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International #1247
Thoughts on this ?
How would your parents react if you brought home an Indian gf?
The White Boy is, indeed, the pinnacle of all Creation
There is a visible problem with balkanoids
/brit/ + /crustacean/
Please love Japan
Is this fit or fat in your country?
Would you poison a kid?
How did your perception of Finland change after browsing Zig Forums ?
/fr/ - Le fil français
/lang/ - Language Learning General
From fat to stacy
/lat/ hilo latino
Do "men" in your country shave their legs?
Say "God is dead" in your language
Breed nigers
French Guiana
Anyone born outside the green area can't really suffer
Sverigetråden - En trött h0m0
/cum/ - Canada US Mexico
Why White people so... pathethic (Russians aren'twhite you know)?
What the fuck is wrong with Chinese people?
Is Korean pop culture replacing Japanese pop culture? Is Korea the New cultural super power of East Asia?
It's funny how tutorial worlders complain about how my country is turning into a fascist shithole when they can't look...
The most based flag Russia ever had. Not this w*stcuck flag we have now
Is USA an actual Democracy?
After expansion, integration and federalization is complete...
/brit/ + /birt/ + /brot/ + /bret/ + /brat/ + /brut/
Be American
Who knew swedes are so fucking based
PISA 2018 and PISA-D 2017 results
Post a song of your people
/fr/ - Le francofil de fer
Is it true Nordic women go to med countries exclusively to get fucked by med chads ?
Should I learn simplified or traditional or both? Simplified is easy but soulless...
Why is europe dying?
My legs ache and a crisis fell upon me last night, I am unsure. But I still must go, I have made my choice
/med/ - olive oil general
Do Italians really?
Should men under 180cm receive a monthly payment to help us cope with our disability?
Is he /ourguy/?
Are there really girls on Zig Forums?
Kurva anyátok
Good morning Europe, and good night America!
I hate racism
Why are drawings so much better than IRL people
Do you ever fight?
Tfw poor
I'm so tired of all this racism, I tried to ignore it for years but that shit gets to you
Sucks that the Gaelic language won't exist int he next decade
Have you considered marrying a woman from another country?
Don't want to sound rude - but why does it exist?
Do you like flat chests?
Hilo /esp/añol
Western cartoons are laughably bad
Native American Gf
1 your count
/cum/ Gang
The greatest Islamic Empire to ever exist
How the fuck did greeks and Romans conquer that much ?
This is what you crave
What was the peak decade of your country?
/Unpopular Opinion/: Commie Block is Good
Do white guys not like asian girls anymore?
Yeah bro let's increase our minimum wage and shit, $15/hr for all!
Why do americans have such a hard-on for jew york? it's a fucking shithole
Thanks, America
How do females react to your foot fetish in your cunt
America is 50 countries masquerading as one
L don't like having sex or watching porn
Post your town city flag
My penis isn't very big
God i wish i was part Native american
Sverigetråden - Wormsupplagan
Asian anons of Zig Forums
Tall girls
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
Why are non arab muslims so effeminate...
Japs hate on Koreans even though Japs were the ones who committed atrocities and it is because of complaints about said...
Being a small country is fucking shit to be honest
Do you think discussion on this board would improve or worsen if flags were removed?
White bros
Post a good representation of women of your state
Name one culture where caucasian hair isn't considered ideal
Look at this beauty
Post the surprising fact about any country
Mom caught me dancing to anime openings
What do you think about Buddhism?
Chile is going to send Colombians back to their homecountry (they want to go back to their families)...
What are women in your cunt like?
Lmao T*rks btfo
Russian poverty
Redpill me about South East Asia
I want an brazilian gf so bad bros
Why do white women love mexican boys so much?
/lat/ - hilo latino
How is your relation with your father? Is he a good person?
So why do you believe you're perfect for this position?
Miss these lil niggas like you wouldn't believe... IMAGINE the banter if they were still around
How americanized is your country?
Post city and murder rate
Hokkaido is Russian territory
So, this is the true power of goblinas
Fuck bros how am I supposed to stop loving white women when they keep doing shit like this?
Im an afro Iraqi AMA
/ita/ - il filo
Say bye bye to the amazon
Why do Mexican citizens and Chicanos commit so much crime in the US?
I miss the old Zig Forums where we were just friendly talking about other culture and not hating and insulting each...
I spent almost my entire life alone in my room
Countries Ranked by Their Economic Complexity
I have a question
/fr/ - le francofil
Obesity rates in the US vs EU
/svt/ - Sverigetråden
Are they even human?
Americans are racist subhumans
Post average couples from your country
Females of Zig Forums general
/luso/ - Fio Lusofeminista
LATAM people
How is it in your cock?
I had to put down my dog of 13 years today. She had a rough early life
This week end will be fun
Post a castle from your country
What's the silent majority in your country like
Here you can ask anything about Russia. I live in a small northern town, so I can tell you about real Russia...
Why shouldn't I move here?
Actually I've been coming to Zig Forums since 2006. Try again bud
Ayo 'yte boi (dam he cute), we finna loot Target, you down?
Do you want an Zig Forums bf?
Post your favorite country anthem. Doesn't have to be current one. Here is mine:
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
/fr/ - Le fil français
Question for the German anons here: is milk considered an offensive thing there? Could, for example...
I'm just laughing at all you faggots here talking shit because I could kill every single poster on this board with my...
Why are countries like Spain, Italy...
Finland's new propaganda film to improve conscript's morale...
Thank you Slavs
Let's see your country's electrical sockets, Zig Forums
What do you think about China's national program to turn their deserts (which covers 20% of their country) into forests...
3 scoops max
Northern and western europe are fucked. I just hope southern and eastern europe will be okay
Sverigetråden - Elias
Post an aerial view of your city
Dutch ""humor""
/ita/ - il filo
You have 10 seconds to act as Polish as possible
/esp/ - hilo español
/desi/-Handmade Waifu edition
/fr/ - Le fil français
1 cunt
Thank you EU!
Why white people hate soccer? Average Brazilian, American and French fans and average players in South Korea
1. Your count
Why is there no asian supremacy movement?
1700s Westerners visiting China
"To enter Japan you must defeat me, gaijin-sama!"
Dutch niggas be like:
/cum/ - Canada, United States, and Mexico
Why are Slavs always so happy and cheery compared to Western Europeans?
The french dream
Fixing the Americas
Can you all please stop digging up our colonial past? Thanks...
Austria's flag is the minus symbol to Switzerland's flag
Sverigetråden - Johnny Bravo upplagan
We got too cocky, muslimbros
This is the worst thing ever created in human history
Your cunt
This is where I will end it
Do they fucking really
Name 5 cities in England
/ita/ il filo
Finland does not have culture, but some people there think they have some sort of mythological...
Do you like Trinidad?
Lets get it over with, which country has the shittiest schools for kids?
Poor little landlocked serbia
Do you like Poland's baltic coast?
Based and redpilled
Why are statians so good at taking banter?
I'm going to kill myself when I'm 30, getting old is terrible
He is tall (180cm+)
1. you like anime?
Trying to break up with gf
Is this country better than america?
Do Americans really?
Does this happens in your country?
Please help me win a thread on Plebbit
Which is whiter?
There are people on this board who drink coffee when they could be drinking tea
They are angels
/fr/ - Le fil français
If all lives matter, then black lives matter too
Do you think the world would be a better place if everyone was white?
Sverigetråden - Chipsupplagan
Arabs are nomad warriors that battle regulary and eat a diet of fermented milk, cheese, butter, meat
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
Olympic circumstraint
/mashiro/, ehemals /deutsch/
Map thread
Why do Finns have white hair?
Why haven't you converted to Islam, user?
Why does Zig Forums have such trash taste when it comes to women's faces?
The mammoth steppe of evropa
This is the tallest statue on Earth at 182 m (597 ft), say something nice about it
Why doesn't western europe accept more of their immigrants
Why are nordics so open and welcoming to muslims?
Whiteboi trying to beat Indonesian student
/ישר/ - /isr/ - /อิสร/ - /ΙΣΡ/ - מהדורת ג'ינג'יות
/esp/ - hilo español
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Hitler should have slaughtered every nigger loving French faggot
Why can't the English read anything from before 1700?
CHAD Korean tank
/ita/ il filo
Why exactly do Europeans get so much joy out of American suffering?
A pakistani worker was killed for reporting the slavery conditions in which many men work, in the fields in Sicily...
Successful blacks
Tfw science has proven everything in the Qur’an
Which countries in Europe are the most technologically advanced and futuristic?
Do Zig Forums plays VN? If yes, what's your favorite?
Defund the police
/balt/ + /ausnz/
/v4/ + niBBas
Sverigetråden BLM-upplagan
Corsica or Sardinia?
We know who the true BVLLS are now
Is this the least relevant country in the world by population? it is the 4th most populated country in the world...
Are Polish women really this easy? How did this uglyoid manage to sleep with so many women?
This graffiti was painted in Kiev yesterday. Does this happen in your country?
/lat/ Hilo latino
/fr/ - le francofil
Wow, Greece has more tanks than Germany, France, Italy, Spain and the UK combined...
Russians should stop pretending they have a country and should stop ruining it (they failed at having statehood) they...
How old is your country?
Which Zig Forums posters do you hate most of all?
What do you do?
Does your country have FORESTS?
I hate people who have sex
Stepan Bandera
Can you tell them apart?
Farmbros get in here
You're learning japanese right user?
Imagine her being your wife and the mother of your children
Your cunt
Does Zig Forums smoke weed?
Sverigetråden - Månmannens upplaga
Are girls mean in your country?
There are Italian girls browsing Zig Forums right now
/deutsch/ schokoelfenedition
State your reasons why you hate Croatia
Crimea is Ukraine | Кpим- цe Укpaїнa
Honestly fuck this shit
How did your father and mother first met each other?
Tfw only 42 days left until getting conscripted by navy
Why is Korea so superior to China and Japan
Does this happen in your country?
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
Is your country empty?
/flag/+/extraflags/ general
Kurva anyátok
What does the international community known as Zig Forums think of this guy?
Sverigetråden - Gretaupplagan
Is she considered ugly in western world?
/med/ - olive oil general
Which flag on Zig Forums is unironically the most racist?
Does this happen in america?
Do You Love Japan?
Are the "people" in your country subhuman degenerates that eat horses?
Do you want do find love in the orient?
Yes user, i was looking at you
There were blacklivesmatter protests in my city
Chicano here
Why are europoors so ungrateful?
"s-stop don't shoot! I'm not your enemy! Im not a fascist!"
Cute white boy close to pic related in my uni class
Why is Hitler considered the most evil person in history?
Culture pals /cp/
Will India become a white country once gene editing is available to the masses...
Are you racist, Zig Forums?
/esp/ - hilo español + frens
/ita/ - il filo
Dennis Ritchie vs Richard Stallman - MULTI-BOARD POLL
Just a poor Black man born in 1878 USA
What do you see when you walk out your front door, Zig Forums?
Post a jew from your country
This is a 10/10 in China
/cum/ - Canada US Mexico
What oomer meme describes your country the best?
How do you say "based" in your language?
What is you opinion on this webm?
They need to simplify kanji
Oh no no no
Do people dress like this outside of their home in your country?
Why do many Turkish people pretend to be White Westerners online? I have seen this happening at least a dozen times...
I just love this man so much. Greatest president ever
You guys are mentally ill
Do white women really do this?
/fr/ - le francofil
You wake up in Papua New Guinea
Guess my ethnicity
I can't breaf
What phenotype is this and where do you find a gf like this
Where did the Japanese come from?
I hate Israel
Looking at the BLM protests in my city
What is the Florida of your country?
Next to Alaska the fucking best state the United States of America has to offer, Maine and Arizona are cool,too
How come most Indians have good jawline but ugly everything else ?
Draw your country from memory
We're so royally fucked
*beep* *beep* here is your hot water user
Are you really attracted to white """"""""women"""""""?? lol
Why cant wypipo live without this?
He doesn't speak at least 3 languages
How can we solve this big problem? Also, include Native American males...
/cum/ - Canada US Mexico
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2408
Really makes you think huh?
I'd like to be an arab
Has a foreigner ever lectured you on your own culture?
Date with the gf
Tfw it hits me I'll be one of those clowns going abroad to find love in a 3rd world shithole
International coomers
Your cunt
/lat/ - hilo latino
How do i get a white girl
/cum/ - canada, usa, mexico
Has he saved the white race yet?
American literature
Do you love Chinese culture?
These photos were used by the Soviet police to identify the perpetrator's nationality
My ancestor ;)
Racial discrimination against Asians
Economic miracles in the world:
Did you ever try dating sites in your country?
Are Caucasians (from the Caucasus) white? They look whiter than Meds and Balkans
Do Latinas really do this
These are american 20 year olds
/big countries/
Sverigetråden - Sv Ho upplagan
How can such a tiny nation be so relevant in the music industry?
Do you plan on having children Zig Forums?
Iberians are whit-
Do you like reddit Zig Forums?
Over 400 millon arabs in the world
What is this rainforest part of Peru like? Has anyone been there?
We won
What the fuck is a "Seinfeld"?
Please keep buying our cars. Thank you
Spanish is sooooo heckin hard!
Your cunt
Express interest in traveling to Japan or learning Japanese
Ukrainians are Mediterranean
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Why does the world seem so fucking crazy now? It was relatively normal in 2014. How did everything change so quickly...
What is the worst western european country
Study and learn the language of music
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
ITT: Zig Forums in 1979
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
Losing argument
One shot
What country has the best animal onomatopoeias? It has to be Finland, but the french ones are honestly pretty based too
Asian girls are too perfect for this world
Young people
There are German girls browsing Zig Forums RIGHT NOW
Why aren't you learning chinese yet?
ITT we discuss why LATAM people are so violent
Damn African Americans truly made America to what it is today
Sverigetråden Ingen Kan Stoppa Sjöstedt-uppalagan
/fr/ - Le fil français
Ask an american anything
Please love my country or else we will fucking murder you!
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Are Russians Mediterranean?
Name 3 mexican famous people
There are black girls browsing Zig Forums RIGHT NOW
/National Anthem/:
Why are Swedes so cucked? It is genetic ?
Do you think you're better off alone Zig Forums?
Hellas is for Hellenes!
Society is collapsing
Culture pals /cp/
Should Belgium pay reparations?
Americans: can you name all countries of Europe?
What will be the outcome of these protests? Seeing this makes my blood boil. Honestly...
Family moved to the US in the 40s
/lat/ - hilo latino
Brown men
All South Slavs speak the same languag-
1. ur cunt
/ita/ - il filo
Do indian girls really?
Sverigetråden - Träffupplagan
Just gonna leave this here
They hate us!!!!!!!!
Remember what they took from you
How are you paying your rent during the pandemic?
Tell me your ethnicity, I will tell you your biblical ancestor
/cum/ - Canada United States Mexico
AMERICA! and canada, mexico + me!
Your opinion on Italy's princess Vittoria Di Savoia
I'm an Amerindian supremacist. I do not care about black people, I do not care about white people...
Why their birth rate so low? Arent most religious countries??? They will go extinct just like Western Europe
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine