I wish we still spoke our native language tupi along with Portuguese, pretty much like Paraguay, Peru and Mexico do with Spanish
Amerindian Languages
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Kys retard,stop shitposting. Go back to your mudhut and neck yourself
I feel you. Also with that Scots guy.
You are ugly.
come here and force me
I tried learning Guaraní but there are practically no resources
Peruvians speak Basque
There must be some resources from Paraguay tho. I mean even we got some resources from Modern Tupi which is spoken by like 30k people in the amazon nowadays
Well not really, there are indeed native language speakers but they are like 10% of the population i think guaraní in Paraguay is more spread
I wish German was official in SC :(
that would be nice as well. Getúlio Vargas was really bad for languages in Brazil
I wished our country was annexed by Germany, even if that came with mass extermination
There must be.
90% of Paraguay speaks it so I can't believe there isn't.
SAME BRO, you hit me direct in feelings
You should speak mapuche, mapuches are the master race of south american amerindians
lol, why are you seething?
you're a mulatto, stfu
shutup olmec
Didn't the Por*uguese ban it to eradicate and stop the natives from coming together and conform to Porto lifestyle
Do not be rude to him, he does not like blacks either
Fuck you too.
Sounds like they were very efficient. Very sad. Americans should learn some of the First nation languages if only to keep some of it alive outside the res.
He is not hating on amerindians, why are you hating on him?
Only people with amerindian blood should learn native american languages
Well yeah, it's pretty much dead outside the Amazon, currently there are 30k speakers in North Amazon, the good thing is that since it was majoritarily used in Brazil until the XVIII century we have tons of documentation of it and pretty much every state got a city name in tupi.
Stop trying to bring back amerindians they are exint
Here even the portuguese settlers spoke the native's language lmao
yeeeaaah about that...
the mennonites wrote it
Mba'e piko? Ndaikuaai che, moo rehota guaraní?
You should not care if brazilians learn tupi and assimilate into tupian cultures. We north americans should only care about uto aztecans.
Im not against you learning tupi, the only thing that I gate keep is the uto aztecan languages
hê?? máva la "ohóta" moôgui?
ñapyʼaguapymína un poquito