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International #1242
What Turkish sounds like to foreigners?
Are people like this in your country?
/cum/ - Canada, USA and Mexico
Your top five favorite video games?
Will Poland be rich? It's a country with fastest economic growth in the EU
Tfw no chill american surfer gf
Do you love Antifa?
Why are Americans so premature?
What do you miss?
The best looking girls in the Netherlands
It's already June
What's the most obnoxious nationality to play against online?
China is shit
Sverigetråden - Polisupplagan
What do Russian tourists like to do in Finland?
/brit/ + /birt/ + /brot/ + /bret/ + /brat/ + /brut/
Normies dream of living a life full of stress in a big city instead of a simple life in the middle of nowhere
/fr/ - le francofil
Why is self-hate viewed as something negative? What does it tell you about a person?
Greeks look down on other nations. We think you dont deserve to breathe our air
/world of polska
1. Your Country?
Do you love Japan?
Hey user, tell me a tongue twister in your language
So are all the cute american bois gonna move to Evropa now that murica is finally collapsing?
What went wrong?
What could of been
/luso/ Fio Lusófono
Why do American police officers murder people on the streets?
How can America be worse than us...
How famous is he in Spain?
Which countries are going to cease to exist in our lifetime?
How much does Asians hates brown people compared to Blacks?
Kurva anyátok
Are any of you guys actually racist in real life?
Do they sneedly?
June 1st
There are no universities in Japan that teach Dutch language
Tell me again how American police are not the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
Does this happen in your country?
Dugin is right about everything
Did you know America only has like 10% black people?
Sverigetråden - Skogsupplagan
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/esp/ - Edicion Lunes
Americucks manifest
Have to go on a business trip to europe when the pandemic has cooled down
/ita/ il filo
Are they the leaders of the Hispanics?
/cum/ - canada us mexico
Remember guys policemen have families too :...(
Middle east is cool
/med/ - olive oil general
We never needed a LEWD thread more than now. all this negativity in the air... riots, corona, USA-China conflicts...
European MAN calls me out for being a bitchboy LARPing am*Rimutt who won't defend my counter
I was going to leave my shitty island and move to California next year but now that America is cancelled I think I will...
India has fallen
I feel superior to a lot of people here because im american
Ummm guys?!
Sweden #1 banana consumption in Europe
I saw an interracial couple today
Innocent woman sitting on porch
Any time the US faces an internal struggle, they create an enemy so they can make more military jobs...
I,is japan cool?
Is 5.5 in bone pressed really the international average or am I just small...
Is it true that in Europe it is widely accepted to hate gypsies?
Tfw wrote "cringe" to professor on chat
Does finland hate ruskies? I'm in asia now but would like to get finnish citizenship...
I need to fuck I need sex I need to live a hentai life I want to have a harem of cute girls I have sex with all day I...
Why are they considered european but turkey is not?
What's going through his mind right now?
Dragon Ball Super
See this, France and Chile?
/lat/ hilo latino
Kate, 19
Latinx flag calls me a mutt
This should be the US
Is there anything more pathetic than Asian Americans pretending to be oppressed?
/cum/ - canada us mexico
Is this what the fall of Rome felt like?
Message to north american natives such as apache, sioux & chichimeca
/fr/ - LE fil
Was Porus Pakistani or Indian?
Does your country have stores dedicated to entire cultures?
Who won?
White VS black
In light of recent events, whats your guys opinion on this dude? Was he based?
Will your country accept American refugees?
Which of these girls did you crush on/fap to growing up, Zig Forums?
America is fucking BASED
The American era is over
If shit hits the fan here, which country should I move to?
100,000 dead
Historic 200 years old church is burnt down in Washinton DC
America are you ok ?
White people
How do you approach qts in you're country?
/cum/ - canada us mexico
Gringos imbéciles wanna become fucking venezuela? Estupidos
Is this real life right now?
You may not like it, but this is what American FREEDOM looks like
Is it true that the average European poster looks like this?
Be sitting alone in Berlin
Je me souviens [que nous avons perdu aux anglais]
Doo Americans?
The sun is going away
muh free hong kong!!!!! look at those noble protestors
The US is done for, isn't it? Nice knowing you guys
As an Australian who doesn’t quite understand American culture...
Goku's right
Do their lives REALLY matter though?
This plague. The rioting is intensifying to the point where we may not be able to contain it
Let's rate the Latinos
So do some lives matter more than others? Why is there no White Lives Matter?
You wake up in America
Yfw US collapsed into 3rd world shithole & mutts are looking for other nation to seek refuge
Post a pic of the poster above you
/cum/ - canada us mexico
This is how the USA will be divided after the its collapse
Mom found the gigachad folder
Moving to Japan thread / asylum seekers general
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
Hilo latino /lat/
What happened between 1940 and 1980?
I've heard that in some countries that your boss can't fire you just because he feels like it. Like...
Are Eastern European women REALLY like this?
There's only two civilized first world countries in the Western Hemisphere
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Come from a religious Mexican family
You can rangeban one entire country form Zig Forums, what will it be?
Say the name of your country in your native language
Are they comfy?
What number are you?
Child soldiers? yeah, i make em
/fr/ le francofil
1.4 billion people
one chance at life
Holy shit Brazil is big
45% of norweigan youth preffer to speak english in every day life instead of norweigan
Do you hate Mexico?
Wow germans sure are patriotic
/nachtschicht/ morgens wieder /deutsch/
Sverigetråden - progressiva upplagan
If his name was Matt Pritchard and if he was born in the US, would he be considered white there?
/polska/ nocna
Your cunt
Peace and prosperity in East Asia
Exactly 4 minutes ago, I turned 30
In the US it's normal to talk to strangers
That's it, I'm filtering this furry
When Europeans and Asians learn English do they learn it with a British accent or an American accent and what type of...
He can't name 2 Slovenians
Yuro here. Does anyone feel a certain longing for Africa...
What are 10 Interesting Facts I Did Not Know About Your Country?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Is corona more or less considered over in your country? Here life is almost fully back to normal
/mex/ + /central america/
LATAM people
/fr/ - le francofil
How do Europeans think of the Civil War 2020 in America?
Was Jim Crowe really so bad in retrospect if the alternative is niggers burning the country down?
This is a white man
It's customary in Japan to send one's very young children out to do errands like buy groceries by themselves
How much do they understand each other...
Tfw you'll never be part of the US National Guard
Repulsive people
/mena/ + /-cels/
Minneapolis 'thugs' vs Hong Kong 'protesters'
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2400
Mfw you realize that the US race riots aren't really about race but truly against the whole WASP racist culture that...
Sverigetråden - bsrupplagan
Share good ways to insult women online
Will Russia ever get better?
I’m leaving America
What country has the best spooky unsloved crimes/ mysteries?
Why are Asians so anti-social and introverted?
/ita/ il filo
Are there any Europeans that still have tribe-based identities?
Is it normal fow white women to have black babies?
What knowledge do you have about this country?
Why do Americans use general anesthesia when pulling fucking wisdom teeth?
/cum/ - Friend general
Why the fuck are there protests in Europe for a random nigga in the USA????...
Edición domininguera
Thank You and Stay Strong
India after defeating China and protecting and restoring in America by December 31st 2020
Post pc specs
/fr/ - Le fil français
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
1. Your country
Why are they considered european but turkey is not?
Tfw no big tiddy turkish gf who cuddles with you while singing turkish songs and makes you kebabs...
Arabs had no civil
US protesters call for Chinese Aid
Will somalia ever get better
Why do Europeans think culture = history? Look at this shit, it looks like the slums of India...
Lidl is launching Finland week next week. What theme is your Lidl having next week?
Why do some people act like Russia is a threat or some China-tier power...
In this thread I will continue to compliment every country in the world alphabetically
The nazis used one of these on my great grandfather until he was brain damaged
What races are the most popular in your cunt?
Best posters
Can we officially start calling America a developing nation at this point?
/desi/-Bhim Army edition
Hilo /lat/ino
Sverigetråden - Anons kroppsbyggnadsupplagan
What the hell is wrong with Icelandic people?
Yugoslavia Vs West Slavs
Why yes i think nuclear is the cleanest and the most sustainable energy, what gave it away ?
Be me
/brit /
Is Zig Forums as smart as Matpat?
Got called cute today
/Ita/ il filo
So wearing a MAGA hat can get you killed?
How do MVSLIM Chads feel that Hindu liberal qts defend Islam more than anything else?
Have you ever tried croissant ?
Imagine being this Americanized lmao
Ancient Bulgarians were Persians
/ita/ il filo
/fr/ - le francofil
What the heck happend to ancient anatolians??
Tell me how you're a failure so I can feel better about myself
If your country is there, be ashamed
This woman is Indian. She is Sikkimese...
What should Turkey name its upcoming stealth fighter?
Sverigetråden - Mors dag-upplagan
Denmark is not based
Ok so after years on Zig Forums I've finally come to the conclusion that people like Varg were right...
Georgia is officially poppin
Which countries has the most autistic posters?
Be american
/lang/ - Language Learning General
I hate dog people so much. Why do they have to bring their barking and shitting machine with them everywhere they go?
Everything American is better. Even our muslims our based
Give me a reason to live, right now
Tell me more about India
/ro/-Firul Nostru
/ita/ il filo
Finland city
The god-tier countries
What is this maneuver called in your country?
Trust me bro, us balkanlars are 100% Aryan Evropean
Hilo /esp/añol
Arab world unite against this and lose
To whom do you pray?
What's the most overrated food in your country? I'd say kebab. Mapo Tofu is about the same price and much better
In this thread I will genuinely and sincerely compliment every country in the world alphabetically
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
Watching the minnesota officials press point on the riots
Mocks Europe for not having guns
Living in this country is a fate worse than hell
Tell me the first thing that comes to mind when looking at East Asia
Are you ready for 2050 China ?
Post worst leaders in your country
What's your current haircut?
/Med/ - olive oil general
What kind of sandwiches are popular in your country?
Sverigetråden - Elvis upplaga
/fr/ - le francofil
Are the US riots real or is just MSM overblowing everything?
/ita/ il filo
/luso/ edição nofap
In Germany, the sausages are WHITE
American girlfriends thread
Leaving America
How do people in countries like Belgium and Switzerland communicate with one another when they have more than one...
The World’s Most Controversial Gas Pipeline Is Nearing Its Endgame
Your cunt
Why are European women so nice and good-hearted but European men so angry and bitter?
/cum/ - Canada, United States, Mexico
Man, i'm tired seeing "made in china" label on all my goods and things...
Tfw not born in europe
What are your thoughts on them?
This is how you eat sushi properly
These are the countries listed in the back of a Japanese English textbook...
Are american cops really like this?
Post most overrated city you visited
Do med girls like anglos?
If you were born in Norway or Switzerland then congrats on winning the lotto of life
What do they think about Spaniards?
Russian poverty
Why is Eastern Europe so fucking poor?
Sverigetråden - schizoupplagan
Do women like to expose themselves in you're country?
Official laugh at burgers thread
I suffer in Georgia
It's not a meme
/fr/ - Le fil français
How do we do it?
This is what I call Northern Europe
Would you accept an American refugee gf in your cunt?
What's the best German food? I think it's the Schnitzel
/ita/ - il filo
Please God, make this turning into a Civil War
Rate my Russia
Sweden ruined a whole generation of men
I love Germany
What went wrong?
BTS popularity map
Good night white pride
Tfw you will move to EAST ASIA the last decent place on earth
Be American
France, Russia, Britain mostly have immigrants from their former colonies and territories they used to own
England, this is not an acceptable breakfast
India? Are you okay?
Why are they so gay for each other?
Why is ramen so fucking delicious ?
........yep, i'm thinking based
Your country?
See woman looking out of a window
/fr/ - le québecois
Una faccia una razza
Illya is so cute holy fucking shit
Will your country take in American refugees?
Finland is a very shitty country and you probably shouldn't believe all the bullshit finnish people claim about their...
Kurva anyátok
Hilo /esp/añol de los /esp/añoles
Hungary is a fascist SHITHOLE
You arrive in France
THOUSANDS of Germans protest for Floyd in Berlin, destroying fascist racist USA police
Why America always tries to destroy itself?
Is the American empire dead?
/ישר/ - /이스라/ - /इजरा/ - /isr/ - מהדורת אין נשמה
We honestly can't call ourselves first world after this
I need to go. I need to become one of them
"if it was me dying on the sidewalk you'd walk right over me!"
European purchasing power
Frühschicht ehemals /deutsch/
/lat/ hilo latino
It's for you
Shoot every one of these fucking rioters, what the fuck are americans waiting for? Put a curfew on...
Post yours
Why can't mutts ever mind their own business?
A 14-year-old white virgin was raped twice in one night by two separate attackers...
Perú looks like THAT???!!!!!
Did he exploit women in your country?
Delusions of Zig Forums:
Do Europeans understand this show?
In this thread we post White girls with Asian style
Why is the stock market so high when 40 million American's are out of a job? Is this a bubble...
Zig Forums.org
How bad are things in your city right now? National guard deployed and cars getting set on fire here
I have a complaint against every single meanie gaijins
How are they so superior to all of us?
CHIs getting absolutely mogged by the gringo
... and when the US needed them the most, they vanished
ITT: Thank god you weren't born in this shithole
Which country is closer to the verge of collapse?
We are literally witnessing the fall of a superpower before our eyes. 40 million jobless people because of a pandemic...
You can only post ITT if your country has had a race war
Retardation comes in many shapes and sizes
Americans are literraly rioting over the death of a BBC pornstar
So, Korea is the new Japan, right?
50 days left until the conscription to navy
Favorite region?
Faces of Zig Forums
Faces of Zig Forums
Do you love white South Africans?
Favorite state?
Even though I am ethnic Chinese, I want to be accepted by Japan. I love Japan, ファイト!
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
Tfw there are Americans posting on this board right NOW who won't go outside to film the chaotic unfolding of racial...
Life in Moscow
Post terrorists from your country
All those leafs making threads about our riots
After you dies you will reborn as the person created on the link below
Asian girl
Are they really as bad as Finns say they are?
Riots in the US
Post em
Do they really?
/lat/ hilo latino
Why are asians so obsessed with the white women?
How do we cope, eurobros?
Be me, have Mexican gf
Is Miami as comfy and based as it seems like?
This is considered a meal in america
Is your /cunt/ run by Antifa as well?
/fr/ - le québecois
Sverigetråden - Fredrik Reinfeldt Upplagan
The riots have reached my city
The absolute state of Americans
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
Girl I was talking to on Bumble (from Minneapolis) replied to me with this
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
Are they really as bad as Americans say they are?
Bro you better wear a condom you wouldn't want to get some random woman pregnant would you?
Hunker down for a nice Swedish pizza friend :)
Would you impregnate curuminha?
What does Zig Forums think of mr bald?
Learn how to speak Spanish
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Zig Forums's creativity has hit rock bottom
/luso/ Fio Lusófono
/balt/ + /ausnz/
/nachtschicht/ morgens wieder /deutsch/
New worlders don't have hedgehogs?
Amerindian Languages
Going to Belfast
/ita/ il filo
/fr/ - Le fil des francs
Why is there so much inequality here?
What (current) music do Yuros listen to?
Culture Pals - /cp/
Sverigetråden - Swedditupplagan
What happens there?
Do other countries have Amish or is it just an American thing?
4th most populated country on Earth
/cum/ - canada, usa, mexico
Tfw my future Californian gf might be reading this
Color is not an issue in europe
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine