Eagrán an bhodaigh bruscair
An snáithe riomh ré
What the fuck is her problem?
weather's gone shite
she cute though... wouldn't mind being the sweets she ate or the wrappers she threw out just to touch a woman for at least once in my life
*blocks her path*
Bend the knee, cracker
coz it's night time lad, wait a bit and mister sun will come back out
What if her bf saw and came back to beat you up?
Is it possible to drive someone to insanity purely through Zig Forums posts?
Yes it is possible. BBC posting on Zig Forums will drive some there insane
to beat up sweet wrappers and sweets in her stomach?
Littering fuckers should be beaten up desu
yikesanon only seems insane because it's text generated from a convnet
Nevermind I can't fucking read
Oíche mhaith duit
Daily reminder that we are not fucking white
Just look at literally any of the "personalities" that were or are in /éire/ I'd say it's very possible to do so
It's actually short for "Finna smoke m'Kools"
*looks at his green/blue eyes, blonde/brown hair and pasty skin the same white as paper*
"Oi'm naw whoite! oi'm an oirish race a me own!"
Reminder to report and ignore yikesfaggot
This but unironically
Lads starting to think we really should only post as Gaeilge to keep yikesposting at bay. Even google translated posting would be better.
Told you we should have split the threads between English speaking /éire/ and Irish speaking /Fótla/ but you all just laughed at me....
Ceart go leor
Who Zig Forums here?
That's letting them win. Ní dhéanfhaimid é sin.
Yikesanon, leabhairt Nigéarach
I post on /britfeel/ from time to time yeah
isn't that board for transsexuals
Armchair republican