What brazilians thinks of pic related ?
What brazilians thinks of pic related ?
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I guess we're supposed to worship him as a hero? I don't know, I was born a few months after he died. Apparently he was pretty good at driving.
What do you think of Prost?
For most brazilians, he was hero, but for me? Only f1 good pilot. Brazilian television created he as heroic person for brazilian inspired in anyone, like american created heroic persons.
Prost was pretty good but not dramatic like senna
Boomers worship him here. Zoomers probably too but they never seen anything of him.
I was 8 when he died.
Kids used to like him very much, adults were very into formula 1 because of him.
How white was he? What %?
Italian, Brazilian and Spanish so about 5%
national hero for boomers
vai aprender inglês antes de postar aqui pão com bosta do caralho
One National Hero. Pure soul. Ugly gf.
I understood him.
Remember when he died it was on tv for days
>no brazilian driver on the current line up
whoa what happened?
Í don´t give a shit
rubinho literally turned the whole away from f1
There was still Massa. He almost won 2008 WC
he turned into a potato after the accident
What about Felipe Nasr?
F1 is dead as fuck in this country, Rubinho killed it for everyone, I know he is a cool person irl and shit but holy fuck what an achievement, imagine single handledly killing a whole country's tradition in a sport
It will die here also when Kimi retires. When he didn't drive for one season no one wathced the sport here even if we had Heikki
No one cares about Bottas tbqh
a media puppet
poor people like him because he used to say shit like
>god is steering the wheel for me
Nelson Piquet is funnier
Why aren't drivers like this anymore? There's Kimi, but after he retires just cringe zoomers PR bots with no personality
Shit likes this would cause so much butthurt nowadays in twitter, facebook and whatever if shit like that happened nowadays somebody like him would never be sponsored
And pay drivers are ruining the sport. There's niggas like Latifi and Stroll which his daddy basically bought a whole team for him. Pay drivers taking the spot for more talented ones. I know especially the smaller teams money but that's fucked up
It's getting more and more expensive to run an F1 team and the teams are not going to risk sponsors by hiring crazy drivers
3 time world champion but even his high school hung up a plaque of Ayrton Senna
Yeah but those are high schoolers. If you go to the school Romario studied today and make a poll about how their library should be named today and add Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo to it romario would probably end up in third place
Aren't they introducing a budget cap tho? I don't know if that's a good thing tho. F1 has always been about innovation and making the best cars. A lot of shit from F1 cars have come to regular consumer cars
On average only boomers and xoomers idolize him. Younger people may know him but don't really care unless they're really into F1 and even then they prefer Lewis Hamilton.