Yes, we're gonna deal drugs in your country

Yes, we're gonna deal drugs in your country.
Yes, we're gonna bully the ever living fuck out of you if you get uppity.
Yes, we're gonna end up investing everything back home anyway and not contribute a dime to your economy in the end.

No there's absolutely nothing you can do about it besides impotently seethe and cry on anime messageboards.

Attached: 1280px-Flag_of_Albania.svg[1].png (1280x914, 38.05K)

dubs incoming

Attached: 1559948061839.jpg (1392x5050, 1.75M)

"Which leads me to add one Remark: That the Number of purely White People in the World is proportionably very small. All Greece is black or tawny. Montenegro chiefly tawny. Macedonia (exclusive of the Albanians) wholly so. And in the Balkans, the Bulgarians, Romanians, Bosniaks, Croatians and Slovenians, are generally of what we call a swarthy Complexion; as are the Serbians also, the Kosovars only excepted, who with the Albanians, make the principal Body of White People on the Face of the Earth."

Attached: albbc fly.jpg (700x456, 46.83K)


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rolling for my albaniabro

Fantastic posts
My regards to you

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shut up azerbaijan


Do we even have a large Albanian population anywhere?

tenk ju juesej ju ar maj best frend ju ar de piss kiper ju ar de leđend

I want fuck Albanian girl

Yes, in jew york city

I don't have gender dysphoria but i do specifically want to be a popular albanian songstress


>In all of New York City the Albanian Population was 24, 427.

Wow its nothing

Fuck you, This is for Yugoslavia

rollin' rollin' rollin', rawhide!

lol they busted an indoor grow op in my town that was run by some albanians.

love pints
love me albo mates
love inglund
love kosova
love dua lipa
'ate serbs

simple as

Attached: ETERNAL NORF-GHEG BRO ALLIANCE.jpg (1200x900, 125.99K)

t. shokdran toniblerim

Fuck it

rolling for based armend

are albanians really muslims or is it like saying french people are catholics


Attached: I patitulluar.jpg (678x560, 78.16K)

Oh shi-

Attached: Albania LGBTQ.png (1714x831, 1.44M)

Look at my 9

Check these sexts

Shut up yank no one cares

based kosova poster

check em


Albanians are cool people. Knew some in London and used to chill and smoke weed, long live albania

3-4 get



we are basically New Albania

anyone got the picture with albanian in albania vs albanian in the west?