
>ah ah ah, no talky until I've had my coffee

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we killed the wrong hitler

is he ok

Reading a very good book about the Vietnam wars lads
Big soft spot for pop history me

cat tug

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We killed Solid Hitler when we should have killed Liquid Hitler

really like stock-webm bruce

Class consciousness

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hello virgin

me now that im not working from home anymore

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Don't even like coffee that much, but I act like this at work so that people don't bother me with smalltalk in the morning.

Shut the fuck up runtoid

Here are five facts about Manchester!

It was the first modern industrial city!
It has nice architecture!
I love it!

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´kin ´ell wrong picture

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The real shame was not enough Americans died


anyone who takes an avid interest in history is undeniably a virgin

Mental that the Viet lads still managed to get nearly 60,000 though

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the virgin kicks out in anger as he is confronted with the truth

Homesy mate where you at

t. only bangs retards

The superstar DJ mix is still on track for Sunday, I just hope YouTube has the ability to handle that much traffic

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opposite you goose
the sign of a shagger is to engage in his interests not only without shame but to make that hobby seem interesting

Not all history buffs are long term virgins, but all long term virgins have more than a passing interest in history

Saw some of the tunnels the Vietcong used to fight off the Americans when I went to Vietnam. They were absolutely tiny, they had to artificially enlargen the ones tourists can crawl through. They also had an extra wide tunnel for American tourists.

Is it the Max Hastings book?

current gf is a phd candidate so no


Been reading a fuckhuge biography of Ho Chi Minh, it's been pretty good.

Probably had a maccas in it too the fat cunts

good stuff

Fishberg calling me in for cleaning duty yet again

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What's the problem with chlorinated chicken?

>It was the first modern industrial city!
that was birmingham

what sort of tunes do you think will be included in his mix

£800 that costs, seriously cannot wait for him to be reported

got dat damn muddafuggen coonvirus

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>They also had an extra wide tunnel for American tourists.

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what's this in laymans terms

Probably a meme degree.

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Homie, you're late for work!

Need radical land reform against landlords like North Vietnam from 1954-1960

Anyone who is grumpy or can't concentrate before they've had a coffee is a pathetic addict.

It's not quirky, funny or endearing, you are pathetic.

Was nice seeing him with the baseball hat on backwards giving us a taster of whats to come, it really makes him happy. I did think that that white label record he bought was a big ripoff, 25/30 quid for a record with 4 songs on it? thats not what you want as the more songs per side the less sound quality they are, and the running with knives isnt even the original one its some remix

technics sl1210's are 700 quid a piece how the hell did he afford two

Lots of Scooter I reckon.

would like some fish 2bh
don't have the space though

how did he manage to get that amount?

Someone sounds like they need their coffee xx

I don't get it

ben stiller spotted bottom centre

Haha! Terrible Brumshit cope.

>edge hill university

Silly image

for some people it's coffee
for me it's lager

when i was right wing at 17 i lost my virginity to a proper left-wing girl desu

Weirdest thing is there are two tunnel areas open for visitors
One that is 100% fake and costs 10x as much and then the legit one which is cheap and completely government run which looks more like parkland as opposed to a war themed amusement park.

the amount of times ive wanked to this pic over the last 10 hours

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nah it's in history. that means 300k starting

been working since 8 mate


Most intense basketball game ever put to screen
Or at least the one with the best music anyway

Does look filthy tbf
Might report you for animal abuse

at 7am with a cig?

just dont see how smelling of fish disqualifies you from working
go work in a fishmarket


>technics sl1210's are 700 quid a piece how the hell did he afford two
+ £70 for the M101
+ £210 for the job lot of miscellaneous vinyls he bought
Best part of 2 grand


Don't forget to pick up Bart haha

say what you want about saffer but he's got cracking taste in pornography


doing a thonk

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i was a virgin when i was left-wing and shortly after i became right-wing i lost my virginity
i was very 'bluepilled' on women so to speak when i was a teenager

Want a job at Vietnamese tunnel complex pretending to be an American soldier and posing with the locals
Could pretend to shoot the kiddies and all that

This reminded me when sargon debating richard spencer became number one on trending. Wild times

>"it's a lot of money but it's better than drinking or betting innit"
>still gets pissed every night
>betting on stream

based beer connoisseurs

all the good genes died in the wars

Wise post

Drop some more knowledge

thinking of visiting once this nothing burger has been digested, are there many landmines and that

Shocking to think that white people will stop being racist before blacks... Now that's a big think.

They're not worth it. They require regular cleaning if you don't want them to look like shit. If you're going to get a pet that you have to clean up after, get a dog or a parrot or something interesting.

My apologies, sir.

fucking PFHWOAR
wish there were fit single mums at work
there's a single mum but I'd go nowhere near her
she made an attempt to come on to me but toilberg saved me

Water tests are all good
Just got to vacuum a bit and wipe the algae
Not autistic enough to go through the rigamaroo of making it look pristine

how long before he sells it all for a grand?

business idea: koi pond

Thinking about moving to Matlock, Derbyshire

Would mind putting me Willard up a Vietnamese tunnel complex if you catch my drift

>right wing youth

funny way to say virg

Just a reminder the black lives matter movement will be used to justify the African migration into Europe

might get a cat when i move out
always had cats
love cats I do

wonder what's changeD?
oh ye now u hav an excuse to breka lcokdown

filled with koi carp?

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It'll be on CeX by next week but he's going on about how it'll all go up in value. Basically talking about it like it's gold bullion.

The System (jewish elites) use race and identity politics to make things that would be incompatible or detrimental to their end goal (world domination) ostracized or wrongthink. When the proletariat banded together for Occupy Wall Street they started deploying race and identity politics to split people along gender, race, and sexual orientation because they know its what splits the common man and makes them fight among themselves and not against the 1% elites

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Only people who get hurt by things are retards who try to steal and dismantle them for sale
In Hanoi some jokers tried to smash open a shell casing with hammers and blew up their house

Rather than changing the way things are, these big companies only act like they are.

Occupy wall street was about economic inequality, what has changed since then?

Thoughts on this patronising coon?

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absolute choon lads

Why does the green party have to advocate for some 70s style shitty socialist state and women to get shorter prison terms than men

Just want a modern market economy and tech focused green party

People and the media seem to think that either dead or OK is the only outcome of the corona.


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yeah - or more specifically jinli or nishikigoi

how so

the more loud and vocal these political movements grow, the more they turn off normies from sympathising with them tbqh

might penetrate a black girl with my white willard to end racism

>Not autistic enough to go through the rigamaroo of making it look pristine
Why? This is an important part of fishkeeping.

love how the weezer album was left in there

Ordered this Portuguese-style fish potato thing for lunch. It was nice to SO much oil, it's sitting really heavy in the ol' tum-tum

>Iran's 2nd wave is already higher than it's 1st peak and growing
This is going to happen everywhere, isn't it? It's genuinely over, isn't it?

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yeah my grandad's paralysed from the waist down because of the 'rona

Stop killing the greggsdem

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hes grossly overpaid on records for a start 25 quid for some shitty mix on white label when he thought he was getting the original pressing haha

she call me mr. bumbastic, telephantastic

>modern market economy and tech focused green party
very thatcherite lad, she was a massive green, pro-tech and obviously business.

>first reply is muh fackin hillsbrough

wish that were me

Like the idea of having one, but I know it will essentially just turn into a dinner plate for the local cats.

Blacks will start coming over in boats, boats sink. Very sad images. 'black lives matter we need to help them get across safely'

have just had to report a post for racism outside of Zig Forums, shocking, i thought /brit/ was better than that

shut up you dirty tory cunt


yeah the kois

Lad wait until you realise the second peak won't be the last one


In one of the easiest to understand examples, Amazon’s Whole Foods grocer employed very diverse groups of people to prevent them from forming a union

There will be no second peak here, there hasnt been a second peak anywhere in europe our media is just pushing it like fuck for some reason despite no evidence

Iran grossly underrreported cases in the first peak so now it looks like the 2 are neck and neck but people in iran were saying 70k cases in that one city within a few days of the outbreak

brits are one of the few actually reporting cases correctly 2bh


where's the 'angover gone