Attached: jake warden.webm (480x600, 2.88M)
Jace Baker
Other urls found in this thread:
Grayson Smith
good morning innit
alri haha wahye
Jackson Harris
Reckon I'd shag him
Caleb Edwards
haha YES
Joshua Garcia
Luke Lewis
i've taken shits more interesting than any post you've made
Matthew Miller
Trafalgar Square gang in
Grayson Edwards
Gabriel Roberts
Caleb Martinez
Seeing pictures of business owners writing on their doors and windows "Black owned" to persuade the rioters not to attack their buildings- the implication here is that if the business isn't black-owned, it's open game for being looted
Beginning to look a lot less like protesting police and a lot more like a blatant race war at this point
Austin Edwards
How are you during this corona time?
Eli Brown
the only good cop is a dead cop
that goes for yours too
Liam Bailey
one must imagine janny happy
Michael Adams
Any news about Emmett?
Michael Scott
Eli Flores
Rorke showing off.
Levi Sullivan
Samuel Cox
yeah not bad how's life treating you
Lucas Baker
*surreptitiously googles injera bread*
Justin Long
my dumb wife
Asher Ward
stg someones pissed in jannys cornflakes lately
mustn't me happy being on furlough, only getting 80% of his wages
Brody Lopez
It's to encourage black people to shop there retard
Seriously everyone just take a second to think before you make something up
Joseph Hernandez
Is that a guy or a gal?
Ryder Gomez
these are always about race
which makes any white person out there with them a traitor
Jason Brown
Dylan Wood
also the reason people are looting stores like target is because target literally donates to the police.
Aaron Walker
Seriously considering a road trip to tuktoyaktuk, anyone interested?
Ian Gomez
based thot
Angel Long
Naive post
Austin Murphy
your iq is shfifty five?
Jason Bailey
i've been with uni
probably a highlight of my torrid time there
Benjamin Rivera
Okay British child keep telling me about my country
Gabriel Butler
Tons more businesses than Target have been looted and burned and windows smashed now
Nathan Morris
Luis Roberts
Leave this thread
Christopher Gutierrez
haven't had sex in 5 years
last time I had a hug from a girl was about half a year ago and I think she was doing it ironically
Connor Perez
Levi Wood
I'm really tired of corona I don't want to live anymore it's all just tiresome
Benjamin Ward
Is Britain really shit?
How bad is it?
Jeremiah Peterson
might do a not wank anymore
Wyatt Rodriguez
you genuinely have the exact body of an ex of mine lol. seriously creeping me out. are you 5'6/5'7?
Kevin Phillips
I'm still here and you're still retarded
Nathaniel Richardson
dropping off some poo x
Kayden Watson
>In my country there is problem
>And that problem is the janny
>He delete everybody posts
>And he never put them back
>Throw the janny down the well!
>So my country can be free!
>He delete all my posts
>And he does it all for free!
>In my country there is problem
>And that problem is the janny
>You must grab him by his fat rolls
>And ill tell you what to do!
>Throw the janny down the well!
>So my country can be free!
>We kill every single janny!
> And then we have a big party!
Luis Parker
chin up lad
Dominic Garcia
So bad
Jaxon Wood
Good, but the looting started and was directed at target because of their support for the police.
Oliver Ortiz
Levi Baker
>you have an average female body
>are you also an average female height?
bizarre post
Anthony Reed
balkans arent in eastern europe
rorke has lost the plot
Sebastian Torres
Alri Emma.
Jack Nguyen
not him sweatus x
Kevin Morales
the hausmeister has taken his authority to draconian extremes as of late tbf
Asher Anderson
>The population of the district as of 2010 is about 172,000
it's tiny
Ryan Lewis
>whispy shit facial hair
>ugly gremlin shaved goblin head
which should i stick with
Jonathan Rivera
i have a paranoid personality
Matthew Evans
Dominic Hill
Thsts tall for a girl
Colton Cox
A bag over your head LMAO
Robert Barnes
seriously bored out of my wits has anyone seen any good films lately?
Juan Gomez
is it fuck
Zachary Reyes
Nicholas Scott
Amazing, you drove to the Arctic ocean?
William Long
saw rampart the other night was pretty decent
Blake Sullivan
just constantly exhausted, my day consists of:
>waking up at 9ish
>going to sleep at 12ish
>waking up at 2ish
>going to sleep at 5ish
>waking up at 7ish
>going to bed at 12ish
>rinse and repeat
really don't know if ive got some kind of condition, i live a healthy life, eat well, sleep heavily(all the time), don't drink, don't smoke etc etc, reckon it might be chronic fatigue syndrome
Andrew Long
quite honestly fobbing right now
Jayden Moore
I watched blue velvet recently and it was a mildly uncomfortable and short experience
Cameron Torres
Joseph Howard
The Sting
Jacob Perry
my sister loves david lynch
Caleb Morales
it just clicked
>a mildly uncomfortable and short experience
it's meant to be like sex for the first time
which I think happens for kyle maclachlan's character jeffrey in the film
Matthew Campbell
do some exercise
Xavier Ramirez
Asher Green
you have covid rip
Kayden King
Aiden Roberts
Parker Collins
go outside for 90 minutes every day
do exercise
eat better
stay hydrated
stimulate your mind
Leo Evans
Prince Georgie porgie
Pudding and pie
Kissed other boys
And made the Queen cry
Kayden Morales
Gavin Moore
Julian Morgan
Nicholas Morris
Any man in
Nolan Morales
Janny must be having a bad day because he just banned an entire thread on Zig Forums lol literally banned every single person who posted in it, regardless of what they posted, for "replying to off-topic" without even linking the bannable post in the ban pages lol
Aiden Baker
What's the first place you're traveling to after the lockdown is over?
Jose Fisher
Isaiah Clark
Alexander Hall
Not sure how to answer the question ‘Do you not feel well?’
If you say no does that mean ‘no, I do not feel well’ or ‘no, I do NOT not feel well’
If you say yes does that mean ‘Yes, I do not feel well’ or ‘Yes, I feel well’
Also mad how ‘not’ doesn’t actually look like a real word
Alexander Phillips
we should riot and post sneed on every board
Anthony Lewis
Christian Morales
pink panther's (with the lads, of course).
Cameron Kelly
Brayden Hill
Landon Lopez
Lucas Watson
Robert Barnes
Jaxon Hernandez
Connor Walker
Eating a bag of Tesco Cheese Puffs.