Fuck bros how am I supposed to stop loving white women when they keep doing shit like this?
Fuck bros how am I supposed to stop loving white women when they keep doing shit like this?
Other urls found in this thread:
>g-get in the kitchen
Why do americans have weird names?
so this is the power of white people....
And they wonder why their women are choosing superior men...
Civilisation could not survive100 years of women voting.
Truly fucking remarkable
She looks scared on the right ngl
come on bro activate windows
How about this one?
they're waiting for you
ughhh why are their voices ear piercing
Even the race realists sound like total faggots
Would fuck the boy on the left
its over
based faggot
Wtf why don't white men go to parties?
because of all the niggers and white women
Christ, women shouldn’t be allowed to have political views every single women I’ve met either leftist or wigger nationalist was completely insane. Just suck my dick, cool my dinner and love me but for the love of god don’t follow politics
they aren't invited lol
no clue man
Hey western cucks, I'm black where is your sister I want my afternoon blowjob
Would fuck the boy on the left
Jesus Christ, I wouldn't touch that chick if ya paid me. I honestly don't know why so many mutt incels are so obsessed with Zig Forums having at least *some* standards.
Imagine wanting to be with a girl whose most interesting quality is that she sucks black dicks all day. Wow. Real 10/10 catch there my guy
>black men don't cheat
god damn white women are retarded
Im straight so anything that gets my dick hard is a woman, faggot
>brazilian negro and chink from australia joint cuck posting operation
>Black men don't cheat
Oh this bitch dumb, like, real dumb
american """"men"""" are so pathetic
fucking kek
nooooooooooooooooooo bolan ur the chosen ooooooneaaaaasuhauhsuheauhsuhaeuhsueauhsuhheauhsuheauhuhs
Not white , and the only reason why whites have such a high sucuide rate is because they stopped breeding for a few generations and are mostly older. Once the boomers finally off themselves it will be way down from that
didn't you know that facts and logic btfos females?
once you go black... your activism best be on track
noooooooooooo not the birthplace of der führerino aaaaasuheauhsuhuheauhsuheauhsuhauh
all the cope in this thread LOL
i thought negroes hated the cod
lmao no
their men are pussies
man, imagine a black dude does that to you? is that rock bottom?
why is it always an australian and brazilian flag and why is it always the same 1000000 pictures that have been posting here all year
Hello Brazilian friend
I am willing to look past you doing whatever you want with girls like the OP pic if I can have a BR gf like this one
Cuck threads are always the fastest moving non-general threads on Zig Forums
Really tells you something about the psychology of this place