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International #1245
When alexander was your age he had already conquered persia
How does one get a cute indian gf?
Why don't Westerners recognize Turkey as Europe?
Is it true some countries are offering fat discounts so you visit their country?
George Floyd was a 46 year old man from Texas with six felonies including armed robbery where he pointed a gun at the...
Race war
Sverigetråden tidig morgon - Sveriges nationaldag
What phenotype is this?
Despite being only 13% of the population
English = chicken
Is this guy senile? One minute he's threatening to send in the military to kill protestors...
Yes, it is the chinese century
Americans don't know what WhatsApp is
Do you eat western-style diet at home?
This is a 10/10 in the Netherlands
Kanji/hanzi are ridiculous
Why do Americans love Apple so much?
Why are French posters so rude?
How do you cope with having a racist Zig Forumstard for a father?
/esp/ - Hilo Español
Supposedly Latin America is the most Catholic place in the world
Why did pic related and Canada become independent from the UK...
I LOVE KOREA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Favourite Non-European culture (and why?)
/cum/ - Canada, United States, and Mexico
Fallen meme remembrance thread
South korea is a conservative country
/balt/ + /ausnz/
I can figure out how to translate "Based" and "Cucked" into Japanese. How would you say it in your language?
God i wish i was part native american
Why do people want to immigrate to this violent, unhealthy, mentally ill, unequal 3rd world shithole?
I suffer in this place
Come, fellow mid-20s lads
Why do they hate France so much?
Always was
/nacktschicht/ und /deutsch/
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/lat/ hilo latino
Faces of Zig Forums
I don't understand Japanese humor
This is unironically top-tier peruvian cuisine
Algerian muslim here
Tfw i literally just realized/found out that im not actually white
Most common word in Wikipedia article
I suffer in Finland
Are you white?
Ah yes, Canada
/fr/ - le francofillusoire
/cum/ - Canada, United States, and Mexico and me
Russia, clean up your shit you created
This is the average look of a gay poster, how does that make you feel?
""""Great"""" Britain
I want to create a paramilitary organization which will bomb American owned business and kill American tourists
FACT: Chicanos are the strongest race in the world
The Washington DC mayor has changed the name of a plaza outside the White House to "Black Lives Matter" plaza
/MEX/ - Hilo Mexicano
Hey faggot! Jump in the card, we are going to loot gamespot
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
Why are Zig Forumscels like this?
How do you say “redneck” in your language?
Unbelievable how low a man can sink...
Sverigetråden - Skålupplagan
Did you parents make you do this as a kid?
Be in online class
Post cool minecraft houses
I used to be poor but now I am rich
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
When was the last time you cried?
Based or cringe?
What makes them so based?
Tfw streamer e-girl did not notices my 450$ donation
/cum/ - Canada, United States, and Mexico
/cum/ Canada-United States - Mexico
/lat/ - hilo latino
I'm willing to give up a stable job to move to europe. What country should I pick?
No american problem is specific to america and yet eurokeks laugh and abuse usa. Death to europe. america=1
Why the hell are they so salty and sensitive...
Why are dutch posters always so angry?
Are Americans bootlickers?
Being poor in a first world country is psychologically worse than living a third world one
1) You country
/fr/ Fil francophone
I'm so jealous of Canada
French army which is currently the best in the world just saved black Africa. What about your country ?
Why is this word all over the internet now?
You're free now, Germany
/luso/ + /feminism/ = Fio Lusofeminista
Sverigetråden - NDT imorgon-upplagan
Why do YOU hate the Anglos?
/nacktschicht/ und /deutsch/
Central europe is the best place to live at the moment:
Friendly reminder to the Germanic peoples of the world
My dad about to kick me out in next 5 days
This girl got redpilled fast
Turks are not white MALAKA
This is my gf
Children goes to school using train or bus by themselves in Japan
The coronavirus 'pandemic' has produced one of the greatest wealth transfers in history
Which Asian phenotype do you like the most?
What's wrong with the USA and Australia?
1. ur cunt/ethnicity
14 is legal in Germany
Hello Zig Forums!
/esp/ - Edición bicho morao crinsh
Australian aborigines are a species lost in time. They were for 50...
After sitting 2 years at home I'm starting to have suicidal thoughts, anyone have had such situation before?
ITT: rank life's pleasures
/საქართველო/ - Georgian thread
Woah..Asians is that true?
Who's delivering 5G in your country? Surely not Huawei?
W,What do you think pronunciation of Japanese speaks English?
Exuse me sir but are there any KHALLAL meat in this shop?
It's the edge of the world and all of western civilization
International board ! ! !
Be american
Where you live
/fr/ - Le fil de merde
Ur cunt
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
/brit /
Pizzas of the world
/svt/ - Sverigetråden
Is tiktok popular in your country?
ITT: we post and talk about aircraft and naval vehicles in your cunt. Military or not
Ywn wake up at a beach in santa monica, california under these semen demons
Haha sweden so funny !!!
Who much do/did you make an hour?
He pays over $100 for a single piece of clothing
I suffer in Norfern England
This is the new Bike Highway Project "La Scandibérique"
What happens in Croatia?
Tfw porn turned me gay
Epic thread thread
Draw new boarders for this piece of land
Why is Southern European genes mixed with Latin American genes such a dangerous combination???
Any transportation autist here?
Russia defeats Germany
0 (Zero) blm protests in LatAm
If Hong Kong is China then why don't I get free nationwide shipping on Aliexpress and Taobao?
Ask a Ukrainian
Is corona over in your country?
When America falls, what should take its place?
/ita/ il filo
Post most beautiful woman in your country
Name 5 cities in Serbia
Culture Pals /cp/
What caste are catholic indians?
Your kunt
Sverigetråden - Kim Möjlighets upplaga
Name 5 cities in Wales
Do you trust your police?
The world is healing
Americans, pick a European country you would prefer to live in
What's your opinion on visegrad countries? (czechia, hungary, poland and slovakia)
How do Euros cope with no sunlight? I would not be able to do it since I live in dark brown area on this map
Are latinas the most sexual people on earth?
No free speech, you get arrested immediately for thinking wrongly or showing any sign of patriotism
Can someone redpill me on belarussian gfs?
Your kunt
/fr/ - le francofil
CDC: Coronavirus Fatality Rate 0.26%, 8-15x Lower than Estimates
What ratio does Zig Forums use for their spliffs?
Built for ___
Sverigetråden - 3d Upplagan
White cities ranking by % white population
/lat/ - Hilo latino
/ita/ il filo
/desi/-Great Leader edition
I have noticed something, Zig Forums
When will they copy our way of living? No guns, free healthcare, no police violence and all that stuff
Why do Berbers have Asian eyes?
Well, Zig Forums?
/brit /
The industrial revolution and it's consequences have been a disaster for the human race
Real talk, why don't incels just settle down to an average 6/10 like her?
Would you rather live in Norilsk or Grozny
For me, its indifference
Are Turkish Germans based?
Prestige. Power. Success
I want to say sorry for our diaspoora...
Sverigetråden - LogH-upplagan
Hello from Romania
Be me
Mediterranean mastarrace
New estimate by CDC reduces COVID-19 death rate to just 0.26% (IFR) from WHO’s 3.4% (CFR)
Does the US have any legitimacy when talking about Hong Kong protests now?
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
Im a straight Swede but i get hit on more by guys than girls. Does this happen in your country?
The rise of Korean boys
/esp/ - Edición rotondas
Are Westerners afraid of the rise of Asia?
How did Japan contain the coronavirus without shutdowns and mass testing?
/brit /
We post our ancestors :)
Continental Anglos
Best polandballs
His country has "trees" and "wildlife
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2404
"Death is everyone's destiny."
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Show me a successful country where the majority of the population is mutt, there is none
/fr/ - le francofil
Whites are humans too. End anti-white racism on Zig Forums. Stop posting "made for b*c"
I want gaijin fren irl
Reddit thread about American politics
Future of africa thread. Reserved for that guy from congo with uk flag
Whose lives matter most, int?
Does this happen often in your country?
Why does Dutch sound like a meme language?
Sverigetråden - Studenten upplagan
Does the Deano archetype exist in your country?
Japanese woman's ramen shop vandalized by American rioters
Are you descended from settler colonists, Zig Forums?
Ur cunt
Where did it all go so wrong?
High effort political compasses
What temperatures are do you consider hot, cold and normal in the place you live in?
Fuck EU why don't we make Mediterranean Union?
Imagine living in a third world shithole where the police shoots random people for fun, without any consequences
/fr/ - le francofil
Korea is the future
A white country's flag replied to me
Here I'm gonna post real average russian gf from my contact list
You may not like it, but this is peak Brit masculinity
/ita/ il filo
1. you're country
How do you look like in real life, Zig Forumsels?
400 000+ corona cases
What do you think of Zig Forums? Do you browse it?
Reminder that Turks once ruled all of the Middle East, Europe, North Africa and Central Asia
Dude, London is so metropolitan. It has everything you want, I couldn't live in a different city...
How many times have you gotten banned?
/ישר/ - /Ισρ/ - /इज़रा/ - /isr/ - מהדורת סופש
All memes aside for a second
/deutsch/ heute mal wieder /doggsen/
These are the countries currently in conflict
Monogamy is against human nature
Frenchies, are women like this common in your cunt?
My cousin is brown and studied in Poland
Your language is inferior if it doesn't have various forms of speech such as honorific speech, respectful speech...
Meanwhile in rwanda
Questions for actual Japanese people, what do you do for a living/what are you studying...
They took this from us, bros
Are the Baltic states just a bargain bin Balkans?
Is it normal for men to wear chastity devices in your country? It's pretty normal here, I wear one
Why are americans like this?
Shimano Disc Brakes
Buff, white men
How do “people” with brown eyes even cope?
Post your most american picture
What's your favorite anime?
These are the people who call you a bootlicker
Countries better than Germany
This is what the USA used to be about
How do you view the old people in your country?
/med/ - olive oil general
*blocks your path*
Do you like flag of your country?
Mom, look, I posted it again!
Kurva anyátok
If you had to move to Eastern Europe, which country would you choose?
Name 1 American
/cum/ - Canada US Mexico
Meds fry eggs in olive oil
Hilo /esp/añol
Is there anything more lame than fetishizing the DDR?
Canadian girls
Greek Australians fuck Anglo Australians
Loving asian girls -- yellow fever
This was once was on a big French newspaper. I censored it
Why are White women starting to dress like Asian style?
Living the American dream
/fr/ - le francofil
Still the evil boogey man in burger movies and games
Zizek on choripanes
Was multiculturalism a mistake?
Who was in the wrong here?
Why are white women like this?
/luso/ Fio Lusófono
Your city?
Why do all Russian girls have this aesthetic?
You can only post in this thread if your country has piramids
Post your town city flag
Race map of the world
What do you envision the future of the US to be like?
What went wrong?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Porn only leads to mental illness. If you regularly jerk off to porn you are mentally ill
Why do you hate your country?
Why are they so cute?
/lat/ hilo latino
The Taiwanese students at my university are very friendly and outgoing...
/cum/ - Canada US Mexico
Zig Forums - /cum/ edition
I don't care what any of you say, America is the best ally we'll ever have
Your cunt
Rate my slut
Looking for nice friends
*blocks your path*
Are people in your country loving life?
Preference of USA vs China
Would you get a gf if you had the chance?
Why are there so many stupid americans?
/ita/ il filo
Imagine your little daughter is like this
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
I'm an American ama
US Democrats are opposed to a FTA with Brazil
Where to find French podcasts?
Do Americans?
Do people actually care about racemixing that much in real life...
How did Colombians take over reggaeton and become the face of Latino music? Reggaeton used to be a Puerto Rican thing...
Summarize 2020 in one image
The borders and hotels are opening back up here in the Bahamas to tourist
Bros... is the world laughing at us right now?
Why are Americans like this?
Looking for nice friends
Why are americans so based?
The British unironically coped about the whole Aryan theory and memed it. Aryans never imposed the caste system...
Why don't Muslims paint pictures of their prophet, unlike ALL other religions on Earth?
European Country Tier List
Imagine unironically being a fucking communist after what happened in Cambodia, Eastern Europe...
Even though America has a nigger uproar and rioting in the city streets...
White English teachers in Japan
Is Japan really the most stressful developed country to live in?
I just found out from an Zig Forums post that uncircumcised guys should retract their foreskin before peeing...
Sverigetråden - Lönisupplagan
/fr/ - le francofil
I-is this accurate?
Korea vs Japan
Tfw lower than 90IQ
/mena/ + Sverigetråden
Zig Forums denies the master race killed 13 million people in 5 years
Do Italians really
/mena/ + //
/lang/ - Language Learning General
Your cunt
America used to be white
It’s very easy for girls to fuck an entire town but very hard for boys to
Seriously what will happen to Brazil when Biden gets elected?
/nachtschicht/ morgen wieder /deutsch/
Perro clase
Does this happen in your country?
Why are Americans of English decent more English then actual whites in England...
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
Post your country's version of this meme. I have many of these
No history
Is the policy still necessary in your country/city?
Do you think USA gonna change after riots...
How common in other countries is the knowledge that America dropped not one but TWO nukes on Japan...
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
What's the grammatical gender for other countries in your language?
Do whites have bigger skulls than other races...
/v4/ + Turkmenistan
Have you ever seen someone die irl?
Buy American BBQ sauce to make some quick burritos
Dare I say, based ?
Can American civilians get this sniper rifle at the local gun store?
Keep em. I want my sons to be athletes not trannies
Is Denmark the only country in the world where political science is a good degree?
Ameribros how’s it going?
To the swede from the kot thread...
/balt/ + /ausnz/
/esp/ - Edición autopistas
Both countries had eugeny and both countries opened their lands to receive Central Europeans...
/fr/ - le francofil
Why is all Mexican food the same?
You wake up in greece
/lat/ - hilo latino
You have been reborn as georgian
Europeans, what other European country do you hate most?
I'm being harassed by a girl in my job
Be me cute Nordic boy twink
What are Slavs and Slavic culture like...
Why are they predisposed towards being BUTTHURT?
Your country
If we were to ban all homosexuals from Zig Forums, it would improve tenfold, we won't have the following threads
What does this language sound like to other slav frenemies?
Any thoughts on this fucking country?
What's your favorite animal Zig Forums?
/mena/ + /cum/
I suffer in the UK
ITT: try to speak a language you don't know
Germans are the most bullied group on Zig Forums
Your cunt
Dude what fuck is a meetur?
Are you really attracted to white """"""women"""""'?
This is in POLAND
People actually thought these riots would be the collapse of america
/ita/ il filo
/ita/ - il Filo
This junk food dominated whole europe and is laughing at all the European "cuisine"
What's the first thing that comes to your mind when you see this flag?
Want to play hangman?
Nordic cities look soulless
Brexit means Brexit
What's your first thought when you see this flag?
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
Call of Duty Youtuber "Drift0r" has given his thoughts on the BLM movement and death of George Floyd...
I-is 174cm considered tall in your country?
Why do Brazil hate Portugal but Mexico and others not hate the Spain?
/fr/ - Édition Patricienne
Is one of the reasons americans dont travel abroad so much because they get too little paid leave from work?
What does this language sound like to other yugo friends?
/ישר/ - /Ισρ/ - /इज़रा/ - /isr/ - מהדורת ג'ינג'יות
Spain invades your country
Who is your favorite German-Brazilian person?
They fucking did it AGAIN
Why does america hate latinos so much?
Wtf America take them back
Post your Mobile phone
The staff was very rude. They didn't smile and were ignoring me unless explicitly called...
Are Finns ugliest white people on the planet?
A cute Finnish boy under 6ft with blonde hair who just got out of his sauna could be reading your post
Hate thread
I live in the city
Why are their movies and series so popular in third world?
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine