Do Italians really

Do Italians really

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Scandinavians imitate american style faggotry. Empty american wannabe drones

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kiss me mommy

based romance lifestyle

holy shit that's hot
I wish I had an italian mom

it's just mommy love nothing wrong about it

Italians are based


Wtf bros they literally look MENA!?


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>I suffer in italy

was all right and dandy until the tongue fucking

there's nothing sexual in this, what the fuck is your problem

anymore like this?

How do I get an italian mom ?

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How come so many italien men are incels when they have moms like this?

man i knew germanics were repressed but holy shit
i bet you people find breastfeeding indecent too

>shower naked with mom
>foreigners immediatly think of sex
>have kiss session with mom
>foreigners immediatly think of sex
>literally anything
>foreigners think of mommy sex
you guys are fucked in the head

americans and nordoids think everything is sex

fucking hell this is hot

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i remember americans being outraged by little kids being naked at the beach
it's like they're all closeted pedos

I am wondering about this as well.

My fucking dick

ahahaha how outrageous, surely there are no places that such a depraved practice still occurs, right?

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the hell is your problem?

>Kiss session

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I was merely following up on your post no need to be suspicious of my intentions user

Pics or it didn't happen.

>be american
>mom wont kiss you
>dad wont hug you
>kids arent allowed to be naked at the beach
>cant cuddle with niece because then i get jailed for pedophilia
>cant kiss a friend on the cheek because then im gay
>cant show anyone affection because affection somehow equals sexual attraction
>psychologists struggle every day to determine why americans are totally insane

suddenly the "toxic masculinity" stuff sounds legitimate


Normal stuff

Don’t need a gf when you have mommy

That kid's gonna lose his virginity before me lmao

It's just a way to show affect, nothing weird.


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Wait. This is NOT normal in your country?

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>sexualising mother-child skinship
jesus christ you foreigners are disgusting

isnt that illegal lmao

Its the same thing here in Brazil.

this isn't normal you fucking incel freaks

>this post
>that flag

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Amerimuttland was a mistake. I hope it ends soon.

>normal skinship
Yeah sure