Is 5.5 in bone pressed really the international average or am I just small? It looks small and all the dick pics I see look much better than mine
Is 5.5 in bone pressed really the international average or am I just small...
yes it is
if you exclude asians from the stats the average would be prolly 6-6.5 inches
Don't worry, 6 looks small too. You have to have at least 7
These days girls expect minimum 16 inch giga penis, if you're not cybernetically augmented you have no chance
If you're smaller than 6 inches kill yourself, you're a joke of a man.
No wonder Asian women refuse to fuck you incels
mine is 7.5 inches but thin :(
Most men are under 6
Why are you gay
i don't wanna get banned
Is that real? Im pretty sure when I was like 13 I had bigger than 6.
as long as you're not BS-ing the press then congrats you're average
Based as fuck, kill all jannies.
you mean 7 inches, you dicklet
>bone pressed
That's a massive cope measurement
if you're skinny or fit there is really not much difference between nbp and bp measure
What are you now? At 13 I was like 4 erect
pretty much this.
If youre not 6'7, built like buff all might, make less than a billion dollars annually, and have a 16 inch long-9 inch girth hypercock that secretes its own aphrodisiac along with a dlc robotic extension that pleasures the clitoris, and you last less than 4 and a half might as well be living in dante must die mode
Legit looks like mine but darker, but im 15cm nbp, don't know my bp measurement
I'm a bit above 7 now
Ok I was 4 and now i'm at 5.5 so 1.5 in range growth is consistent
Jesus you are an incel
Hey retard you know most women really don't care that much right. Stop coping and just improve yourself.
Mine is 7 inches wide and 1 inch long.
r/wosh xD trololololololol
Can't have a closer look because today "files no longer exist" (not only for that dicpic), but looks beeger than mine which's 5,7in (NBP).
Also I'm at work and a co-worker is 2 metters from me, but when I'll return home - I have to masterbate, even though I've planned a no-fap for few days. I know that I could just stretch the dick and measure though.
That's how penis length is measured by medical professionals and that's how the standard by which they got the average size. And when you're having sex in some positions your skin compresses so that becomes part of your usable length.
There is no medical standard for penis measurement
>bone pressed
oh no no no
Every study i know of regarding this topic, they push the preāpubic fat to the bone.
i should not have opened this thread
same length :(
Standard is bone pressed as to make fat a controlled variable. NBP matters more IRL of course, so just don't be a fat ass and your NBP and BP measurements will be mostly the same.
>bone pressed