latinas posting edition
/cum/ - Canada, United States, and Mexico
most of us are gonna end up in this situation, so why waste time being racist and hateful?
Yeah ok retard
If you wear glasses you're a fucking BITCH
This is the one
I would marry her :)
yeah good for him but asians really aren't my thing
Whether you prefer east asian women or latinas, we can all agree that white women need to go.
I matched with this absolute 10/10 lightskin black chick
BUT! I swiped her when I away from home this weekend lmaooo so now she's like in a city 3h away and cot damn she actually texted first!!
how do i earn money fast
yikes no thanks
I think you know how. It's just a question if anyone is desperate enough.
We both know how this is going to end.
The ethnonarcissism surrounding all of this has successfully made me more racist than ever before. Was that their goal?
bought a guitar today
ah yes, the carpet lore
I don't care how much you lift if you wear glasses I can absolutely kick your ass
fuck yeah bud, acoustic or electric?
>tfw no bf
you can steal some hubcaps and sell them. if you have a hacksaw or angle grinder you can grab catalytic converters off of cars and sell them too.
besides sex work
do you have a job?
VERY important video for all you GAMERS out there
took a nap. was having the old dream within a dream within a dream dream. was pretty weird. at one point in the dream i'd forced myself awake because i heard construction noise outside, so i stumbled outside to look where it was coming from, there were some tractors across the road getting ready to plow. i then ran into my dad who was outside when something caught my eye falling from the sky, it was a skunk, so i realized i was dreaming and forced myself awake, but i when woke up again i was inside of the room that i'd woken up in before and that cycle continued another couple times with different scenarios.
yes that mailbox is a parking meter.
that's crazy but i don't think i asked
>still caring about "race"
>still being "racist"
holy cringe
If you wear glasses I advise that you get your FAGGOT ass out of here
call center :^)
it's electric
"call" center ;)
i think thats the only right answer then
i love that picture so much
wish i had doughnuts desu
become a drug dealer
i dont look good in glasses
but anyways should i stream what should i stream
your cock
lamb lets have a stream where you teach me how to play eu4
What body style? This is the one i play the most.
Samurai Shodown V Special
Only date brown bois tbqh
hey did the dog shit inside som-. oh making dinner, eh?
made me chuckle
what a nice young couple
vocaroo you playing it
>its an ale gets beheaded by the los zetas episode
would watch this anime
Ale's last twitch stream on July 8th 2021
ugh.....i'm cooming.....i'm COOOOOOOMING
it's stratocaster
do you wanna see a pic? its a really basic one, but I found cool.
That's a cool guitar you have there
downloaded this extension that lets you download all IG posts of a user been downloading tons of foot model pages cuhh finna boutta NEVER LOOK AT THEM AGAIN lmaaao but at least I have them!
Reminder that Latinas are basically brown asian-white mutts.
better be CAJUNS ONLY
would let you store pictures of my cute feet Germanon
nah bud u is gay
Most of my corn is doing ok. 1 got snapped in a storm so we'll see if it comes back. The lima beans are liking the dirt too.
Rained super hard, hopefully things don't get to compacted.
>this video is not available
good job friend
you should always archive media you like
you can never know when it'll disappear from the internet
like videos getting pulled from fucking pornhub because of jewish copyright claims
bro i think ur corns peed their planters
>out walking
>a whore walking in front
>notice how she increases her pace
>increase mine too
>ends up with both of us running
>she's super slow thanks to her stupid whore heels
>catch up to her and smack her in the head
>run home and jerk it like an animal