How come Americans don't use way more free open source software if they always claim to have freedom™ in their...

How come Americans don't use way more free open source software if they always claim to have freedomâ„¢ in their country? Is it because they actually don't have any real freedom and are thus stuck with proprietary cuckware from the capitalistic mega corps who are actually in control of their life and their country?

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werks 4 me

why are germans so annoying?

thank you for your service

They have freedom. The freedom to be raped by any corporation they like.

americans find comfort in proprietary hardware, they're too stupid to form their own options and are a herd like people. Same can be said about spics

t. Chicano

Freedom is only given to millionaires.

Freedom is communism.
Corporate penis represents true libertarian value.

>Freedom is communism
thats literally the opposite of freedom retard

I literally work with CentOS and Debian every day.

This. You only have freedom and a voice to be heard if you have the money to back it up.

You're obviously one of the very very few. Congrats

You may have missed the whole point of the post

Based and truthpilled
Cringe and infested with American brain worms

Why is the webdev / enterprise sector so full of applefags?

paying for software makes it feel higher quality to some people (they're asking for money so it must be good)
if you're a paying customer you usually have a higher expectation of ""support"" and ""quality""

not releasing source code is seen as protecting it
if it was good then why would they give away the secret sauce for free

non-programmers like the image of an all-knowing proprietary developer that they can personally send bug reports to

many w*ndows users just don't "get" open-source because proprietary software is the norm to them

ive been traveling for years and america is the least free country

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"Free" as in "free speech" or "free beer"?

free as in you can't do goddamn anything because its all illegal and there's no public infrastructure anyway

>he doesn't use torrents, tor, and p2p software
Cringe, you are literal slaves

tfw using postgresql and Debian on Google Compute Engine

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Btw I use arch.

Nice try Poettering

>open source
>public domain software
>hobby project

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Will we ever get a decent open source Photoshop alternative?

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>stares at you

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I mean it's usable in a pinch for certain things, but it's not a full on replacement that offers everything you could want and more the same way as say Blender.

I have yet to meet one single non-retarded and intelligent Aussie.
FOSS licenses != public domain

I literally don't give a fuck
I'm listing things

Please donate more shekels to the Krita and KDE projects :^)

Do people even use KDE these days?

I do, it's pretty nice.