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The god-tier countries
Austin Morris
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Carter Kelly
All evil imperialistic countries, except Italy and Canada (fuck Canada though).
Benjamin Hernandez
Remove Italy, add China, India and Russia and you have the people who run the world.
Robert Stewart
Based arch enemy
Matthew Gutierrez
A meme till the most important joins
Josiah Kelly
remove Italy and USA
USA cant be there with Drumpf as President
Carter Price
Canada is literally a settler colonial state, just like the USA
Benjamin Ramirez
Italy is far more important than Canada, in every single aspect
Jaxon Allen
>Canadá and Japan
>Running the world
China coild take Japan in 2 days If they wanted
Jayden Smith
Yes but they are nicer than you to the natives. It was mostly the fault of Britain, who is an imperialistic country.
Christopher Edwards
In which universe are they god tier? The USA is godtier if you are wealthy and maybe Canada to some extent but he rest are utter trash
Ryan Lee
Sorry.... no.
Jackson Jackson
I thought Trudeau was a manlet
Noah Morris
Both are insignificant.
Even Brazil got a bigger stock market and scientific research than Italy
Only France-Germany is really relevant in Europe
Liam Rodriguez
Only Gernany,UK,Japan are based.
Others are cringe af.
Cameron Cook
>China coild take Japan in 2 days If they wanted
Of course they could, it's not as if China's navy is shit and Japan's is arbitrarily held back by constitutional limitations but still world class.
Henry Rivera
China and USA because economy and military
Russia because of the Nukes, Avangard and Poseidon
England because City of London
Benjamin Lewis
I hate chinks
Jaxson Ramirez
We let natives rule themselves, they're not even subject to federal law, meanwhile in Canada…
Nathaniel Williams
Mhh based based
Michael Foster
>leafland and shitaly
>no russia and china
Carter Jones
>We let natives rule themselves
Yeah, after exterminating most of them. Real nice of you.
Lucas Long
Winners and losers of WW2 (less Russia and China)
Juan Thomas
bad boys are badass, simple as
Michael Ward
god tier in what? oppressing other countries?
Ian Sullivan
We let natives make money by banning casinos throughout the nation except on their land. Some of them still choose to drink themselves to death.
What else do they want from us, they basically govern themselves
Nolan Bailey
And throwing them in concentration camps, ops.. reserves
Eli Reyes
Implying it wasn't the French, British, Spanish, and Portuguese that didn't spread smallpox FAR before the US was even conceived as an idea
Carson Gomez
Tibet, Xinjiang, Hong Kong and Taiw-... Taipei and environs are lovely this time of year.
Ayden Parker
They're angels compared to China tho.
Connor Diaz
They were mostly eradicated through disease, much of which was spread by you people and the Spanish before we even moved west.
There certainly were massacres of Indians by whites. Just like there were massacres of whites by Indians. It was warfare and we won.
Gabriel Reed
Friendly reminder G7 is just USA and it's puppets, nothing to be proud of
Angel Martinez
Don't care about your opinion, yankee pig.
Jacob Ross
They better hope they are still on top in 10 years time.
Otherwise it would look like old countries who refuse to accept the world has moved on.
Ryder Scott
More like tutorial empires.
Brody Lewis
Enemies of the US should stop being poor shitholes then
Caleb Powell
yes tell that to people in africa,middle east. no oppression at all.
Zachary Hill
Apologize for killing my native brothers.
Jonathan Watson
No offense but Spain is way more relevant than Italy and Canada, how the second most important language has no representation? The jew fears the conquistador
Adrian Gonzalez
Italy and Canada are NATO states too.
Elijah Wright
How Middle East oppression makes China less oppresive like?
Camden Sanchez
We lost ww2, do you think they just asked if we wanted to be Nato members?
Liam Hernandez
Keep out of their countries then
Xavier Martinez
>Comparing China to third world shitholes instead of developed countries like Taiwan and Japan
Fair enough I guess.
>Spain is way more relevant than Italy and Canada
Economically, diplomatically and militarily not so much.
>M-muh language
Yeah, warn me when an economically, diplomatically and militarily important country speaks Spanish anywhere past the 18th century. Your best bet is that spics drag America down with them.
Unironically yes, and you could've refused and remained neutral like Sweden or pulled out later like France if not for those sweet Marshall shekels.
Hunter Rivera
We wouldn't have to interfere if they just bent the knee
Caleb Gray
more like beta male gang
even the women here is a beta version of women