
>do you donate blood
I've only done it once so far

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Yes, once.
But I thought I would get a monetary compensation.
The nurse was baffled when I requested money and I never went back.

They don't pay me so I don't do it. We get out plasma from the US, where they get it from their homeless. If we're going to pay for plasma, they should be paying me instead of the US.

No, fuck people. I hope they all die.

no, l do too much drugs for that...

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my blood is flowing with gravy and processed cheese it's no good

3 times
i was in college and we have this community outreach thing where you build houses for poor people
they say if i donated blood they would let me skip that shit

what do you not understand about the word donation?

no way im donating my life energy so they can sell it to some rich celebrity and inject it into their foreskin

Even though I'm a universal blood donor, they don't want my precious juices because I'm gay, and according to them, that somehow makes my blood different and unusable even though I'm 100% healthy and am monogamous with my loving BF.