Corrr edition
/brit/ is a /cuppa/ general
wouldnt change it for the world
Alri then
*sips lemon tea*
The Jews have Hitler
The germans have Stalin
Who does Britain have thats historically tried to destroy us
Been feeling like I need a shit all day but nothing's coming out
wish i could make one now but its coming up 6pm desu
THIS is a true English Rose
just realised I haven't taken a shit since tuesday
Just made myself /blackcoffee/ a few minutes ago. Sipping joyfully atm.
Honestly if she couldn't pass as a local in your household, you're non-white
Go on then lads, who'll it be?
>watching gameplay footage of a game i'm interested in and the guy who made it is overeating to fucking everything
4 is the least grim
are they what people call juggalos?
what the hell is going on with #6
that's a women your talking about
watch a different video then you sped
love it
having a chucle
hatefuck 6 (sat down)
marry 4
brutally attack 1
play niche games with little choice of videos you munter
6 is peng
love that look
Honestly if she couldn't pass as a local in your household, you're non-white
Hey, don't bully my wife.
just remembered about that witch thatcher and started smashing my bedroom up
Shit gimmick mate
pathetic nerd
Play OneShot (and preferentially buy it on Steam)
Blast some Discharge and spit on her grave.
Video games are the only medium in which the more obscure it is the more of a virgin you come across
it's quite funny and it's gaining traction
i smell an argie using a VPN
4 or 6. 6 would probably be fine if she washed her face.
Actually 4 is pretty nice, just has an outdated haircut.
>drink all le tea xDD
Piss off, /brit/ is a /pints/ general
Hitler & Stalin
fairly sure this is true of all entertainment mediums
didn't ask
seems i cant deny
some days just pass me by
literally Hitler
Nah that's like every medium.
holy shit
Thatcher was based you vile northern monkeys
not my kind of game thanks
>not somewhat orange
>roots not showing
enjoy your estrogen
whats french law like for wild camping
I'm not looking for somebody
With some superhuman gifts
Some superhero
Some fairytale bliss
Just something I can turn to
Somebody I can kiss
fookin milk snatcha
Nah, that depends on the way you present and carry yourself.
Fair enough.
>had a job interview last week via Zoom
>answered the first 3 questions so well the interviewer said "well, these questions are clearly too easy, lets just skip the rest of these"
>was asked for datagathering ideas, gave tons, one of which the interviewer said "wow, we hadn't thought of that before" and asked me to repeat it so he could note it down
>got on EXTREMELY well with both interviewers, who both went to my uni and by the end were cracking jokes with me and laughing
>after the interviewer he explicitly thanked me for the interview and said it was a pleasure to interview someone with such passion
>1 week passes, get an email
>"Many thanks for your application to our _______ role. It has been really a pleasure to meet you."
>"We have reviewed all the applications received and, unfortunately, we have decided to don’t proceed with your application in this case. I’m sorry, it has been not an easy decision, and I wish you good luck for your future career."
i just dont get it....
i literally dont see how it could have gone any better and i still got rejected
i will never be employed
>"Come on over 'ere love, give us a smooch"
Hitler loved britain
i smell a southern fairy
fuck off you cretin
Listen to me, Lamia, listen to what I've got to say
I've got these feelings and they won't go away
I've got these fears inside that'll bring me to my knees
Oh, help me, Lamia, or I'm sure I'll die, oh, please
More soy to avoid beer because of trace amounts of phytoestrogen than it is to develop large beer breasts
Is your facebook just full of pepes?
probably re-assessed their finances and realised they can't afford it. many places will be getting rid of people when furlough ends.
He didnt though and couldnt
from what I gather this sounds like a techy job that indians do for half the price
sorry mate
>whats french law like for wild camping
Depends. Is the only answer to that.
are you a white male par chance?
why are women socialised more easily than men? a socially awkward female is much rarer
Fascinating picture
Often have delusions of grandeur where I'm a super strong DBZ style character who lives a simple life of training and competing in martial arts tournaments.
Doing us a favour wiping out those hideous 1930s/40s houses desu
Just like he loved Rotterdam
bit concerning that pal
Nobody loved that dirty shithole back then
ye but so were both the interviewers and they didnt seem like SJW types, they seemed like pretty standard pasty nerds
its all set to private and theres nothing incriminating on it anyway
i would have done it for free my self-worth is so low desu
V1s and V2s really were too far ahead of their time. Would love one dropped on birmingham selfridges
I live in a house that looks exactly like this. Reckon most of /brit/ does too tbf
Whine harder bitch boy.
women are brought to be groups, men are allowed to be independent.
Would it not be great though?
Evolution innit mate.
and nobody loves it now except immigrants.
who are some of the lesser known/forgotten girls from the peak of /brit/'s commie twitter girl obsession circa 2015? I remember commiemami and some one called g0thbb or something like that
i did
>go to a job interview last week
>boss asks me dozens of times if I'm down for it should she call me later that day
>tell her I'm all in
>she calls me later to tell me they've chosen me and that I should call her back tomorrow once I take care of the documents
>tells me we'll talk on Monday since it's the weekend
>call her and she beats around the bush and tells me she'll call me later this week once she's in town
What the fuck, me lads? Finally land a job after doing several interviews which amounted to nothing and now I'm being jerked off.
Emma Watson’s face when she gazed upon my knob.
its weird because I have actually met a few socially awkward women but yet they still manage to socialise ten times better than most blokes
she'd be based if she didn't do favors for her friends and allow people to buy council estates, she also presided over the destruction of the RSAF which exposed the tories as the pseudo nationalists jewish golems they've always been.
It's the best city in Holland. Amsterdam is basically Disneyworld and Den Haag is too corporate.