
why yes I do watch twitch.tv edition

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DJ seasideMARK is healing the nation

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twitch /dwhatever


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im pretty horny and high

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why are all the streamers reddit tier but the viewers are based boys

oxford bender

Wanking to pictures of Trump's missus and daughter.

It's another liiiive godwinson news alert!

NEED an anime gf lads

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>german twitch streamers
no thank you

Listening to some HARD Golliwog Rhymes


please lads calm down

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because every redditor is soy

Stop posting this filth

I saw he got a Carl Cox jumper yesterday to improve his mixing.

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thank god you're here, grandma's been raped


how do you have bttv but arent using dark mode

Powerful image

And im the one who did it

Selected pic from my archive

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The viewers are just as bad. Once called criken a nigger and his fanbase couldnt believe they heard the forbidden word

mental how 4chanian twitch chat is

he was a product of his time

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Hitler may have been a racist, but he was not as racist as Winston Churchill.

did they really have to assign the black bloke to it
suppose it teaches them a lesson

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Wtf is this madness, leftypol has gone off the rails

weirdly i'd love to pump tiffany instead of ivanka

her downie face and mouthbreather lips stirs something in me that wants to shag

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Ur mums shaped like a Teletubby

Dude they use Zig Forums emotes because the meme seeped into reddit and instagram feeds! They must be just like us!

Actually a decent message for blacks but he can't rap

mad how incels take the piss out of s o y boys but are just as beta as they are

powerful stuff

i want milk

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Oh great, now they're trying to cancel Hitler. PC gone mad.

Pretty much any chat where you don’t have to use your real name ends up like Zig Forums without heavy moderation

You mum sucks like noonoo, me grinning like the sun baby

hows her foot game

brainslug = BIG NIG (no space)


Man hands, definitely has a penis

That’s not true

>english man is genetically compelled to breed with mutants
The state

When Taqiya Khan and his diversity commission decide to tear down Nelson's Column, will you stand up for your history?

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Soy isn't filtered here idiot, go back

some virgin jap drew this with a pencil and you are turned on by it

does that seem normal to you?

BrainSlug = Big Nig (no space)
TriHard = Small Nig (no space)

rorke creating a paper mache statue of hitler to put outside his mum's house which was torn down by leftypol

rorke's mum coming home from work to see rorke locked in his room, hearing muffled crying noises

this is the Last Englishman in London

is there a vid of this?

I reckon...

leftypol subversion post mentioning the fictional right-wing character living in his head named 'rorke' inc.
he can't keep getting away with it


Er jerst dernt kner whert ter der
Sermberder herlp mer plerse

should stop reading the news it's working me up into a tizzy

why does everyone in london have a jamaican accent

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He is no man. He's the spirit of England itself manifest in Old London Town.

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meant for

Germany removed all their Hitler statue. Why should Britain keep the statues celebrating its ugly past?

that's its job

peaky fookin blinders

not spanish, wouldnt know haha

ahhhh the rorkes in my head won't take their meds what do i do??

mental how boring 99% of twitch streamers are
if i were a streamer i'd wipe the floor with all of them

Do I go for the Rola Cola or proper stuff thats 3x the price

Cleaner called Winston rids Churchill statue of vandals’ ‘racism’ graffiti

>And it was all in a day’s work for 59-year-old Winston, who has been maintaining the monuments in Parliament Square and other sites for the firm since 2006.

>He told Metro: ‘When I saw it on the news I thought, “Oh no, not again”. But it happens a lot and I’m used to it.

>‘Churchill’s statue is the one that gets hit the most. I’ve cleaned off red paint, white paint, yellow paint… all kinds of graffiti.’


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this post stinks of white priveledge
nice for you to just close your eyes to systematic oppression cause it doesn't affect you

Did Churchill want to genocide and horrifically torture an entire race? Take your meds leftypol

shut the fuck up nigger


the mandem

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Would definitely end up doxxed for saying some no-no words if I was a streamer lol

always proper for coke
if you have ice you can probs get away with shitter
but the yanks really perfected sugar water

blacks started talking like that and then pakis copied them

Wonder just how obvious the bait has to be before some of the morons on here (who have been actually baited) realise it's an obvious joke

jesse owens had nothing but good things to say about herr hitler
and nothing but bad things to say about the usa

fuck i wish we had an election coming up, leftypol would get an absolute battering, far harder than the last

Rorke taking an obvious joke seriously because he has no social skills

Please buy Coca-Cola

*kills them all*

Based black man just doing his job

He engineered the Bengal famine precisely because he thought Indians were subhuman.

*if I were
Hypothetical. Subjunctive mood.

also yeah that's a good point, would certainly keep me up at night

leftypol subversion post mentioning the fictional right-wing character living in his head named 'rorke'
he can't keep getting away with it

>what do you mean you don't support BLM? you're disgusting!

what do you say to this

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Lads I've gone deep down the golliwog hole


Wrong on both counts

Streamed dayz once albeit only 50 viewers but we said nigger a plethora and didnt receive a ban

reckon youre boring too

Rorke thinking memes are a subversion plot because he has no social skills

What a time to be alive.

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currently enjoying a fab ice lollie
shall be enjoying another one soon after this

I told you to work on that fucking crop his face looks fucked up

luv short haired anime girls
simple as

they have replaced "frog" as the PG-rated suffix equivalent of our "fag", mental

Never understand why they don't make the whole thing covered in the nice choccy bit

what’s so offensive about “black face”?

>Normal People hunk Paul Mescal displays his toned physique in a blue T-shirt and tiny white shorts as he enjoys jog in London park

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*if I was
Colloquial. Not in the mood to have my culture replaced by RP.

this is proper racist tbf

Kick the white bitch in her flat chest as I run off to loot Macy's with the boys.

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yes you are
be quiet

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they made it a buzzword

I didn't make it numbnuts I'm just a phoneposter

It isn't really, the performance is actually good but it has literally no reason for the fella to be a golliwog instead of just a generic rag doll.

Say at ta my face n ya'll knahk yer ballix in ye hear me ye wee cunt ye

We found her lads, i knew she was a paid actor this whole time

was told /brit/ was a nonce free zone
lots of weebs presently

Big Nig says it's wrong

wtf they're so fit

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Been working out but i feel like my chest has gained no mass yet my shoulders have seriously buffed out. Fuck OFF bodyberg

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it's not racist outside of america


mandem ONLY

what would he make of all this

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rorke filtering greta posts because they make his peepee hard

just love anime chebs innit

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thought about buying animal crossing, then i remember that a certain paki tranny sex offender plays it, put me off

Here's something not anime related 4 you

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well rorke?

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This whole "black bodies" terminology is so weird

Applied for two civil service jobs, one at regular level one at senior level. Been wait-listed for the senior one, but rejected from the regular one because they had more than 400 applicants and I didn't meet the cut-off point. Bit strange really


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Wont dare corrupt this poll meant for those of african heritage