indians like this?
Durch die N8 mit /deutsch/
Ugh.... what it could have been
Hi. I'm here to pick up your son for a date
Pros and cons about my country Nippon for gaijin ppls view
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
I suffer in the US
Americans will defend this
/esp/ - España General
Have a crush on my close friend
English girls
Why Italy and Spain are so unequal?
>Hasta la vista baby!
/turk/ - (formerly known as /tr/)
/lat/ - Hilo latino
/fr/ Fil francophone
High School is over forever tomorrow
If we all keep mixing, aren’t white and black people going to disappear ?
YESSSS. Coming for that number one spot. Brazil is such a great first world country
What are parties in the favela like?
White lives matter!!!!
Why dont they just come together to form one nation?
Tfw never visited by the Christmas Goat
Do North Italians really look like this?
What the hell is going on in Sweden?!
/mex/ - hilo mexicano
There you go, a white french bf one !
I haven't left my country in 5 years
Why do Latinas hate their brown eyes?
/mena/. Alabay Edition
Post international music you enjoy
Italians look like that?
/esp/ - Edición España
/brit /
/ita/ - il filo
What are unemployment/neetbux benefits like for you right now?
/auf nächtlicher basis/ auch bekannt als /nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
Americans put sugar on salad
In Russia, is this girl's beautiful considered common or rare and unique...
Sverigetråden - spscarter-upplagan
Turkish women are like this?!
Today is my birthday
Anybody here speak Friesian?
/ita/ - il filo
Why is triggering black and brown people so easy
What make a girl attractive to you?
Hilo /esp/ y eso
Daily reminder that college is a scam for anything that isn't being a lawyer or STEM
Yes, we're gonna deal drugs in your country
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Do u love nihon
Zig Forums posters you recognize
What have you done during the quarantine?
/v4/ + cummies
Does everyone actually believe German women are ugly?
Sverigetråden - Polen 2020 upplagan
At what age did you realize that life is not worth living (unless you're a chad)
Hey germany
/fr/ - Le fil Francophone
What kind of invasive species do you have in your country?
What would you rate this woman in your cunt?
Immigrant refers to his host state as "his country"
This is where I went hiking again today
Why is /bant/ so much better than Zig Forums?
What (you)s do you like to receive? I like to receive nordic (you)s and spanish (you)s
What do white girls smell like?
Dubs and we have a peaceful death in our sleep tonight
What is the reputation of tourists from your country?
What makes them so shit?
Nooo don't lose your territories your so sexy aha
Let's play hangman
/Ita/ il filo
/esp/- el sitio este para los españoles en Zig Forums
Which is the worst city in terms of crime, filth and generally nonwhite related things, Paris, Brussels, London, Berlin...
Who are your ancestors?
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
Your country and your thoughts on black girls
Sverigetråden - Virusupplagan
Who are the blackest people on the planet?
/lat/ hilo latino
Why don't they just wait until 2047? What's the rush?
So how is your quarantine going anons...
I hate this fucking place
Islamophobes fear this man
What scares you Zig Forums?
When will there be a race war between Northern Europeans and Southern Europeans?
Explain yourself, Poland
Is this accurate?
Your state
Anglos think ananas grow on pine trees
All lives have equal value
/desi/ - Nu metal eiditon
/fr/ - fil francophone
Are people mean to redheads in your country?
Here's the new patch of Al azhar subhumans, they are ready to be released to the world
Why did you guys decide to part ways? Was it Mutual?
Consider this list before emmigrating
Youre country
How does the average young man from your country look?
Sverigetråden - Martynaupplagan
Per capita deaths are highest in the world in recent days
You people should be ashamed of yourself
Australia unironically has more culture and soul than the non-highlighted states
/fr/ - Le fil français
Zig Forums phrases you use IRL
Nooo we didn't commit war crime!!! all lie!!! you kim!!!
Would you rather die a virgin or fuck unattractive women?
Why do Georgian women look like Latinas?
I suffer in Lithuania
Post famous actresses from your country
Tfw born in most hated country in world.tfw no one care if whole population of china died
Uh oh Zig Forums I'm being cancelled
/mashiro/, ehemals /deutsch/
Post most indian pic you have
Do balt girls really look like this??
I like bread
/ita/ il filo
/balk/ Sunny Beach edition
Why do they hate each other?
Underaged girls party in Philippines
Worst country for relationships
If you are in Korea
8 children die every day by starvation in argentina
Why do Russian women become a pervert?
He is right, civilization is cancer
I am too lazy T.T
Let's have a good ol' international LEWD thread to keep our thought away from the terrible pandemic we're suffering...
If Xerxes offered to make you king of all of Greece, would you carry his battle standard into the heart of evropa?
What's the comfiest german city to live in?
/fr/ - Le Francofil francophone
Which one is whiter?
Why some Japanese look like Arab?
/luso/ - Fio lusófono
The absolute state of arab """"men""""
Your cunt
/turk/ - (formerly known as /tr/)
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Why is he so fucking fat and orange
Today I will remind them
Is the chill Spaniard stereotype true?
Across the world record numbers of Russian women are spreading their legs for East Asian men. They can't help it...
I want to live in America
What's the percentage of American men who regret that their parents (or somebody else) made the decision of letting a...
Why are french so good at creating music ? I swear that's all I been listening to
Invented human civilization
/brit/ + /birt/ + /brot/ so on and so forth
I suffer in finland
Why Zig Forums scum hate yellow fetish?
/desi/- Relase the Snyder Cut edition
Why license plate of EU looks fucking aesthetic
Impfgegner, Aluhüte und Reichsbürger besser bekannt als /deutsch/
Why is their posting so shitty?
How Americans take a screenshot
Why do they hate Americans?
Has Zig Forums changed your perception of any countries?
Is it true that slav girls only care about money?
Do you actually post in generals?
How common is manletism in your country? I'm 6ft 6 and I thank god for it everyday
/fr/ - le fil francophone
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
/esp/ - Hilo españolico
Did you know that Russian Federation's elite police forces are called HOMO?
Do they really
I hope I see the day when all of them are brutally killed for what they did to the ummah
Sverigetråden - Chang Frick-upplagan
Depression general
/ita/ il filo
Why are they so wierd bros?
Which side does Zig Forums support in this 3 way cold war?
Born as a peasant farmer in an irrelevant African village that didn't have a gym for 100 miles
There’s nothing wrong with having a small penis...
Hitler wanted to kill this
It would be unwise for you to oppose us
Culture Pals - /cp/
How is sacrifice seen in your country?
/brit /
You wake up in Australia (paradise)
You know it's true
/ישר/ - /이스라/ - /እስራ/ - /isr/ - מהדורה קומפית
What's the difference between Zig Forums and /bant/?
I am very dissatisfied with world and with my life
Explain this, America
Indian customer are the worst
Kúrva anyátok
Why are there so few posters from this country than other nordics?
Why is British spelling considered more intelligent then American spelling?
Hilo /lat/ino
/med/ - olive oil general
Do Americans really?
Are girls in your country boring?
Father of nation
Zig Forums meta
/fr/ - le francofil
Tfw no nationalistic chinese gf
They're both awake now
I'm starting to really like Asian girls
Finally we surpass Jap anime
Post your WORST neighbor
This is acceptable
United against Islam, Libtards, and Communism
1. your country
Does this happen in nursing homes in your cunt?
The year is 2023, you have been appointed as a special envoy from Brussels to lead the partition of Hungary...
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2391
You killed that woman, then fornicated with and mutilated her body in various barbaric ways...
Uh oh x-)
Why are white males in America so suicidal?
What country has the best escorts / prostitutes
Why are coastcucks so stupid?
Tell me about Kurds. Why do Turks hate them so much? I don't know anything about them. Can they tell each other apart...
Brazil has nothing in common with Spanish speaking countries
I like sweden
>be american
Is it true that North Chinese are the tallest Asians? If it is why is that?
Whose flag is better
Is this peak burgerpunk?
What does Zig Forums think of Arizona?
/lang/ - Language learning general
Indonesia has 300 million people
/lat/ hilo latino
"Arabian" Civ
What's Zig Forums drinking tonight?
Faces of Argentinians when their economy is in crisis again
What are traditional families like in your culture?
Why can't non-whites truly eat non-spicy food?
Do angloids really?
Is your cunt being Americanized?
1. Country
/MEX/ + /CHI/ + /CENAM/
Which one is potentially more dangerous
Vocaroo thread - test your English
/nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
Do you like Tennessee?
What do you think when you see this flag?
Democracy dies in darkness
Sverigetråden - kolmårdsupplagan
What was your country's biggest mistake in war?
Hilo /lat/ino
I sometimes see pic related
ITT post your hand
Do you love new zealand :3c
What state do you live in
What comes to your mind when you think of Texas?
/fr/ Fil francophone
ITT we come up with new racial slurs for different country (or the country above your post)
What the fuck German bros i thought we were cool?
Struggling in a western country
How much beer do you drink?
Why does 0.1% of the population make so many people seethe?
What's Syria like in 2020?
I suffer in bongland
If you weren't born here you lost the life lottery
Mfw I live in an Island
Would i passed as local in your cunt?
Which country has the best beers?
Did you know Germans go on holiday to an aircraft hanger
What's his name again?
London if going to build a sperm tower, say something nice about it
Is this common in your country?
For me? It's french gfs
1. Your Cunt
Do Americans really???!!!!!
Hilo /esp/ y eso
Did your parents beat you as a child?
Tfw white bf
Everyone says that Japan is great, but nobody says why is Japan so great
Have you ever had a black friend?
Name 1 non economic reason why your country is better than mine
Sverigetråden - Bögar är äckliga
Transexal is a sin to nature. Prove me wrong
Its racist not to find us masculine
How Arabic is Turkey?
My grandmother made me goulash often when I was a little kid, but she died when I was 8. Was she Hungarian...
/brit/ brot
/fr/ - Le fil français
/ita/ - il Filo
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine