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/balt/ + /ausnz/
Isaac Clark
Carson Johnson
>"hey user, we're going to the local blm protest. you in?"
Levi Perry
no because im racist
Liam Powell
Elijah Robinson
certainly brothers. thank you for joining the baltic lives matter movement
James Martinez
nenuori netikiek
Luis Powell
"lets go to the protests, user"
Andrew Garcia
Imagine them going train on your gf
Jason Perry
Jonathan Carter
Adrian Long
>no, fuck niggers
Hudson Ward
Anthony Davis
Carson Cook
Come on, let's be serious for a moment. If black lives matter so much, then why do black people kill more black people than anybody else? I mean that alone makes it seem like black lives don't even matter to black people.
Henry Barnes
Dylan Smith
>wypipo logic
you aint fooling us with your logic n shieet wh*te dog
Gavin Cooper
that was just bants my nigga
Oliver Cruz
we wuz
Benjamin Stewart
There is no new China without the CCP and democracy also has problems.
Juan Jones
Protestantų bažnyčia btfo
Ian Long
There is no God but Allah
Zachary Barnes
>roommate goes outside
>begin to masturbate
>he comes back under 20 minutes later
This has happened two fucking days in a row now
Jacob Powell
I've felt a disturbance in the force. Lithuania is dead.
John Richardson
ask him to help you ;)
Jose Baker
Imagine living with roommates
Levi Thompson
he knows
Anthony Carter
Isaac Garcia
Cooper Martin
I wonder what africans in australia think about aboriginal activists hijacking the blm movement for aboriginals? Granted there aren't that many africans in Aus in the first place but it would be akin to American indians holding a "BLM" protest and complaining about cops killing native americans. They're essentially taking this totally unrelated political movement and using it for their own aims
Xavier Morgan
coom faster you fucking pleb
Dylan Garcia
how do abos live? are their in some sort of reservations? can they live in the city like a normal person?
James Williams
Really depends, a lot of the hardcore full-blood aboriginals live in communities up north where they live away from society and mostly just sniff petrol and drink themselves to death, but plenty of aboriginals are bleached (aka mostly white DNA but only 5-10% aboriginal) and they seem to function okay in society
Anthony Wright
i need to take a shit
Eli King
i need to piss
Parker Ortiz
The shit is exiting my anus as we speak.
Josiah Rodriguez
I need a gf
Landon Sullivan
recommend me food to put in my fridge
Thomas Lewis
you will never
Benjamin Martinez
It's been a while since I've posted here. Ask me anything.
Jose Taylor
Ian Roberts
Did you lose your job due to corona? I did
Ryder Perez
which ozzie poster are you