why dont they just come together to form one nation?
Why dont they just come together to form one nation?
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gdp , culture
Too many moslems and genocide
cuz this
Exclude Slovenia tho. They aren't balkanoids but honorary germanics
How come it's always an American? What's with Americans and Socialist Countries? You never see them posting about greater Morocco or the reformation of the Kalmar Union or the Mughal Empire or the Majapahit Empire or the Inca Empire or the French Empire. It's always failed Socialist countries.
because I speak Slovenian, not Serbocroatian
Lěpa naša domovino,
Oj junačka zemljo mila,
Stare slave dědovino,
Da bi vazda čestna bila!
Mila, kano si nam slavna,
Mila si nam ti jedina,
Mila, kuda si nam ravna,
Mila, kuda si planina!
Teci, Sava hitra, teci
Nit’ ti Dunaj silu gubi,
Kud li šumiš, světu reci:
Da svog’ doma Horvat ljubi,
Dok mu njive sunce grije,
Dok mu hrastje bura vije,
Dok mu mertve grob sakrije,
Dok mu živo serdce bije!
>I speak Slovenian
you mean a dialect of croatian
Because we don't want to.
>you mean a dialect of croatian
Josh Horvatzka ni propala,
Dok mi sivimo;
Viszoko sze bude ztala,
Kad ju zbudimo;
Ak’ je dugo tverdo zpala,
Jachja hoche bit’,
Ak’ je szada vu sznu mala,
Che sze proztranit’.
Ni li zkoro zkradnye vreme,
Da nyu zviszimo,
Ter da ztranyzko tesko breme
Iz nasz baczimo;
Ztari szmo y mi Horvati,
Niszmo zabili,
Da szmo vashi pravi brati
Zlo prebavili.
Hoj Horvati, bratyo mila,
Chujte nashu rech,
Neche nasz razdrusit’ szila
Bash nikakva vech;
Nasz je negda jedna mati
Drága rodila,
Z jednim nasz je Bog joj plati!
Mlékom kojila.
>america, nato, vatican and the west ruined brotherhood and unity
>you've been lied to. support the revolution
that's true tho
too bad the thread is in america hours. post at CET times and it would happen
So? This shouldn't be a main argument, do I have to show you maps of Spain, Italy...
The only thing they hate more than each other is the Turks and not by far.
honestly I though Međimurje was better off until recently but I guess having a large gypo population does it's thing
In your opinion, what do you think are the main problems holding the Spanish economy down?
I always expected places like Galicia, Asturias, Castilla and Leon to be in the greens but seems I was mistaken.
Butthurt about Tvrks is mainly coming from Greece and servia. In Albania (excl. ortho"humans"), Kosovo, Bosnia, N.Macedonia Turkey is seen as friendly. In the rest its probably neutral/ambivalent. I mean austrian stableboys (Croats) don't even have serious relationships with Turkey so you can't say there's hatred there for example.
Imagine Serbs coming together to form one nation with turks(Bosniaks)
>austrian stableboys
here's a light reading, zoomer
slovenščina je neki čis druzga kokr hrvaščina kreten pou kurca ne razumete slovensk
Croatian is like a post-nuclear degraded mutant version of Slovene
cause we'd genocide each other again
Don't try to steal the credit.
>never tried before