Perro clase

Perro clase

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What happened to scruffy? He looks like he has dreadlocks!

That feel when no Black as coal BR teen gf.

Me on the left

>flip flops at school
Do Brazilians have no shame?

In my school you had to wear shoes, I disliked that because I wanted to see girls feet

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That's in an university

Nigga it gets 35°C+ here in the summer

Flip flops are for vacations or beaches not professional places

What's the problem with flip flops? It's comfy and it's not like you are obligated to stare at people's feet. Just mind your own business.

He signed to philosophy college

>Implying a shitty 15° level "University" like that is professional

Tudo pelo estilo!

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I wear tanktops, shorts and flip-flops in law school


>Flip flops in a university

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everyday is a vacation in Brazil
come to brazil

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Are you going to pretend that doesn't happen here?


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What a manlet dog.

>professional place

the US and Brazil have so much in common... both are huge mutt countries with meme presidents and violent cities

True, but I think their cities are still much more violent than ours. You guys are mutts too brother

argies larp as white on the internet

I've seen a few of their movies and tv shows and everyone is brown/black

The Argie is right tho

well Argentina is basically meds + amerindians, I think blacks are they secret ingredient for US and Brazilian muttness since both of you have blacks, amerindians, italians, germans, etc

>not wearing flip flops when it's 30C outside

These two Muslims are fucking in front of an entire class? No shame.

Once I was taking the train home and there was this guy dressed in white and blue who was the blackest man I've ever seen. He answered his phone and started speaking spanish.
I had to hold back laughter kek

Brazilians are animals with no sense of decency. Most of the universities are leftist spots so you can expect them to dress like favelados.

Ok you cuckold, go with a cheap tuxedo like a fucking vallet worker then.

Argentina is more pure than USA. No amount of cope will change this fact, dear Amerimutt.

Mongrel scum. Go chew some glass and drink alcool zulu arrombado.

What do you mean as pure, a bunch of Italians speaking Spanish playing a slav cabaret music?

you will never be white, kleber. give up.