is this accurate?
Is this accurate?
Zig Forums is normie
>Zig Forums
Literally everyone fucking hate other countries here. The european and The american, The japanese and The korean, etc
t. ex-/o/
Most people here are colossal losers.
No, every is an asshole.
>Zig Forums, /fa/, Zig Forums
no, it's wrong
aren't that like the whole site?
No and whoever made is can legally qualify as retarded.
Zig Forums became normie long ago
/his/ definitely has autism and can be very accommodating if you aren't Zig Forumsscum or /leftypol/ degens.
/tg/ has 40 year olders with wives but spend all their cash in rainbow dices
you tell me what's a measure of normie
Zig Forums is a weird mix between reddit tier normie newfags and autism
it's difficult to classify Zig Forums as being one or the other. there's a good mix of both extremes.
Zig Forums and /fa/ have absolutely always been normie, there were like weekly hipster meetups in 2012
Zig Forums is normie in the sense that every boomer faggot on earth knows about it
>Zig Forums
Excuse me?
also Zig Forums isnt nice lmao
i'd say it's one of the most newfag boards though
i can't fathom anything more autistic than getting genuinely angry over video games that you've never played, so put Zig Forums in the upper-left quadrant and this will be perfect.
I love /his/ but it is a lefty Zig Forums and Zig Forums colony
Is /o/ that powerful?
>/bant/ more normie than Zig Forums
new definition of normie?
>in the sense that every boomer faggot on earth knows about it
meh, not every old person is sane
How in the fuck is /out/ so close to normie? I’ve seen people autistically obsess over ultra light toothbrushes for the lightest packs. They are nice though, they just belong around where /diy/ is.
/leftypol/ are much better at being subtle
Zig Forums retards are retards though
people here are failed normies, but still normies
Zig Forums feels like Zig Forums sometime
/fr/ is basically Zig Forums and Zig Forums rolled in one
/his/ is Zig Forums with dates, a couple of butthurt retards bitching about Zig Forums in every thread only reinforces it
Zig Forums, you n00bs, is a hub
it always have been content repost from other boards especially the old ones
if robots decide to make this their new tranny home, then Zig Forums is doing its intended purpose
Zig Forums isnt nice unless the other ones are seriously rude. Half this board is anti-American shitposting.
Rent-free, Ameribro. Just remember that.
it's missing the faggot axis on which int would be way up
>especially the old ones
the foreign* ones, my bad
Anti American shitposting is huge anyway. Look at Zig Forums
Zig Forums, /fa/, Zig Forums, and especially Zig Forums are all autistic as fuck.
Smart is not the same as autistic.
>Zig Forums not the most autistic board on this entire website
oh I'm thinking this is bait.
There isnt enough anti american shitposting
Zig Forums is 100% normie
Zig Forums is 100% newfags
The absolute delusions.
/g/, Zig Forums, /ck/, Zig Forums, /bant/, /sp/, Zig Forums, /soc/, Zig Forums, Zig Forums, Zig Forums, /o/ and specially Zig Forums are the most normalfag boards you retards.
Zig Forums, /vp/, /d/, [s4s], /sci/, /lit/ and specially /jp/ are the lest normalfag.
The nice/rudeness is mostly correct, though.
Have seen people on Zig Forums insist that most people nowadays are 'alt right', the incel delusion is real
Normie doesn't mean "being a chad", it means not understanding how internet culture works, and being close minded with shit 90% of this board would be interested in
Zig Forums is full of losers, but they're all normies.
>Zig Forums
Ok but normie and autistic aren't opposites then.
Literally the point of Zig Forums