High School is over forever tomorrow

>High School is over forever tomorrow

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are you underage?

no, 18 year old senior
until tomorrow
then i'll be an 18 year old graduate faggot

and its only downhill from there, enjoy

I dropped out when I was 16 and have been busting in bitches ever sense.

Don't pay attention or hear the incel NEETS
Everything's uphill from now on

uni is so much fucking better than highschool
don't know if OP is going to uni though

many of us wish we could go back to the point in our lives you're at right now
just enjoy it, love whatever family you have, have fun and don't take life too seriously

>he's almost 30yo and still having regular dreams and nightmares set in high-school

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Are you going to commit a school shooting?

i finished high school last year and i don't miss it one bit

Congratulations on surviving what I'm sure were several school shootings.

College was stressful enough that it took its place

I still have high-school nightmares yeah...

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>high school was 10 years ago


Cool. Finally you're going to see the day when alienation will hit you with a sledgehammer. The day when all your aspirations will die and your shell will operate as a cog in the ruthless machine of modern economics. You're going to have a simpleton wife and simpleton kids doing philister activities and aceepting philister values.
Choose mortgage, university loans, unemployment, petty tyrant bosses and corporate hypocricy. Choose browsing Zig Forums and facebook trying to stuff that gaping hole under the shell of your body with something resembling interesting content. Choose life.

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I still have those dreams about the professor who disliked me

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High school wasn't really cool. Very monotonous for the entirety of it. Now college is a fucking roller coaster but only if you want it to be.

College is a gay waste of time. High school was peak. Welcome to hell.

Now you have 4-5 more years of a superior experience in college (if you're going). I cannot begin to describe how much better college is than high school. It's everything you know about high school with the added freedom of choosing your own schedule and more free time.

I'm 27 and I peaked in elementary
Played doctor with different girls
Seems like it was in a different life now

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High school and college both sucks if you don't make any friends. friends are the only reason you'll miss it.

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Enjoy uni or college, it's way better than high school could ever be.

good point. But college is easier to make friends because everyone wants to make friends. So college IS better than high school. Even more when you go to a traditional 4-year university.

don't be a tradecuck because God knows people still hold a degree on a higher note than a trade certificate

This. Everyone is surprisingly friendly in college.


>tfw 18 and will go to school with 15/16/17 years old, maybe even younger
hmmm fresh pussy

Do zoomers actually like being in highschool?

Not when you're actually there, but I do miss it sometimes. Going to classes, hanging with your bros that you're probably never going to see again after you graduate.

I was never lonelier, more stressed out, or more miserable than while I was in college. It was easily the worst time of my life when I contemplated suicide every hour of every day and only chose not to kill myself because I knew it was going to end if I just held on for a few more years.