Say bye bye to the amazon

say bye bye to the amazon

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Chinese illegal loggers should be shot.

Yaaaasss! So based fellow Bolsonarobro! Destroy millions of years of evolution and biodiversity to increase your GDP and feed more 80 IQ favela mutts.

Who cares, the Amazon was smaller 200 years ago than it is today

>increase your GDP
it increased only 1% last year and it will be -8% this year

Cool man, do what you want. It's your cunt.

kys mutt

Oh so it was definitely worth it just so you could own the libs hahaha! So based!

but muh lungs

t. lotr orc

Good. Let it all burn!


Bolsonaro, Trump, Johnson, Salvini... all dumb as fuck, and zog puppets

im so glad i wasnt born a chilean, what disgusting existence that would be

Seething ape

irrelevant country

This is so sad :(
Why not make money through guided Amazon tours instead?

most brazilians are evil as fuck don't let the meme of le happy go lucky people fool you

the Amazon is not important

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Because middle-upper class Brazilians, like most South Americans, prefer to spend money to travel abroad (usually to Miami or Paris/London) instead of doing tourism inside their country

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Broooooooo! Are saying the great leaders of the world, Trump, Bolsonaro and Johnson who leave cede their position in important global institutions, destroy their nation's natural habitat, reducing air quality world wide, and leave the largest global monetary union all for essential nationalistic aims that will REALLY help. FUCK (((YOU)))

We actually export all of our soy to China.

Fucking idiots


>few hectares
Whats wrong with small mines? After they left, the Forrest will regrow in months.

Meme jungle, all the first worlders crying over "muh forest" should be paying Brazilians rent

I, for one, welcome the end of human civilization

lol american haha

give me literally one reason why I should care

why, user, why?

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I have JVPITER on the phone right now and we're planning on invading from French Guyana to save the trees, better watch yourself monkey

so our children can appreciate it in its full beauty rather than hear about how great it used to be.

god forbid my child ever ends up in br*zil

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