/brit /

The Kingdom of Fife Edition

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genuinely don't understand the individual sentences that turmp says
like he doesn't really speak proper english

dougie jones.

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Why do leftists have a victim complex

thanks to /brit/ for keeping me up to date with all the events occuring in America

It's easy to time to market you simply put your savings in and wait 40 years

This guys is from fife

love snapshots of latest uploads from video blogs, they're their own little stories with pictures
almost poetic

REALLY really really really really REALLY really really really like Edinburgh

>landlord owning eight adjacent flats raised rent in February
>everyone except me and one other family decided to move out
>six flats have been empty since then and landlord is seething that covid is "ruining" him

I hate Scotland

was an absolute choon in 2006
and still is now


Anybody got any recommendations where I can buy a bike? Seems like they are sold out everywhere

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So do you lads have to wear face masks in stores now?


>Black Lives Matter protestors outside of Dominic Cummings house chanting "No Justice, No Peace".
Ummm, based department?

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no just on public transport
and just "coverings" it doesn't have to be masks

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i actually like Logan Paul, i can see he's a decent lad but Jake Paul is an utter bellend and I would really like to see KSI smack him around for a bit

cant understand him keep ranting about "china devaluing its currency" as if its cheating when the US decides to print 3 trillion dollars

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local bike shop?

Sold out

Free prem games lads waheyyy

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Do you remember the goold old days before the ghost town

Looks like this guy
Classic video btw, only if watched till the end
is2.Zig Forums.org/wsg/1591313791438.webm

>youtube drama
filtered instantly
don't think I will last here long anyway lads
nothing but tictok links and boring political takes
grow up

what did dominic cummings do that was racist?

they're all free at notahoneypot


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>"Wimpie, a white boy who was dabbling with dagga, is put in our cell. I don’t know how old he really is, perhaps 16 or more, but he looks no older than 14, with skinny arms and short, spiky-crowned, brown hair. He tries to fight, and so they hit him. His resistance stops abruptly when one grabs the back of his head and smashes his face into the steel bars ...The 20 men take it in turns to rape him. It goes on for more than eight hours, almost the whole night. The boy does everything he can, in his pathetic, limited range of action, to try to deter them, but he is ignored. He screams, he cries, he begs, he tries to bargain, he prays."

>"It is in the morning, though, that I am forced to see what life has coughed up before me. What’s left of Wimpie is lying in a corridor between the bunks, just in front of my bed. He is still naked, shivering in a pool of his own blood where they have discarded him. I will literally have to step over the small body to go and eat my breakfast."

>This is a description by Gayton McKenzie, a hardened gang member, of the rape of a young white teenager only known as Wimpie. Where is Wimpie today? Probably dead of Aids, or suicide, as so many male victims of gang rape. If he is alive he might be homeless, addicted to drugs or alcohol as many who do manage to survive the experience. Their lives in ruins around them.

Is this why SAnon doesn't post here anymore?

couldn't pay me to watch football anyway

He's a tory

A little proverb I think will help you all:
You can’t fail if you don’t try

One good game there.
But not really

is this next season or are they actually gonna finish this season??

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cafe round here had some mentalists who left their bike locked to the cafe's ramp for the past few months. the cafe is going to cut off the chains and sell the bikes at cost.

let me know if youre interested.


all sold out? mad. wait on craigslist or gumtree for obese people who gave up on their quarantine cycling resolution to sell them

leftoids shit on orange man for not speaking 'proper english'
but venerate the african american for using the so called AAVE
makes one ponder..

His printing (i.e. the printing that he has absolutely 0 control over that is done by The Fed) doesn't change the value of the USD

time in the market>timing the market
but fuck that, buy high sell low faggot

higher rates of BAME deaths from Covid due to government failures

yes does it come with a free italian gf?

funnily enough, having watched them both fight and being a FAR superior boxing mind to you - its clear that jake paul would batter KSI

wouldnt know pal. got a bike myself so didnt look further into it.

190 you actually watch this mate? baka

failure of stopping them eating themselves into a diabetic fit

serious jockin' on the jukebox de laaads

good post

Funny how everyone looks at The Simpsons to look for predictions of the future yet glance over one clear fact.

Everyone in the simpsons is yellow.

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tell your local police officer to fuck off back to his swamp
cunts, every single one of them

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Been trying to get one for yonks they're sold out pretty much everywhere unless you're spending more than 2 grand

>Sillyboi. It’s not looking good I’m afraid. The nephew’s cat’s just swallowed up my daughter’s pet rodent — whole — and now we’re doing some Serious Mournin’ while the cat’s doin’ some Serious Regurgitatin’. No G.

imagine how wack it would be if maddie mcann was found alive and well after all these years


>East Asians (Chinese, Koreans, and Japanese) have fewer apocrine sweat glands compared to people of other descent, making East Asians less prone to body odo[u]r.[23][24]

Wish I were a korean batty boy so bad

speaking german as well

imagine thinking a namefag on 4channel is anything but a lizard

Once you accept the fact that you'll never get a gf your life gets so much better. It's like being born again

open the pubs

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My local bike shop took delivery of 40 last week if you live in Suffolk

But I wouldn't be buying a bike atm, prices are up up up

Imagine a Madeline Mcann gf, proper rare one that could parade her to everyone

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in dire need of a woman

what if she enjoys being a sex slave


I'm not a monk

rescued from the basement just in time to see the reds lift the title

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Thinking about what Emma Watson’s farts smell like lads. I bet they’re rank.

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while east-asians are always depicted as pale white...

this, fast. my alcoholism is taking hold at home, can't hold out much longer
Anyone here watching the seasidemark stream? Mark is me in 5-10 years if I don't stop drinking.

Buy an iPhone SE.

>Afternoon, Sillyboi! Just spotted the neighbours NOT partaking in some Serious Social Distancin'! Rest assured I'll be doing some Serious Reportin' to the POLICE!!! (no G!!!) Love the show Steve xx

Business idea: movie based on The Searchers set in the modern day about a boy and his uncle searching through Europe in a Corsa looking to retrieve Madeline Mcann from savage German scum starring Vinnie Jones and Danny Dyer

not possible
her parents killeded her

“Hopefully George is looking down right now and is saying this is a great thing that’s happening for our country. This is a great day for him. This is a great day for everybody. This is a great, great day in terms of equality,” Trump says, referring to George Floyd at WH event

I want Emma to make me kiss a much less attractive girl while she farts in both of our faces and humiliates us

i'm going to ignore your provocative language for a negative response and respond to you about the art of boxing.

Jake Paul vs AneSonGib, Jake Paul did have nice form but AneSonGib was a manlet 5'8 fighting at the cruiserweight division, I don't know why the fuck he thought that was a good idea.

Jake Paul was simply too big for AneSonGib, Logan Paul also had decent form, not as good as Jake's but decent nevertheless against KSI. But Vidal Riley essentially trained KSI for a fight rather than a boxing match and it's clear Logan Paul being a novice didn't have the skills to beat KSI. A good boxer always beats a good fighter but Vidal Riley and KSI just turned it into a shitfest fight.

KSI was also fortunate with a few of the refs decisions, in a world champion fight, the ref wouldn't have given them, not to say Dempsey (the ref) was wrong, it's all a matter of opinion. Dempsey is a A* referee.

So if KSI and Jake Paul fought, it was be very interesting, I think once again, KSI realising he doesn't have any boxing skill would make it into a brawl but it'll be interesting to see Jake Paul's level, he did have a nice form but this was against a manlet.

AneSonGib did embarrass himself in the ring, sorry to say it but, screaming THIS IS MY TIME, and burning off a lot of energy before going in, having literally no balance, he should not have been allowed to go pro. Nor should any of the YouTubers really but I understand money can be made.

sounds like you have a small dick and an inferiority complex.

business idea: democracy but only sex-havers are allowed to vote

Didn't read

i want a movie poster of this film concept immedately
awesome potential