I’m a 22 year old OR nurse. I’m leaving this shithole and going to Europe. First person to roll dubs is where I move, but only if nurses make good money in your cunt, so not Engl*nd
I’m leaving America
dubs and you move to bulgaria
>I’m a 22 year old OR nurse
Tits or gtfo.
Godspeed user
I swear our nurses make good money bro
don’t want to learn French
Well just avoid France we are nearly as doomed as USA
win win!
Dubs already decided. You must comply
Nurses are well paid everywhere so you'll be ok
a fate worse than death or exile
in London they make £21k a year
they fucking deserve to all die of Corona
""male"" nurse lmao
Don’t let the door hit you on the way out, Pablito.
My mum around 50K which is pretty good in Spain
based me to bro I'm going to Italy so I can live off of dutch gibs
any med nation
Should just go to Australia instead desu, there's a reason nurses/doctors here leave to go there
I roll for Sweden
Good luck leaving this shithole when all the airports are shut down and the police arrest you for "protesting and being antifa" or whatever they decide to charge you with.
Airports are still open. My coworker quit his job in the US and flew back to his home country
hgahahahaha all our salaries are shit
ppl genuinely live in poverty
Good riddance
go to holland
no they arent, thats only for expats
fuck no pls no dubs