Owain Glyndŵr edition
/brit /
For the last time - the lockdown wasn't to save lives, it was to stop the NHS from imploding when the whole country turned up with Covid
For me, it's Phil Collins - easy lover
this is a good one
Walk in the party, sporting Armani
Half of the crowd's all snorting my Charlie
Sorted the bar, time to sort the punani
henry cavill posted on his instagram about how he is spending his time painting warhammer minifigures
what an absolute king
love watching old interviews with people who were so clearly ahead of their time, barbara streisand is a good example
>henry cavill posted on his instagram about how he is spending his time painting warhammer minifigures
>what an absolute king
>Can you please confirm if you have attempted or completed a Scaffolding Construction course with us
Ive got hundreds of surgical and n95 masks at home. Have all these cunts been twiddling their thumbs to not own any?
This. The NHS right now has more spare capacity than it had before the pandemic
Why is white ass so good
Look at how diffrent its ass take a voluptuous shape
imagine not touching your mates when you meet them
Xhamster is such a grim site, whole front page always covered in hairy amateur grannies
Nixon was ahead of his time
>outbreak happens, reaches uk
>government says hey mind washing your hands and that? and maybe stand one, no, two metres apart something like that? don't go out if you don't have to
>people generally do so
>disease spreads
>govt: right since you can't be trusted to stop this disease that affects basically nobody, you're grounded i mean locked down and anyone leaving their house without a reason we deem good enough will be arrested
*rolls up sleeves on me All Saints shirt*
*finishes off JD & Coke*
*starts shuffling*
alri slowpoke
Listening to Cindy Lee's album "Act of Tenderness"
anyone else think its strange how the government can tell you you're not allowed to leave your house when you haven't done anything wrong
how do they even have the power to do that
Yeah nah we'll just let them die is third world as fuck and it's not working at all. You've got basically the worst per capita in the world and fucked the economy anyway
Because then it'll spread to most people and the moment those people locked up get any contact with deliveries or anything they'll almost certainly get it.
But at the moment Britain has fucked it harder than any country yet
that's what ur into innit
it takes a certain discernment to appreciate, maybe one day kid
Ok, you think that people breaking lockdown should be left alone then? You see that playing out nicely?
I agree with you that in an ideal world everyone would be sensible and no laws should be needed but our culture isn't like that, and that's what the government is for, to get people to do stuff they don't want to do for the good of everyone
He's a NEET in a Chad body.
Parliament voted to give them that power.
almost doxxed myself desu
Yeah the boys
>humidity 69%
EZ kidda
why is parliament allowed to vote to give itself more power?
which nobody did
they're making false reports
old people die, as they always have, and now it's "covid" instead of what actually killed them
if the average age of death by this flu is basically the same as the average life expectancy, is it really worth destroying our society over?
>He's a NEET in a Chad body.
what's the deal with all these small unis called 'colleges'? Like Amherst, Wiliams, Kenyon etc. ? they look comfy
The problem is you absolutely fucked the border. Just close it except for British citizens coming back and make them isolate and the lockdown doesn't have to be so bad
Freedom above all.
thoughts on Welsh Nationalism?
got dat damn muddafuggen coonvirus
They're all asleep
Hope you like your mandatory face masks and all your female family members being pornstars.
>for the good of everyone
it's not for the good of everyone
smoking kills far more people than covid-19 ever will, should it be banned?
what about obesity? that leads to heart disease which remains the biggest killer, so should we have government enforced exercise and bans on unhealthy food?
scaremongering and authoritarianism, that's all this is
Parliament and the government aren't the same thing.
Parliament is 650 MPs and 784 Lords. The government is run by the Cabinet, which is a committee of the Privy Council. It's made up of MPs and Lords, but isn't the same as Parliament since that has opposition included as well as the government.
there's more muslims than welsh people in britain
What about Welsh Muslims?
Haha that famous professional actor who makes millions purely because of his extreme social skills and sex appeal he's so like me
Ah yes meaningless phrases nice one
Margaret Thatcher
Is this mental illness?
whyre you trying to be a scaffolder
>Hope you like your mandatory face masks and all your female family members being pornstars.
Can you catch obesity and smoking by going to work mate?
yeah rorke, what about the Welsh Muslims?
How far would a £36k salary go in Bristol?
About 14 feet
Bless him
Would honestly kill a baby to drop my unitoil for any apprenticeship but we've got to weird stage where that's an absolute pipe dream
And here's why that's a good thing:
what the fuck even is a lockdown? do we live in a prison?
people "breaking lockdown" should be left alone because you can't trust the government to have total control over society
this is why communism goes tits up every time
people should share their wealth with each other right? but they don't
so i guess we need the government to lockdown the wealth and share it by force eh?
see how that goes
see how any of this goes
they're not letting go of these powers now, and they can enforce this shit any time they want, and they will
Lockdown just shouldn't be a thing. It's a responsibility to visibly ignore it.
Get you to Wales and back
Students survive on a few grand and they sesh 3 times a week so I think you'll be ok
no its just a failed gimmick
Don't think that coronavirus is a strong enough reason to write a blank cheque that will take decades to recover from.
>Lockdown just shouldn't be a thing.
so don't go to work
i'm not saying people should be forced to expose themselves to the virus, just like nobody is forced to smoke
pay people to stay home if they feel the need, if they think they're at risk or don't want to spread it to family members
allow people to work or study from home
but also allow people to get on with their lives if they want
at least allow them to go outside without demanding an explanation
I actually dislike 60% of British posters
Realised I have no hobbies outside of "travelling" fuck me I'm pathetic
by chance is that the metabarons?
Which is what Boris said. But "Oh noes not the pensionerinos! you can't let people who have six months to live die in three just to stop the next three generations having to be taxed to the point of poverty!!!"
A good arse these days is hard to find
Cute butts, the fapping kind
it's your civic duty to eat the bat
yep, that's him there
don't get the point of this furlough scheme, its basically just a loan
sunak hands out money to people who can't work, but its just going to mean an increase in taxes and cost of living after covid
I've missed three overseas trips so far and next week that'll include one that should have lasted until late September!
are you female by chance
give it a rest wordsworth
didn't read a copypaste
Wondering how these brave defenders of freedom would feel about the whole thing if they were older than 70
in the US universities have multiple colleges
TRUST ME, you're missing out by not having access to mornl5 o0nlyfa4ns PHWOARRR OH MY DAYS LADS SHE KNOWS HOW TO WORK THE CAMERA
Was meant to be in Estonia right now
No and I actively mock women who base their personalities off being "travel lovers"
>fuck me
>I’m pathetic
most likely yes
why wouldn't I?
big money
can you believe we're living in an age where you can actually get banned for racism on Zig Forums
this would never have happened under moot
well you'll be dead soon anyway. why would you want to just sit in a care home 24/7
yeh, but how about Starmer and the donkeys? there's no reasonable explanation
Best believe when the chinky restaurants opening again I'll be having a little work with xiang the waiter and placing a secret order for bat
Poley's giving free cock rates right now
Supporting the aussie wine industry, one bottle of merlot a day while listening to redgum.
Yearn for the days when Christianity and Zoroastrianism were the main religions in Asia Minor, Persia and the Levant.
The same. You take your chances dependent upon where in life you are. If i were 70 I'd go out less, but I'd still go out. I mean what... The virus isn't going to infect me when i go to Tesco or the post office because those trips are "essential"?
People just need to grow a set. Epidemics happen, they make people die. It's part of being human. Hiding under a domestic rock is part of being a parasite.
>its just going to mean an increase in taxes and cost of living after covid
Nah, not necessarily. The collapse in consumer demand and the shutdown in general are a huge deflationary pressure on currencies, which basically allows for the BoE to print huge sums of money without the immediate concern for inflation. The national debt will rise but we'll owe most of it to ourselves.
Right now I'm engaging in intellectual discussion of major issues with other people.
Shit gimmick mate