Your cunt

Your cunt
Do you use Blender in your cunt? If not, why?

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no because while i have pretty good knowledge of 3d software suits and great visualization abilities my brain locks up the moment i try to actually draw or sculpt the things i see

Attached: 56767679.png (521x521, 598.52K)

You can always try box modeling instead to get rid of the block since you know how they work. You'll get there with practise.

Back to /g/ pajeet

Blender belongs on /3/, ozil.

I know how to use some other 3D modeling programs but have actually been wanting to learn how to use blender mostly because there are a fuck load ton of resources for it on the internet.

No better time to start now, blender 2.8 revamped the UI and learning blender is even easier than before. Start with the donut tutorial.

Thanks user, I'll check it out.

>Start with the donut tutorial
Absolute fucking cringe.

good luck bro

I really want to fucking learn blender. I have this project in my mind for a game involving a post apocalyptic scenario in India but its too fucking hard.

khantet is mind rot

Yikes. Imagine trusting a filthy pajeet in the first place. Shouldn't you be busy making youtube tutorials in pseudo-english that only other pajeets can understand anyway?

Start simple bro.
Yes. Yes I should.

Imagine if every poopjeet used blender to 3d model-print a toilet.....

You mean after a decade when india finally collapses with all the poo in it? Hahahahahahahahahaha

>post apocalyptic scenario in India but its too fucking hard.
So like contemporary setting

>Start with the donut tutorial.
>made by an Strayan
Nope, to learn start here

Attached: 87dc2fcc65aa3c029b44e81f43bf782e.gif (350x199, 1.87M)

I actually like his accent. And Grant Abbitt too, he's also Australian. The official tutorials are alright.

Oh it always starts as a cycle
>You know, maybe I should put into use that basic blender course I did so long ago
>Ok, here is a box let's make a spaceship and turn this into a videogame!
>3 hours later
>This looks like shit, forget it
>1-5 months later
>>You know, maybe I should put into use that basic blender course I did so long ago
Pic related is the closest thing I ever got to having something completed, and thank god that my livelyhood does not depend on my artistic skills.

Attached: scbQ1Uf.jpg (7680x4320, 1.16M)

I always recomend these and this basically

Looks pretty cool bro. Finding your own work bad is also part of creating something, shouldnt let self doubt get to you.

Yeah i love this course it covers everything pretty much. Pirated it first but bought it anyway since the pirated version only has the first two chapters lol.

Just looks like a bunch of primitives grouped together.

When you start something like that you want to have a bunch of reference material. However that sort of project is great for learning the programs tools. Once you are comfortable with the tools the things you can do are limitless.

Also YanSculpts and VeryHotShark have the best vidoes when it comes to sculpting tutorials

Well, thanks, but I have been in that cycle for so long that I don't even know how to scape it.
There are some arrays involved with primitives yes, but maybe that's why I managed to complete it, I just wanted to make something blocky and schematic and coming from openSCAD it just felt more natural to do it like that.
Is just that I tend to get enthusiastic at first and then get drained after a while and seeing no results.

>Is just that I tend to get enthusiastic at first and then get drained after a while and seeing no results
Pretty normal desu pic related isnt a real pic, its a 3d render. Ill never be able to make something like this

Attached: Screenshot_20200608-175021_Gallery.jpg (1080x1749, 1.38M)

I want to learn how to use Blender but not go through the massive effort required to learn how to use it.

Attached: 1579625482576.webm (853x480, 1.43M)

I really wanna learn it when i have enough cash for a setup.

Is it usefull to know OpenCgl for it or has it a big abstraction layer user??

I have Rhino and Solidworks. That's enough.