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International #1246
Why do so many middle-aged white people in the United States claim their country isn't racist when this shit happened...
There's gonna be a race war between the English and the Irish, who does Zig Forums side with?
/desi/-Mani Ratnam edition
Important Thread
What goes on here? Is it really that bad?
If Germans are so cold and "emotionally awkard" then why do they have some of the most emotional and virtuous composers...
Kurva anyátok
Friend gives me number to find work in Croatia
/deutsch/ weisse menschen in den faden!
Sverigetråden stärk gränsen
/fr/ Le fil Francophone
Last two games you played?
Le fil de la France éternelle
/med/ - olive oil general
What is Dutch culture? Its a very enigmatic term for me. All I know for the Netherlands is bikes, EDM...
/balt/ + /ausnz/
“The media is the most powerful entity on earth. Because they control the minds of the masses...
/v4/ + alcoholics
Why do whites only care blacks...
What's it like to live in Russia?
I love my nation and I love my people. There is nowhere else I would rather be born
Let me take you guys around seattle in rain
You're not a racist, are you?
/ita/ il filo
I have a question
I want to live in Tokyo
Some Nafri from my school is asking to do his homework
We must secure the existence... of o-our people and a.. a uhh.. a future for.. for uhh
/lang/ language learning general
Osaka, Japan on June 7, 2020
Is the West currently undergoing Cultural Revolution now?
Hilo /lat/ANO
Thoughts ?
Mesopotamia is trending on Twitter
/flag/+/extraflags/ general
Why are Europeans so cucked? Pic related is Italy
Vilnius, Lithuania, June 5, 2020
Do people mass harass one person every day in your cunt?
I'm 24 and I will never know what does it feel being loved and desired by a woman
I will tell you why Germany is better than your shithole country
Does anyone on Zig Forums even know Mandarin?
I want to live in 70's Japan
What is your favourite smell?
From today march on turin
Monke was the case that they gave me
If you could permanently ban 1 poster from Zig Forums, who would it be?
International Cuisine
/deutsch/ am Abend
2 most popular male musicians in the world
/esp/ - España General
Eagrán Gaelach brón
1. ur cunt
The best part about living in the USA is Latinas
Leave the West to us
How is this legal?
Germans are indisputably the most HUMBLE people. Because of that we deserve the best...
White logic
/ita/ - il filo
Why can't they be friends?
Do women in your country demand condom?
Sverigetråden - Pressbyroupplagan
I don't really get the big deal on france...
/brit /
Colors of /int
What part of India is friendliest to white people?
Do you cunt still use 4G? lol
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2407
/fr/ - Le fil français
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
What stereotypes of your cunt are true?
Tell it to me straight bros, no joking
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
How do you call this country in your language?
Do African-Americans care about black people outside of the US?
Holy based
What do you do when your mental health deteriorates and you feel like you could explode or have a breakdown at any...
My 105 year old grandpa died a while ago. Now I will never hear his awesome WW2 stories ever again
Tfw no californian gf
Korean bloodshitters be like
/ita/ il filo
/lang/ - Language Learning General
They took this from us
Catholicism is a nicely roasted chicken breast
Britain is European
Norwegian Oil and Gas
Sverigetråden - Ingen bryr sig om era jävla upplagor
ITT: Post a picture that summarizes your city
ITT: We laugh at the absolute state of the world
1. Your country
1 cunt
Who would win in a modern day war between these two
What comment would you express about Japan and me before going to bed ?
Trips decide what country I move to
Basic bitch travel destinations:
Tfw you realise that Islam is the truth
This is how developed africa is
How can Americans eat this?
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
What would happen if a black man went to Eastern Europe?
I am but a dumb monolingual american, which language is better to learn from my two favorite cultures; Czech or Russian?
Your cunt
Russians in denial
Sverigetråden - En vind blåser upp
1) Country
There Are Six World Epics
Do you ever feel ashamed when you buy too many vodka bottles?
Your cunt
/extrem/ ehemals /deutsch/
/fr/ - Le francofil francophone
You're a non-country if you're not on here
I am 25 and
Polish-Hungarian friendship is a meme
Name ONE country
Onii-chan~~ when we will go to Roppongi and Shibuya for shoppingu and Akihabara for gamus? >///<
This is what USA did against Black people
Greek Vs Turk
/v4/ + alcoholics
That Irish stabbing video is fucking up my mind guys
The Palestinians are terrorists
/cum/ - Canada US Mexico
Why is this continent so cursed?
Woah... this is the power of BBC
Sun: masculine
What is your wish?
/med/ - olive oil general
One year since uni graduation
It’s about time Arab countries impose tariffs on foreign imports and oil exports...
Who is the most famous actor born in your cunt?
English is so easy
General Chinese Romanization
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
What's it like to live in Brazil?
What has you are a cunt contributed to the world?
/ita/ - il filo
Why is Chile such a horrible country?
Let's settle this once and for all: Australia or New Zealand?
"Dad, this is Mata Nui and we're getting married!"
I see Japan over there
Kurva anyátok
Only reply to countries you care about
/desi/-Jatt da Muqabla edition
Your cunt
The country you wanna punch in the face?
Why don't teenage white girls find Asian men attractive? i don't kpop was going to change that
Culture pals /cp/
/cum/ - Canada US Mexico
Irish white boy is stabbed by a nigger
White men in America are the most oppressed minority in the world
1. Country
The best part about living in the USA is Latinas
/esp/ - Hilo Español
What is something that frustrates you about your country?
Are white rural America and white rural France culturally similar?
How you visited London?
Do japanese really?
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
/lat/ hilo latino
Do women in your country demand condom?
Jomon women
I suffer in buenos aires
Why does no one ever talk about moving to Australia?
Is it true women are creeped out by white men ?
Never colonised
The most powerful warriors in the world
What mental illness do you have?
Sverigetråden Jonteupplagan
Do you consider them as europeans?
British black women
What is gun ownership like in your cunt?
What does Spanish sound like to Portuguese speakers?
Should nations merge with each other?
/luso/ Fio Lusófono
English colony
Why euros make such garbage games? title is pested with bugs. Learn to program fucking retards
This is the first legitimately attractive Indian I've seen
America is evil
Is he ok?
Sorry what? You have to go out of your way to suffer in Russia
Describe Zig Forums, for a Zig Forumstard on an involuntary several day holiday from his home board
Your cunt
Enter CHADren
America basically in open revolt
The quality of every nation is in direct relationship to their belief in the Lord God
1. Your country
Japan and brackus
This is roberto cabrera, the man with the largest penis on earth. Say something nice to him
Do Americans really give soy milk to their babies instead of breastfeeding them like a regular human being?
I really want to move to either Spain, Germany, or Italy...
Daily Finnish thread
/fr/ francofil francophone
You have 10 seconds to act as Canadian as possible
Would you rather have a Anime gf or irl gf?
You're offered a place to stay in Germany
Thank you for your service
World's biggest wasted potential region???
Since no japanese woman looks like this, what country are they from?
I think I got food poisoning from these tasty motherfuckers
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
/balt/ + /ausnz/
So presumably everyone here hates the English language, the English people and everything Anglo
They're going to take over, aren't they?
/mex/ - hilo mexicano
Do they really?
The American Cop
Reminder that you must thank every American, British and Canadian poster today
Dad 188cm + mom 170cm = me 191cm
Anons on Zig Forums said so much shit about my country I actually started to dislike it
Is there a country on earth that treats gingers well?
I shaved my balls
Racial statistics about some Latin American countries. Very interesting. Argentina is missing desu
I want to emigrate
Dubs and we die
Norway? More like
Sverigetråden Jucheupplagan
Why can't americans handle the banter?
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2406
You are cunt
Why arent you getting South East Asian women pregnant Zig Forums?
Where would you prefer to live?
Why don't other countries abandon their gay meme languages and just start speaking English? English replies only please
/v4/ + alcoholics
What is the most popular drug in your country?
76 years ago we saved eurosissys from themselves again because none of them can fight for shit
The Aztecs looked like this?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
In your next dream, search for the big multicolored sphere. We will be having a good time inside...
International board
Why are you so into anime?
Lang/ - Language Learning General:
Finnish "language"
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
Low birth rates bad
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
/ita/ - il filo
Russia only has two allies
/fr/ - le francofil
/entspannt/ ehemals /deutsch/
Who is the future leader of your country?
Absolutely and unequivocally obsessed
Is this how the people behind Japanese flags on Zig Forums look like?
If you don't show support on social media for BlackLivesMatter you're a racist here
Sverigetråden 5G upplagan
Why are israelis so inhumane?
Why do latinos wear cowboy hats?
This is a 10/10 body for me. rate my taste
Let’s talk about the sub Saharan admixture in south Western Europeans
What country in continental Europe is the most Americanized? Which one is the least?
European economies in 2050, according to Ukrainian scientists
What country is more attractive?
What happens when we die?
What makes them so much better (first world) than other Balkan countries?
How do people in Europe feel safe with them so close?
Is this the best french movie ever made?
/deutsch/ vong Abend her
People of EVROPA
BLM protests in Berlin today
I do not understand, the life of the elderly and risk group does not matter?
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
Sverigetråden - Elias 2
Anons, i have discovered something
Is common to use actors un your cunt?
Anglos and language
I play RPGs for the plot
This country is evil
Give me a picture of cute white girls
What does your cunt do to stop racism?
Why is Britain so violent against gays?
If a native speaker(s) of the appropriate ethnicity tells you to stop learning/speaking his language, then fucking stop...
In Tokyo you can walk alone at 3 AM with a million dollars in your pocket and even fall asleep right there and...
Would you a trans gf?
Faces of Zig Forums
Look at this dude
/fr/ - Le fil français
/ita/ il filo
Honest opinions on India?
/lat/ - hilo latino + /denmark/
France is the biggest europeans country
Leave westoids to us
/österreich/ manchmal auch fälschlicherweise /deutsch/
Dance for me little Serb boy
Do black lives matter?
Blacks are only 13% of the American population but produce 90% of the culture. Is there an equivalent in your country?
/esp/ - Hilo Español
He was right
How different is Belaruse from the nearby part of Russia?
Sverigetråden - elias
If wild is west, why is California full of LGBT?
It's over
British """"humor""""
Zig Forums calls me a monkey
Wow Italy is so poor, literally on the verge of collapse
Right now at this moment, there are white boys reading this
Press F to pay respects to our martyrs
Can I pass as a God in your stupid cunt?
Be me, half Japanese
Do germs really?
Given how much everyone else seems to hate America you must be enjoying seeing what's happening to the USA right now
Why is it so hard for yuros to into creativity?
No history
You wake up tomorrow and this is what you see in the mirror
How does it feel to be poor in a third world?
Average student
How old is your city?
Daily reminder that Napoléon Bonaparte is a hero and to believe otherwise is to give in to the lies of the eternal...
Sverigetråden - katte
/cum/ - canada, usa, mexico
American protester unleashes his impotent rage
Why whole world hate China?
/ita/ il filo
/fr/ - le francofil
Guys, I can't sleep because I'm so afraid
/brit /
/balt/ + /ausnz/
The death of Stalin
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
I wonder, how the Third World people in Zig Forums got their computers
What makes them such horrible posters?
New balk thread
*walks towards u*
Americans how much do you weigh?
Gang's assembled!
Why do Brits love football so much?
This is what EVROPA used to be about
Why Norwegians hate white people?
How are Belarusian qts?
How do women dress in your country?
SverigeTråden - Greta har nästan hawaiiskjortaupplagan
********** Japanese school meal********
Why are there people who don't want Americans in Europe?
How much cigarettes do you smoke?
Big corporations are like that?
I will give up my stable job to move to europe. Which country should I pick?
Your country
Fuck farmers
Do you live in a developed country?
Does your country have good pancakes?
Do you live in a relevant city?
I suffer as an introvert in Spain
What does tripfags in your country look like?
What is the ugliest sounding language in the world? (And why is it vietnamese?)
When will they evolve?
How fuck did the arabs lost their martial spirit ?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Wake up
/ישר/ - /isr/ - /อิสร/ - /ΙΣΡ/ - מהדורת שבת שלום
White guy flirts with women in Saudi Arabia
Countries better than germany
How come Americans don't use way more free open source software if they always claim to have freedom™ in their...
Post your cunt's Google suggestions
Which is a better country
Why are russian zoomers like this?
What the fuck is going on in America?
Are brown girls MADE for white cock in your country?
How much does beer cost in bars/pubs in your country?
I got a job in the Netherlands in one of those labor camps some guy has been posting here...
Hey user! It's Sweden Day! Come sit on the couch with me and celebrate
I just bought a Hershey's in my local shop, and... IT ACTUALLY DOES TASTE LIKE PUKE WHAT THE FUCK AMERICA
Are there lot of corrupt scandals in the supposed master race area because COVID? Just curious...
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2405
1. National country of origin
ITT: giveaways that you live in a third world country
Why would Allah allow this?
Why have they stopped being so mocking towards other countries lately?
Why do women hate when men take pics like this?
Post your cunts keyboard layout
Black wombs matter
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
Why can't Americans just eat healthy? It's much better for everyone in the long run
Dinarics Vs Nords
/rechtsradikal/ auch bekannt als /ksk/ ehemals /deutsch/
/fr/ - le francofil
/desi/- Shashi Tharoor BTFOs communists with his English le epic Anglo style edition
Today is our National Day :D
Is your country forcing the renewables meme?
Imagine a world without bigots and racist fucks
What does Zig Forums think of ASMR?
Let's go Frens :)
What happens here?
What is it about am*rican culture that makes them lack any sense of empathy and compassion towards others?
Sverigetråden - NDT upplagan
So.... how true is this image actually?
Would you fight in a war between Greece and turkey?
Slavs? Are you okay?
1 your country
So who is the rightful heir of Rome?
These Christian missionaries are trying to recruit my mom into their "tower" or whatever. Should I be worried
Tfw have a cute pure traditional filipina gf
/med/ - olive oil general
/ita/ il filo
Why do they have insurmountable amount of inferiority complex towards America?
If you were a fighter pilot, what would your callsign likely be?
I have been talking to friends about the USA recently and they made it sound like some 5th world shithole...
How come Bermuda, the Bahamas, Barbados and Bermuda have high HDI despite being populated mostly by Black people...
Good morning Zig Forums! I have a feeling today's gonna be a wonderful day. I hope yours is gonna be so too!
What birds are common in your cunt?
The UKs economy is completely fucked...
Black protests in Japan
Kurva anyátok
The virgin ak-47
Medieval republic, knyazes who were kings in other Rus' was appointed by citizens there
Whats wrong with americans lately?
Dear white people - stop being so defensive. White defensiveness is what exhausts black people...
Do femcels exist in your country? what are they like?
How big is too big?
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine