14 is legal in Germany
14 is legal in Germany
why haven’t you moved yet memet
only if you're under 18
yikes, guess I'm canceling my trip to germany
You know what else is legal? Going very far away you dumb pedophile >:(
but you can buy beer at 16
t. 14 y/o girl
That's the same as it is here than.
If your under 18 its 14 if you're 19 or older its 16
Excuse me, it's the Krauts who are pedos, we're just partaking in their culture out of respect
I don't drink so that's not gonna work on me Johann
Will you be traveling to all countries, fucking through their culture? It'll be more than a few ladyboys and babushkas before you're done.
not true
Even if they legal they still wont wan yo ugly ass
I'm 26 and fucked raw a 17 yo this weekend
>17 yo
Weird flex but ok
It was legal in Spain too not so far ago, I belive it changed to 16 in 2015, 5 years ago now, fuck, time flies when you have crippling depression
Post pics or it didn't happen
holy BASED
kek, sorry for disappoint
I would a 14 too as it's legal here, fuck it
However, german lolis are ugly.
14 is legal in Brazil for all ages.
too old
I blew a 16yo. Legal in my state.
Remember Madeleine Mccann was killed and raped by a germ man
>incel think if the age lowered those teens girl would automatically not disgusted anymore by 22+ old ass men.
If it was even legal. You still should improve your predatory tactics.
>tfw no girl to have a wholesome relationship with but also any sex stuff she's curious about
Literally, straight up, completely wrong
And they tell us we have no freedom.
its wrong.
its 14, but 16 if you are in a position of trust like a teacher or father