What countries have the best tomboys?

what countries have the best tomboys?
I think it's Japan and Perú

Attached: tomboy meme.jpg (1024x688, 130.5K)

why Perú specifically? Do you mind posting some examples?

I just don't like femenine men and masculine women.

yes I said Perú because of Moner
Moner gives me boner

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Most tomboys aren't anything like you're imagining, user. It's not like the animes

This they're either morbidly obese and married by their 20s or literal lesbians

>only likes masculine men
super gay bro

Attached: Isabela Moner.jpg (1118x1585, 407.59K)

Tomboys are for closeted homosexuals, that is a fact.

>morbidly obese
Imagine even considering any of those

Why are shitskins so fucking faggoty?


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That or they're the town bicycle, like any girl whose friends are mostly guys.

I wish
no u

That's what tomboys turn into once they don't have try anymore

The absolute state of North Americans
You even manage to ruin tomboys
The only thing you should be cautious about is they crave dick all the time, aka infidelity

Imagine even considering those.

Just get out of the closet, user
It's fine, nearly everyone on Zig Forums is at least bi
f you like black cocks tho, go to Zig Forums

do you like Shiho Yoshimura?

Attached: shiho yoshimura.jpg (769x1024, 89.79K)

All tomboys are shit you fucking faggot, the fact that everyone just posts extremely feminine girls that happen to have short hair instead of actual tomboys is proof of it.

Attached: what tomboys actually look like.jpg (4000x2670, 1.86M)

I'd take a hammer to my fingers before ever even considering something so repugnant, women or nothing.

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>everyone is gay
>tomboys=literally male looking middle aged butch lesbians
Ah yes, the famous combo of american education and being a self hating gay
How hard does daddy beat you?
Keep feeding me (you)s, good goy

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>>tomboys=literally male looking middle aged butch lesbians
More accurate than the closested fags her coping by posting extremely feminine girls and pretending that they're tomboys. Tomboys = looks and behaves in ways that are typically masculine, you think the short haired girls wearing makeup and earrings posted here are masculine in any way besides having short hair? Just say you like short haired girls lmao tomboys are fucking disgusting and for literal homos.

Imagine being so angry irl you try unloading all your frustration on a random user who posted literally nothing about tomboys, typing so fast you even miss letters

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In my childhood I had a tomboy girlfriend just like in an anime. This is the only girl I have ever talked to and I felt very good with her. But in high school, she moved to another city and my communication with women ended.

Keep coping you closet homo

way too easy

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Anime pics, you're probably the italian gay tranny poster lol, knew tomboys were for literal homos.

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How are tomboys gay?

That's the same coomer who thinks girls with cocks are girls

How are you typing this with seven cocks in your mouth?

Anyone that knows actual tomboys would understand why only a closet homo would be attracted to them. Girls that are feminine in every way possible besides their haircut are not tomboys btw.

Not an argument

That's "homos" fucking a real woman, unlike "lovers more feminine" which later turn into sissy-boys

Nice projection
That's 90% of the board, sadly
Tomboy is a personality type

he's projecting

>Tomboy is a personality type
And you can bet that someone with an actual masculine "tomboy" personality isn't gonna be wearing makeup or earrings like or and will look more like Personality translates to appearance, actual tomboys are fucking disgusting

of course I do but tomboys are the rarest of all girls

>and will look more like
>has earrings
Unironically take your meds

Why did she have to go out with white guys? AAAAAAAAAHHHHHH

But no makeup, the attractive one with earrings is wearing makeup. You could find a masculine person with an earring but not one in makeup. The caked up feminine girls posted here are not tomboys.

You don't think there's a sliding scale between ugly and pretty tomboys?

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Any woman that tries to take a masculine role is going to look like an ugly dyke. Ones that simply cut their hair short but are still feminine can be attractive but do not have masculine personalities and thus are not tomboys.

Basement-ridden awareness

she can go out with whomever she wants

Attached: Isabela Moner.jpg (1600x2400, 185.64K)

Tomboys are a miracle of the universe, it's not gay to like them.

shame they are so rare...
I love her thick thighs

Attached: Shiho yoshimura.jpg (1000x1500, 146.85K)

You're starting to sound like a coping femcel. Tomboys like guy shit, it doesnt make them a dyke to enjoy basketball or watching Rambo.

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