1. You're cunt

1. You're cunt
2. Do you care about people smoking weed in your cunt? Would you give a shit if your neighbor smoked weed and you could smell it?

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stoners get the rope

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>Would you give a shit if your neighbor smoked weed and you could smell it?
Yeah I'd give a shit, I'd ask him to share it with me

I don't hate the smell of weed, but I don't want to have it stick to my clothing or smell it all the time. That's why I stick to edibles for the most part.

That doesn't happen unless you smoke 5 times a day. It's not like cigarette smoke that smells for days.

Go fuck yourself ausfreak

And before you fags start implying,
it's a gif, and if you load it and wait long enough, it turns into a Starlight Glimmer pepe.
Or if you open the gif in Photoshop, GIMP, Preview, etc. it can show both frames immediately.

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I guess I'm just paranoid about it. I have a terrible sense of smell. I can only really smell strong odors or really powerful fragrances, so I get worried about smelling bad all the time and not being able to realize it.

Anyone who smokes weed past the age of 18 is just gay, like damn, if you're going to fuck your dopamine system at least do it right, typical lazy stoners, too lazy to even put effort into drug use.

People that don't use marijuana can smell it easy, you absolutely reek.

It's well extended


I used to smoke a lot, stopped completely about 9 months ago. I feel very empty now.
Even if i experienced a mostly monotone haze before, i got surges of inspiration and thought, amounting to nothing of course but at least felt something.

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1: America
2: I think all drug users should be put in work camps.

I’m sorry nobody invited you to any parties

I would instantly report him to the proper authorities as well as notifying his parents

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I would call a police on him
fuck pothead

1. Flag
2. It smells like shit and ruins people's brains, so yes I care

Why did you stop? Are you becoming a wagie or something?

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erryone smokes weed here no one cares

I'm high right now lol

and it's legal

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I cannot handle smoke. So, I don't care what you do but I don't need to smell it, if I do then I would complain

>Would you give a shit if your neighbor smoked weed and you could smell it?
Yes because if I could smell it from that far away then I'd assume that their house was on fire

I think heroin should be sold at supermarkets

Look, I like to smoke weed now and then, but if there was constant weed smell in my apartment I would surely be bothered.

if you're constantly high, you dont give a fuck lol that's the trick

I don't care about stoners, but I hate the smell. Smoke if you want, it's your life, but if I smell I'll ask you to stop


People who drink too?

my entire apt complex smells like weed all the time
don't really care, havent smoked in 7 years, the smell is still somewhat palatable though

Marijuana is an illegal drug so of course I would have to notify the police.