Literally go back to Zig Forums
poltards raus
Cope harder, you are in the same situation. But you LARP about the (((strategic allies))) and the (((european solidarity)))
>he thinks he'll be allowed to be free
lol no. There is a reason why none of us were allowed to expand and claim large amounts of land from the dying Ottomans during the early 20th century.
The answer is simple NATO has to fucking go
They made military bases because your country is in NATO, they would also protect you if there was war, Yes they sent all the 300 gypsies to defend some shitty base in the middle of a shithole desert oh mooo poor romania got jewed.
they sponsor their pro american media in our country
>they try to influence our internal decission making process with their media
>they made us host illegal CIA jail
Delusional. EU gave you gibs, its not their fault all the people want to get out of your gypsy shithole. Its your fault for letting them ""take your forest"". Even if your country imports shit food (which is probably another meme by old commie pensioneers), its your fault for allowing it. They EU doesnt physically sponsor any """gypsy NGOs""" or LGBT parades. They want to import migrants because your stupid gypsy ass is sitting inside not having children while drawing autistic balkan meme maps.
>t. Sergey Moldovin
Please you gypsy, go in any BMW/VW dealership in Sofia, Varna or whatever and ask where there cars are made? I will tell you, in a 3rd worldshit hole. Do you think it goes the same for BMW/VW dealerships in Frankfurt or Munich let's say?
NO RESPECT for us. UE is how Germany and France annexed Europe without firing a single bullet.
Gibs? Really? Let's talk about the coronagibs. Who pays them? From wich pocket? From the contributions we made. And WE have to pay those shit (((gibs))) back. It's legal loan sharking to keep us tied to this failed project called the EU.
Retard, our countries take the most and pay the least, postint shit on instagram doesnt mean shit. Its literally our politicians fault for all the shit not muh yuro man keeping us down nigaaa, go back to fucking pol delusional gypsy piece of shit
Do you have the balls to talk? Retarded bulgarian gypsy. FAKULTETA? VARNA GYPSY GHETTO?
And as a matter of fact, there are more gypsys in our country then there are in mine so fuck off