I suffer in Georgia

>i suffer in Georgia

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>generic budget skyscrapers

That's pretty tacky my dude.


pretty alright for american state

a bunch of empty condos owned by chinks so they could get a residency card?

wow georgia is so rich

these buildings are disgusting af


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better view how high and magnificent they are

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I wanna visit the caucasus

Azerbaïdjan had natural gaz, or oil, I don't remember.
But what does Georgia have as resources?

Nice fucking job man. Better than this fucking white and blue Babby's First Lego City

Yeah we have both gas and oil georgia has ports to black sea and tourism that's it. We are going to sell some gas to europe in incoming years.

butthurt power

This meme doesn’t work in this case because the before pic is soulless too, just soulless and poor

nice, but the central part looks shit

I have been to Georgia, it's all look nice but they don't do the little finishes so it's all crap

>it's asymmetrical

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More from baku for interested

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Everyone can have oil and gaz outside Europe.
Why can't Belgium have anything? :(

Ah yes, isn't it Georgia who's asking USA to send troops because they're afraid of you?

Do you have other skyscrapers?

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You had congo.

I'ma be real with you here chief. The only point anyone outside of your region ever knew you existed was when you won Eurovision in 2011

yes but they are separate places not in center. they don't look that much nice.

Hangi şirketin bu gökdeler? Yoksa Aliyev'in falan mı? ;dDD

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The Europa league final was held there it was a bit of controversy

Doesn't matter now people know. We have soo many arab tourists for prostitute businesses. Baku is amsterdam of caucaus right now.

3 binada her şey var restoran, otel, holdingler falan. Diğerleri petrol qaz sektoruna ait.


Their F1 Grand Prix is kino.

babies first "atleast its not a commie-block"



>Local dictator builds skyscrapers for billions of dollars, designed by Zaha Hadid, while the average Azer survive on a 300$ a month
pretty based

Is that Shanghai?

Güzelmiş, bizimkiler soulles amk

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Woa Poland looks amazing

Do people in Azerbaiyan learn turkish or are you both just speaking your native languages and they're similar enough so you can understand each other?

Why do authoritarian shithole capitals always look the same? There's always a big, empty central avenue surrounded by crappy skyscrapers

Turkish tv shows are very popular in every turkic(from kahzahstan to kyrgzstan) coutry. That's why almost all turkic people can speak turkish somewhat.

Based as fuck but I don't get 300 usd so I am cool with it.


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