Yeah, I know THAT was too much, but why the fuck the dirkies target on the unrelated stores or whatever?

Yeah, I know THAT was too much, but why the fuck the dirkies target on the unrelated stores or whatever?
Legit question.

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capitalist establishments must pay their dues to the underprivileged

Its to make a statement I imagine. They got their frustration out on international news so obviously it worked

>cops are busy guarding the killer cop's home
>no one will come to stop the crimes
It's not that hard to figure out, I'd even call the looters smart for using the opportunity so well but they let themselves be filmed so maybe not.

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Why not? American officials are lucky that guillotines aren't a thing anymore because that's where they would've ended up in a different time

>people glorifying ghetto and criminal behavior act upon them

You wouldn't understand, you're first world.
Those people are animals
They're subhuman criminals, there's nothing smart about them. They're animals

black people are tend to be violent than other races but it is reality my nigga I am not a racist. I think it is to do something about evolution

>target hq is in minneapolis
>target is known for funding the mn police
>that store is also known for its experimental surveillance system
>everybody already hates that store
>the protest gave them a reason to trash the store
This is the reason.

this has been proven by geneticists, blacks needed to be more aggressive in order to survive in the conditions they did back in africa, years of evolution, or should i say devolution, since africa didn't evolve at all, turned the negroes like this. Whites and other races, evolved their intellect, to build tools that make their lives easier, farming and raising cattle, and thus not needing to be as aggressive to survive

Europeans are actually more violent though, tell me what other continent completely annihilated all dangerous wild life for example.

Isn't Ethiopia a refute to that(the old Axum empire)?

Yes I completly agree, the rap culture and glorifying violence is the biggest problem to the African American community.

Although I would say that it's only an African American problem, the Nigerian community in the US is very successful and also the Ethiopian community is doing good.

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It's almost as if they aren't angry about the dead black guy but are just pretending to be so they can feel justified in looting and stealing the stuff other people put hard work into creating. Really makes you think doesn't it?

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>When you realize that because some African Americans looted some shit because they are KANGZ you, an Ethiopian man in Israel is going to get called a looter and robber in your workplace

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Post this on Zig Forums and they'll say it's a Mexican or some sort of Jew.

>NOOOOOOOO not the heckin' mass produced consumer goods!

The message I got is that they are violent savages that need to be civilized. The inciting incident while tragic and horrific, did less damage to their community than their current actions. Since the officer responsible was fired and there were calls for his arrest justice may have been served without this insanity. Had they peacefully protested instead or formed a well organised militia to blockade their community it is very likely they would have had near universal sympathy. While it is clear to me that greater measures need to be put in place to hold offending officers accountable it is also clear to me that the residents of these communities are a greater threat to themselves than any murderous police officer. They are their own worst enemy.

Blacks from Africa tend to hate African Americans. It's for good reason. I've noticed blacks from Africa don't have an eternal chip on their shoulder and come from real poverty and want to make a better life. For whatever reason African Americans will never be satisfied and will always be eternally ass blasted which hurts themselves and each other more than anyone else.

They could be turds wrapped in tin foil priced at $50 on the shelves. It's somebody's livelihood being destroyed who had nothing to do with what happened.

Spot on.

One thing you should understand is that from the time they can learn to talk, blacks here get brainwashed into the whole "we wuz slaves" culture, and that no matter what they do they can never make it because of white racism. A lot of them just end up never trying to make anything of themselves because of it. The propaganda in school is heavy af too.

I don't know about it but it may be true considering all the "WE WUZ SLAVES N KANGZ SHIEET" there are there is a possibility you are right. Although Ethiopians don't have that because we were never colonized and although slavery did occur in Ethiopia it wasn't widespread as it was in West Africa or NA

At the end of the day though even if white racism was this huge problem in their way, they are a big enough portion of the population to collaborate with each other to have their own nice businesses and gated communities etc. But every majority black area is an absolute shithole even without racist whites to randomly kill them. If we got rid of policing their neighborhoods like they ask, it would be like Mad Max in those places, but if we police them then shit like this happens on occasion and they burn down everything in sight out of anger.

The modern way of redistributing wealth

It's a never ending loophole, I feel bad for the kids they are being born in a shitty environment. I would say that it's a 60/40 to blame.

40% on the govt
60% on the community

I've never got this logic.
Just stomp them with Military.

How can this excess be in any form acceptable to allow to happen.

The looting joggers are the true believers in capitalism, they are just too stupid or uneducated to earn money which they value so much so they steal

America is a third world country. Prove me wrong

>just be nazi bro
Thanks for your input Hans

Who the fuck cares about made in chink ripoff shit. Its literally nothing but rip off mega corp trash. Stop pretending to be a moral fag/sjw

Dude this is an emergency for law enforcement.
How is that Nazi to allow this much breaks of the law. Violence, theft property damages.
Where is law enforcement? What the hell is this Venezuela or United Sharts?

because if you're just marching holding hands and smiling no one gives a shit about what you're saying (if there's nothing to gain from it), but when you start burning shit, people will be more likely to listen to what you have to say.

Federal Gov will have to necessarily take some sort of political or legislative initiative to stop the rioting, since they can't resolve this militarily without starting a civil war