Korea is the future

Given that Korea is on the cusp of taking over as the main cultural and entertainment icon of Asia, why does this board have 2 jap generals but no Korean general?

Does Zig Forums/Zig Forums really want to be left behind by the rest of the internet and the world? Japan was hip maybe 10-15 years ago. Now it's all about Korea.

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Why do Western teenager nerds like gay-pop?

Just w*men do

not really

Shut up right now

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I think it’s a handful of teen girls, mostly hispanic. The average American has never even heard of K-Pop.

That's not true, Westerners don't like K-Pop

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get lost boomer. no one asked you to come to Zig Forums

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>/kpg/ is full of zoomer femcels
>99% female idol posting
??? are they lesbos?

kpop craze is amazing.

You know it's true.
K-dramas even top the charts in japan over their own shows. Manhwa is as popular as jap manga now, which was the #1 cultural export for japs.
Korea is still growing economically while Japan has stagnated for 25 years. Korea also has a better image in the world - no war crimes, less weird culture, more cultural and economic dynamism.

>lol, no war crime?

>one seventh of the entire population abandoned s.korea
because this OP is a gook hapa
I don't know why so many korean people have desperately escaped from their own cunt

of course not, the real answer is wh*toid males are in denial because of their wicked racist ego like this guy

If you mean the killing "sucky sucky 5 dollar" commie prostitutes in Vietnam, no one cares. Even americans committed more "war crimes" there.
Meanwhile, Japan' war crimes are widely considered as bad as those of the nazis.

japan doubled your korean population (from 12mil to 25mil) during annexation

People left when Korea was still poor, now not so much. Now whites and japs come to Korea instead.
Btw, do you know how many Japanese immigrated to the US and Latin america in the 20th century?

Same would have happened if Korea had modernized without annexation.

>taking a general full of schizos, NEETs and incels as an indicator of anything

>7.5mil korean visited japan in 2018
>their entire population is 50mil

and your mom went to denmark because she was poor, right?

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I'm not even a weeb but japanese sounds better, their alphabet looks cooler and their women seem prettier than the korean ones. And those are like the entry level for normal people into any culture.

>if Korea had modernized without annexation

It wouldn't have. Japan built your education system, industry, railroads etc. See North Korea for an example of Koreans in their natural state without Japanese influence.

NK was just as japanized as SK. They also had a larger economy than SK up until the 70s. But obviously, communism ruined everything.

Fuck I'd like her to punch me

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>>Korea also has a better image in the world

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Wait till he finds out that there's an entire board for jpop while kpop has one general in Zig Forums

I’m not a boomer. I just live in reality.

Teenage girls love dancing pretty boys and the west doesn't do it anymore.

>there's an entire board for jpop

jpop is even trash in nerd japboo Zig Forums

Kim kun, your country has by far the lowest birth rate and highest suicide rate in the world. Korean culture is seen as cringy as japanese one by the world

bcz jap is cheap and nearby

Just one Pikachu earns much more money than all of K-Pop groups.

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bcz this site is fucking weeboo site

if you go tweeter, insta, facebook, etc
you can easily find kpopfags than fucking incel weeboo

and there are also kpop general in bant, trash, etc board

and there are also korean thread in game

I did not know that Korea sent sex slaves to Denmark as well. What is it like being a hapa?

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>He thinks /jp/ is a jpop board and not a board for coomers to talk about onaholes and jav

It's 2020, men can be women too.

They are only on Twitter and YouTube and 99% of them are anonymous. Your culture is autistic and i'm surprised you think that was something to proud of