How did your perception of Finland change after browsing Zig Forums ?
How did your perception of Finland change after browsing Zig Forums ?
They're obnoxious attention whores
They post like retards to hide their alcoholism and crippling depression.
We are truly the best. Foreigners are retarded
before: sweden with more alcoholism and retarded language
after: anime, cocks, gaysex
Before: eat pea soup with yellow peas like normal human beings
After: apparently they eat pea soup with green peas but refuse to tell me what it tastes like
i discovered it existed
What does yellow ärtsoppa taste like?
yes, i thought it was nice but blackpilled finnanons keep saying its irredeemably leftist and full of migrants.
before this the only finns i met were irl where both i and them were on a post army vacation so we shared army stories. they portrayed finland as very nice and told me to come visit.
If your perception of the world is heavily influenced by basement dwellers on the internet, you were probably dropped on your head often.
Kind of crunchy cheerful flavour that gives a mushy feeling when combined with the salty pork and gives you a very warm and satiating feeling in the stomach
Before: suicide and mongolia
After: bäsed mämmipizza perkele :DDDD
I see. The green ones aren't really crunchy but otherwise seems to be pretty similar. What about sliced onion and mustard? Do you use those?
Mustard is pretty much mandatory but I haven't heard of the sliced onions on pea soup here. Maybe it's different in other regions or it's just a Finnish thing
Desperate for recognition, love it when it's Americans
>told me to come visit
then they were the problem themselves
Pannukakku is also mandatory on thursdays
mämmi sauna
Oh yeah I forgot about the pancakes. They're 100% mandatory too. Sexy pic
how is promoting tourism a 'problem'?
i thought they were normal
It used to be my favorite country.
Now it's like my third favorite country.
Finns can't stand one second without mentioning their own country
Zig Forums has not changed my options of Finns. It was already at rock bottom after trying to play WoW with them back in 2006.
Finns and poles are similar. Both have an inferiority complex and needing approval from other countries
>playing wow with finns
>in 2006
Yeah I can imagine
irrelevant nordic country to the most based people in europe
Cool flag bro
before Zig Forums i don't think about finland that much realy
after Zig Forums hahaha benis