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International #1241
Your worthless and pathetic cunt
Your cunt
What happens when we die?
The Italian will expand his favela shed thanks to the new EU money
The USA is trash
Why does he hate Arabs?
Zig Forums Movie Night
/ita/ il filo
This is the man that singlehandedly drove America past the point of no return. Say something nice to him!
Conceptualize the fragrance
Hilo latino
The Duality of America
Norway, explain
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
/deutsch/ und /geil/
Original Japanese = West Asian
Sverigetråden - elon musk
You may only post ITT if your cunt can put humans into space
Private company can launch to space station
/fr/ - Le Francofil
What type of phone do you have Zig Forums?
Post your car
Why are they so friendly ?
Your country?
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2399
You arrive in France
Moving to Japan
Where the lewd niggas at, huh? probably not here... are they?
What's stopping china from zerg rush and take over the entire siberia...
What are police like in your country? Do you trust them or are they all "bastards"...
I hope Anonymous
American families have 'the talk'
Why exactly is it a bad thing for China to be the dominant power instead of America
Tell me about Latinas
In real life, white people are very nice to me and say they like Chinese diaspora like me. But on the internet...
America is in chaos but surely the Zig Forumsellectual can let me know exactly when China will collapse
/ita/ - il filo
Otro hilo /esp/añol
Sverigetråden - Malmöupplagan
Japanese niggas be like "eeeeeeeeeeehh?"
Post your real flags
/med/ - olive oil general
/fr/ - le francofil
Hop on the sofa user! It's euro 2020 and sweden vs [your cunt] is on! Your are cheering for Sweden right?
/norgetråden/ /挪威/
/rus/ and friends
The difference between Korean and Japanese idols
American engineering
Do people support trans rights in your country?
USA vs Europe
Your country
How do you say "I can't breathe" in your language?
Eurofood tier list
Take an IQ test Zig Forums
For me it's orangutan, the greatest great ape
I bless the rains over Ebony Land
Just dont break the law and dont resist arrest
Why hate china?
This rapper is #1 on Spotify for Sweden. Why can't native Swedes rap?
/ita/ - il filo
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Is this actually what Japs think Westerners look like?
Some japs in 2chan posted pictures of portuguese slums and keep saying portugal is poor those motherfuckers are fucking...
Zig Forums you fucking lied to me. You told me it would be easy to get an indian gf as long as I am white...
Name 3 countries where you wouldn’t live even if you got paid
/fr/ - Le fil français
Are nurses considered heroes in your country?
Does this happen in your cunt?
/mena/ + /chads/
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
Non-shithole cities
How are people in Europe perceiving the Fall of America?
/fr/ - Le fil français
Search "List of Vietnamese inventions" on wikipedia
Sverigetråden - Virusupplagan
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
/lat/ - hilo latinoamericano
Zig Forums Do you agree this?
Why are white Americans so fucking cucks...
Please visit Portugal
Have you ever noticed that the border between Great Civilizations and disgusting...
Why are there so many strongmen leaders now?
Your cunt
Post them
244 years of history
Ladies and gentlemen, we lost
Crazy how the only 2 shitholes to start political crisis during a pandemic are brazil and muhrica
1. Your national country
ITT legendary Zig Forums posts
We won bros
What is Zig Forumss take on this so-called WMAF question?
How well you mourn the collapse of the USA?
What countries have the best tomboys?
'Path to UK citizenship' for 2.9m HK residents
WE DID IT Zig Forums
We glorify violence, gangster culture and drugs in our ghetto but you can't stereotype us on those things...
Is homosexuality still considered a mental illness or a choice in your cunt?
Which one has the best food?
Post three countries you dislike
How are my international TALL KINGS doing?
Asian women
Sverigetråden - Kattupplagan
Why didn't they develop a cuisine?
/fr/ le francofil
Why don't they unite?
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
Were things in your country better in the past?
See race riots in Minnesota
What country has the girls with the lowest standards?
This was peak Zig Forums
/ita/ - il Filo
Why are they such nazis?
Nord-med relations hit a new low
Greece has too many islands in the Aegean sea. We should at least get half of the islands
Marks of a non-human
What country is yours frens with?
Sverigetråden - Jimmies upplaga
100 Germans vs 100 Russians. Bare knuckles. No weapons. Fists and Foot only
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
English food
Do Americans deserve this for what they did ?
Why there is no race war here?
Please elect a non-retard next time America
Tell me about indigenous Korean religion (神敎). Why don't Koreans practice it?
Ouch. Doesn't look good for Sweden
What the fuck is happening in the US? Can anyone give a quick rundown?
Your country
Went on second date
/rechtsmaik's schwengelfete mit kamerad_innen/
Finnsects, the negroes of Europe
American intellectual property is being sold for $4 in India
Protagonist of Western Europe
Why was there no outrage about this?
How do I get countryballs instead of flags on 4channel's Zig Forums? Like on KC
You ever noticed those Subhumans on YouTube?
/fr/ - le francofil
/ישר/ - /isr/
What happens here?
/turk/ - (formerly known as /tr/)
Post whatever equipment from you're countries military you want
Greece is the only European country without female police officers
Post your ancestors and not memes this time
If you want to know why Americans are rioting it was just announced that the officers involved in this will NOT be...
Your country?
/danmarktråden/ + skandibanden
I wish we only took only non-muslim indians as immigrants
Kurva anyátok
Good morning Zig Forums!
Literally confused germans
How do Europeans feel about China overtaking the USA as the hegemonic leader of the world?
This girl made 100.000 dollars in one month with Onlyfans, which she explains in this video...
Did anyone here grow up in Russia/Eastern Europe during the early '90s...
You lived long enough to witness the collapse of the evil empire
Indian man in Brampton attacks BBC for fucking his Daughter
Have you ever eaten gyros?
How did he do it? How did he manage to defeat the USA without lifting a finger?
Wait a minute...Is that?
We will eventually become the #1 country in corona, its inevitable...
Why is India so kino?
I'm Mexican
I guess you can rob me, I realise you’re just lashing out at your oppression
There's ice there
Why are Americans so mentally ill? Every race...
/med/ - olive oil general
Hilo /esp/añol
Why I want to be Arab?
Tfw an Englishman calls you "Good Lad"
Do you support D10?
Stop shitting on America
What is he thinking about right now?
Let's talk about this peculiar country
My dream is to reproduce with an Amazonian Indian
/cum/ - Rooftop edition
White women
We're officially poorer than Russia. It's over bros
Why arent we bleaching more spooks, spics, gooks, poos and sandniggers?
What do you know about the Amazon?
Why is vodka
S to spit on America
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Lol america
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
Who's the founding father/mother of your nation?
Would you let your daughter date me?
/lang/ - Language Learning General
Let's say something good about country of poster above your post
What is like to live in a country without house geckos?
How do violent anti-police protestors dress in your country?
Why everyone hate us arab Bros ?
Brazil > USA
Say one way America is better than your country
Hilo /lat/ino
/cum/ - Canada US Mexico
This is Europe in 2030
Is America great yet?
Pregunta para latinoamericanos:
Hate America
/nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
The official and undeniable worst posters on Zig Forums list:
Your cunt
The Guianas
/mena/ + /incels/
Post the most American thing in your folder
USA is making a investigation
Post candies/snacks that only you and nobody else eats
Do Japanese-Americans really look like this?
A stain upon an otherwise beautiful country
Tfw a European MAN gives me a (you)
Ur cunt
/ita/ - il Filo
Why do so many of you have IT jobs?
Persians are responsible for Islamic high culture
How many English words do you know?
Is your country like this?
Why is british food so bad?
Post minimarts in your country
Is european migration to south / latin america still a thing nowadays?
Do Americans really do this?
This guy got off to easy
/fr/ - Le fil français
What does he mean by "we"?
The wrong side won ww2
/brit /
You wake up in new Somalia (Minnesota)
Sverigetråden - Drömvärldupplagan
What do you think of your new credit system?
Why do they make other South Americans seethe?
What the fuck is this map? Where are the sources of this shit? Who is the fucktard who did this?
Poland has immigrants
Why are people from this country so ugly
Faces of Zig Forums
What if you're in germany and maria stopped you for an interview haha
/brit /
I wish Brazil bordered the USA
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Look deep into his russian eyes. What do you think is going through his head right now?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Yes, I'm monolingual
Why can't lesser Slavs (especially Poles) accept that their countries and peoples only exist because the grace of...
What country was Zig Forums a "boo" of during its cringy teenage years?
Does your country have its own Harry Potter magic school?
Pride themselves on being lazy and leeching off other countries
/fr/ - Le fil français
What is it like to have a Portuguese gf?
Three million chinks are about to flood britain
Isn't it amazing how Germs celebrate Tetoburg yet ignore all the punitive campaigns...
Industrial power
How do people remain virgins in Brazil? It seems like it would be impossible past the age of 20
Hello? Based institute?
Welcome to the first world, Brazilian monkey-man
/brit /
Why yes, I do bump by own threads. I also reply "based" and "this" to my own posts as well, how could you tell?
Do North Africans/Lebanese etc. see themselves as meds?
He only holds citizenship in 1 (one) country
/deutsch/ Freitagabend
*destroys communism with his holy powers*
If you are a black male in America you can just go around looting, setting things on fire and raping random people
Sverigetråden Mauriupplagan
Are you okay with the current borders of LATAM countries? What would you change about it?
3rd degree manslaughter
You're cunt
Name a better year
Did anyone else go through that cringy teenage phase where you watched BBC, drank Earl Grey tea...
/desi/-Lockdown goes on edition
/cum/ - Canada - United States - Mexico
Fuck its brutal :'(
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
Will mexicans ever be this based again?
/brit /
It's over, thanks USA for killing it for good
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2398
Those who trade freedom for security deserve neither
/ita/ - il filo
What is your opinion on Ə?
/lat/ - hilo latino
Is it true non-Americans think this tastes like vomit?
Are frenchies white ?
India what the fuck
Latvia hate thread edish
Post politicians from your country that you want to fuck
Go to your country's reddit
/esp/ - Edición jaja
Are black girls nicer in your country?
Do med women like Turkish guys ?
How bad is the healthcare system in your cunt?
Do you want to find love?
I wish I was dead
How will northoids ever recover ?
Sverigetråden ADHD-Upplagan
/fr/ - Le fil Francophone
/brit/ + /birt/ + /brot/ so on and so forth
What will be the flag of the Union of Latin American Socialist Republics?
Friendships thread
/mongol/ ehemals /deutsch/
/brics/ - Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa
Why do people get so defensive when you critize the looting and burning of small businesess of people that have nothing...
/cum/ - canada, usa, mexico
Tfw I realize I'm a fucking sanpaku
If I had a million dollars
/საქართველო/ - Georgian thread
Are they the most attractive people in Europe?
Hello. Has anyone of you seen a finn (suomi) around here?
Now that America is lawless and in chaos who is the new superpower of the world?
Why are they racist against white Greeks but quiet on muslims and africans who fuck their women?
Your country
South Korea Birthrate Falls to 0.90
/ita/ il filo
And thats the story of why I love you
Sverigetråden - FredagsUpplagan
I own a European car
Dios mio
Just stop for a second to think how scary this is
Oof america getting BLACKED live whew
Do Catholic Mexicans really celebrate Cinco de Mayo?
I believe in god
A dutch newspaper publicized this. Based or cringe?
/fr/-les francophones
Hilo /esp/añol
1. Cunt
GERMANIA ... home
What would you steal from a conquered target?
Why are Asians always having their flaws thrown at them?
Is this true? How can you eat at 4/5pm? How can you spend 6 hours without eating and then going to sleep?
Giant mushroom found in Sweden. This is what Sweden used to be about
Do people drink canned beer in your country
We never have these threads anymore, what happened bros?
Your cunt
Daily reminder that Finns have high cheekbones and Gook eyes
Post random gifs/webms
Which country disappointed you after coming to Zig Forums?
/verleumdung und rufmord/ ehem. /deutsch/
/ita/ - il filo
Honestly pretty cool, dystopian video of a CNN news crew getting arrested in the US
Join interpals
Do presidents get censored in your country?
Let’s suppose that I, 193cm 102kg of muscles, visit countries that are short like Portugal, Italy and Spain...
Does anyone else feel that diaspora of their cunt are super cringey
Sverigetråden Apupplagan
Am I jomon?
What did he mean by this ?
Do femcels exist in your kunt?
Do Germans really
1) your country
/world of polska/
I love Japan, but I fucking hate anime
/fr/ - le francofil
How to get an American/Canadian asian GF?
Show us the worst part of you're city
Tell me something I'm unlikely to know about your country
Why was everyone in world war II such a massive, coward or traitor or war criminal except for Poland?
Was America in the wrong all along?
Do German girls really have big tits?
What makes them so fucking naive?
What are Iberian women like ?
Do you work out?
/ita/ il filo
Why do people hold Georgians to a different standard?
How did a balding manlet almost conquer all of Europe?
How do you believe the expansion, colonisation and conquest of the galaxy will end up looking like?
Do you love white girls?
Why didn't the black community just get educated and nice paying jobs?
Why are they so racist?
There are Europeans on Zig Forums right now who do not remember their country's previous currency before it switched to...
America sea clay vs Chinese sew clay. It will be a conflict
/dixie/ - Southern US and Friends
Highest level of R1Bvll in Europe
Sverigetråden - Eftermiddagsupplagan
/ita/ il filo
Islam took this from us
Do you like German snacks and sweets?
It really do be like that
Where did he go?
My girlfriend is an unionic german nationalist
Is bullying an issue in your country?
Allah? More like dog
Your cunt
/ישר/ - /อิสร/ - /इजरा/ - /isr/ - מהדורת שבועות
Hello muzdog bros can one of you tell me whether allah wear a condom or not when you do this move in your prayer...
How fucked is your country user?
Hilo /esp/añol
/desi/ Based qawwali thread
I wish I were black and American. It honestly looks like a lot of fun
W-Why do you want to know?
All look same
Yeah, I know THAT was too much, but why the fuck the dirkies target on the unrelated stores or whatever?
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine