What countries have the best tomboys?

what countries have the best tomboys?
I think it's Japan and Perú

Attached: tomboy meme.jpg (1024x688, 130.5K)

why Perú specifically? Do you mind posting some examples?

I just don't like femenine men and masculine women.

yes I said Perú because of Moner
Moner gives me boner

Attached: Isabela Moner.jpg (1333x2000, 140.11K)

Most tomboys aren't anything like you're imagining, user. It's not like the animes

This they're either morbidly obese and married by their 20s or literal lesbians

>only likes masculine men
super gay bro

Attached: Isabela Moner.jpg (1118x1585, 407.59K)

Tomboys are for closeted homosexuals, that is a fact.

>morbidly obese
Imagine even considering any of those

Why are shitskins so fucking faggoty?