Culture Pals - /cp/

sadpals edition:

Welcome to Culture Pals! Message QTs from around the world! Here autistic sperg losers can meet equally autistic thots from developing nations like Russia(BASED) , China(yawn) and India (loos) for relationships so autistic even
't bother with them.
Seriously this shit is more of a bitch than debugging pointers in C using vim with no scripts. Want to discuss argentina? Want to discuss philosophy with an overweight Brazilian who got 0 on Want to get dropped by turks with English so atrocious they make toddlers seem fluent? Want to be given the basic gestalt on boobs and soy by the resident mammary expert titman? Want to talk with/share qts with the Taliban?
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to the Romanian user that was talking about the girl that pretty much rejected him, what the fuck were you actually expecting ? sending 1500 words letters are absolutely not the same as talking to someone for a full day and laughing with said person, it might seem illogical because blabla long letter but there's absolutely 0 connection between you two. you are not gonna meet anyone other than old folk doing this

Well from what he said, it's pretty clear she changed how she felt due to his looks

yeah and that's logical nobody wants to talk to someone they find unattractive, romanon expected her to be "nice" because he thought they were kinda getting in touch with each other, but that's just not gonna happen by sending letters, I mean I really wish the best to romanon and I'm sure he is not even ugly, he just did not fit her ideal so she was mad about all the efforts she had made with him so she just went brutal on him, but the finality is that he definitely is not gonna find qts or anything while doing this

It just is a blow to the self esteem when that stuff happens, I genuinely feel sorry for the romanian user.

why would you flirt with someone without knowing how they look like lol
it's like purposfully setting yourself for disappointment

>previous thread was really active
>make new one
>no ones posting

>implying i wouldn't just smash anyway so i wouldn't feel like i wasted ages talking

Well Slowly is undoubtedly popular with qts, and I met genuinely nice girls whom I added on other platforms and they didn't seem to mind me being ugly, things just fizzled out in the end and I can't blame them because frankly, it happens to me as well.
The thing is, people -do- come here to send each other long letters and the qts here definitely enjoy it. It was she that started sending increasingly long letters until we hit the 1500 word mark, it was she that started sending me cringe shit about how I am wonderful and her reason to wake up in the morning. I just went with it, knowing full well that it's stupid, but I was hoping she wouldn't be so judgemental because she had told me she does not care about people's physique. Now, after I sent her a letter essentially implying that she might as well fuck off, she backpedaled and said something to the effect of "Oh user I need more time" essentially saying that it's my fault because I "Don't see things from her perspective"

For reference, you can even set "Relationships" and "Sex" as interests for fuck's sake

I don't think i've ever had a guy write me a letter on slowly desu

>meet Ukrainian qt on interpals 4 years ago
>still talk to her to this day on other platforms
>flirt constantly
>too scared to ask to see her tits because I don't want to ruin the friendship
What do I do, bros?

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>flirt constantly on other platforms
>didn't even get a tit pic

We've never spoken about sex or anything sexual. Just friendly flirting.
she's tall and slim and her photos make me go diamond.
On the other hand, I've had numerous Russian girls send me their tits, but I respect this girl too much to ask her

I got a number from some Ukrainian girl that is into recreating medieval sword fights, so cute! She isn't a beauty but the rest of Ukrainians and Russians I talk to on the site definitely are, is this site relatively popular in East Slavic lands?


yeah it seems so
I've literally never received a profile view or a message from a western girl
only other slavs and turks, occasional east asian

Hey ricardo

Nope, sorry bud

Ay quit pulling my leg ricardo old cob, I know its you you cheeky bugger

What kind of shit name is Ricardo? stop calling me that

Sorry lad, just felt like messing with you

A lot of "people" are there, and yes west Slavs as well like the poles or Slovenians
Although probably others as well it's just that I've looked for those and I see a lot of mutts

Aye. I'm not exactly hunting a woman to meet but someone to talk to regularly would be cool, even better if she had low standards and thought I was attractive but whatever.
Unfortunately, women cannot into common courtesy and will leave any conversation at any point; be this an inherent aspect of female behavior or the mere fact that any woman has 100s of guys at any time to pick and choose from.

>1500 words back and forth
>no connection at all
They clearly interact more than most people on the damn website. Are you a woman?

sending long ass walls of text is not the same as actually having a conversation with someone

I feel you bro. You probably should have showed her pictures at an earlier stage, but afterwards one is always smarter. The following might sound like I'm not being serious or I'm mocking you, but I'm not. Go on for a few weeks and analyze the shit out of your face. Take plastic surgery for the worst parts, you can nowadays get a completely new face (provided you have the money for it:/)

On ip I have copied the profile picture of an other user, in a (in my opinion) unfortunate camera angle and I have gotten good conversations out of it. Since I have basically a stick man as pp I never get any messages and everybody takes very long to respond and then usually with just a few short words. It's a day and night difference. So yeah without profile pictures you won't get very far on that website, maybe with an interesting bio.

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>plastic surgery
unless one is really ugly, then something as simple as losing weight, working out and dressing better is enough

>tells me her heart is broken because I don't want to talk to her anymore
I'm not the one that outright ignores fucking messages. Not like she'll have an issue finding others.

If you're not doing that in todays age then it's your own fault. Why putting so much effort into writing qts, you should put that effort into looksmaxing and girls will come to you on their own.

I don't care about any of this, I just wanted to have 1 (one) qt that I would be interested in, and I didn't need to "looksmax" or whatever to find her

but if your goal is to attract as many boring thots as possible, then sure

I was responding to the romanian. I don't know how he looks, he prolly doesn't even look bad. But even the most wholesome girl would never want an ugly unmanly dude. She might be able to overlook it, but you know at some point a better version of yourself comes along and with the blink of an eye she isn't interested in you anymore. Everybody is superficial in the sense that every human on earth is attracted to beauty. The universe is at its core full of symmetries. Mathematical symmetries are what make this universe possible. Asymmetries lead to chaos, they're (in my belief) a consequence of evil. Even if you don't agree with me on those greater aspects of beauty, every woman on earth is attracted to a good looking face more than to an ugly one, other things being equal. It's natural, don't delude yourself, two people dating are always having selfish reasons, there is no intrinisc love here, atleast I have never seen it. There is uncondidtional love, but that is not what dating is about, here both parties are doing it for a reason. (in greek there are about three different words for love and that differentiation is basically what I mean).
And yes if your girl never leaves you, just means you were genetically good enough for her, nothing more. She couldn't get anything better or you showed enough good qualities for her to be interested in you. Good for you then.