In which universe are they god tier? The USA is godtier if you are wealthy and maybe Canada to some extent but he rest are utter trash
The god-tier countries
Sorry.... no.
I thought Trudeau was a manlet
Both are insignificant.
Even Brazil got a bigger stock market and scientific research than Italy
Only France-Germany is really relevant in Europe
Only Gernany,UK,Japan are based.
Others are cringe af.
>China coild take Japan in 2 days If they wanted
Of course they could, it's not as if China's navy is shit and Japan's is arbitrarily held back by constitutional limitations but still world class.
China and USA because economy and military
Russia because of the Nukes, Avangard and Poseidon
England because City of London
I hate chinks
We let natives rule themselves, they're not even subject to federal law, meanwhile in Canada…
Mhh based based