what countries have the best tomboys?
I think it's Japan and Perú
What countries have the best tomboys?
Noah Gomez
Zachary Hill
why Perú specifically? Do you mind posting some examples?
Ethan Reed
I just don't like femenine men and masculine women.
Logan Nelson
yes I said Perú because of Moner
Moner gives me boner
Grayson Hernandez
Most tomboys aren't anything like you're imagining, user. It's not like the animes
Brayden Morris
This they're either morbidly obese and married by their 20s or literal lesbians
Nathaniel Butler
>only likes masculine men
super gay bro
Jace Thompson
Tomboys are for closeted homosexuals, that is a fact.
Landon Rodriguez
>morbidly obese
Imagine even considering any of those
Connor Jackson
Why are shitskins so fucking faggoty?