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KONY 2012
this time you’ve gone too far america
Buy an iPhone SE.
formerly yes
she'd have lost against korra
*tips hat*
Good evening one and all!
Quite hot honestly
wtf i hate science now!
she wasn’t even protesting; she was just out shopping and got shot in the face
can't believe the toilfu was just a dumb slag all along
my fault for being delusional and ignoring the blackpill
>tee hee im cringe btw
Was in the bath for like an hour and my movie still hasnt even downloaded halfway wtf
Could deck Korra myself
>be american
>get shot
Guilty of being white - punishable by death since the race riots begun
no, she's too good
no office sex where i work
everyone is married and in their 50's
thini this is based
why was she living in a city filled with ethnic criminals in the first place?
leftypol getting murked
been aired by the ex-proto gf now
which doesn't bother me
it's a representation of them rather than myself
but honestly, talking to girls on social media is really difficult for an intelligent person.
america is a containment country
this man has a black upper half and a white lower half
Explain THAT
How come young Londoners have no culture or identity of their own? How come they're so incredibly Americanised including their mongy quasi-Yank accents?
is it because of social media and the fact London has become some cheap shitty imitation of New York?
Recalling the time I made an incredibly edgy post that was encouraging black supremacy and violence against whites but I didn't get an "Edgy." reply from the Edgy poster
made me realise he's not actually the police of what's Edgy and what's not, he just doesn't like certain posts but lets others slide.
White flight is bad
I don't even know what that means.
crazy how the riots are still going on
What's going on in Germany?
Is this old?
This is all youth, not just Londoners.
as i said before: deep state CIA operatives in blackface
this is how low they will stoop to attack innocent black people
>being mad that nobody ate your bait
Reminder that America is a third world dystopian shithole where police aim tear gas canisters purposefully at people's heads
I can’t fucking open WebMs. Don’t
ignored, didn't bother responding etc
her loss