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International #1248
What does your city look like? Rate other cities too
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Be russian
What does a natural Korean beauty look like? I only see the alien face plastic phenotypes
How do you feel about neoliberalism?
Do chinese people really?
Why don't Mexicans and Guatemalans use their native script anymore? It's basically Hiragana combined with Hangul...
He’s right you know
My friend threw a party. Wanna come?
Life in this country is tutorial mode with all cheats on
1. Ur cunt
Engrish is hell difficult
The picture that destroyed Zig Forums
What is Canada best known for?
What does he mean by this????
What is something that your countrymen love but you hate?
ITT Worst experience you ever experienced
Sverigetråden - snutupplagan
/cum/ - canada us mexico
Mfw 10/10 girl sends me her ass and is thirsty for me
The US has warlords now
Be Congolese
Where do we go when we die?
Guess which country this is
You wake up in the Capitol hill autonomous zone
Current age
I enjoy this all day err day
Are you a tits or ass man?
Mass pandemic that is not going away and literally beyond any hope of containment now
/nachtschicht/ morgen wieder /deutsch/
In Brazil, every man worthy of respect has at least one woman and a sissified man to serve it
What do new worlders even do with all this space?
How beautiful are the women in your country?
Post tourist traps from your country
How many first world countries do you see on this map
This is how I feel
/Mex/ + /Gtm/
Your country
Bong vs Germ police
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
My Italian chocolate finally came!!!! I'm excited to try it, cost me $22 dollars including shipping
In Finland only the government alcohol company is allowed the sell alcohol (except for stupid water-crap like beer)
Blue: You have no right to suffer
Zig Forums has fucked my psyche beyond repair
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/fr/ - le francofil du soir
What reputation do swedes have in euroland?
Sverigetråden - Känsloupplagan
Countries better than Germany
*nudges your hand*
/ita/ il filo
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
What makes Americans so goddamn powerful?
Yeag man Spanish is so fucking easy dude !
/mashiro/, ehemals /deutsch/
/lat/ - hilo latino
Is your country part of khorasan?
1. Your native language
Prove this isn't the best country in the world
My foreskin is so big that I can stretch it to my belly button, how cut boys cope?
Zig Forums hunger games
Does your country use spices?
China is Best country on eart
Be visiting japan
/deutsch/ gegen Rassismus
*nods volkischly towards you*
Your country
That one faggot in English class who tried desperately to do a British accent
Should I move to Australia or Canada? Which are the pros and cons of each countries?
/cum/ - Canada, United States, and Mexico
Post ur accents burger bros
/balt/ + /ausnz/ /balt/ + /ausnz/ edition
Is America dead?
Why do black americans hate arabs so much ?
Reminder that your country is racist if it doesn't have a BLM protest. Lithuania and Croatia had theirs yesterday...
How much would you offer?
Are you guys ready for the Seattle Commune?
Democracy. Or Meritocracy?
Why are Americans so prudish?
/otto/, ehemals /deutsch/
Say something nice about the country above you
/fr/ - Le fil français
Can my country please stop being so fucking dumb
This is year 2100 on Zig Forums
This whole BLM movement turned me into a bigger racist towards black and white american people
Which foreign country is the most loved/admired in your country by people in general?
Slavic girls in 2020
Face of Zig Forums
International Day of Portugal
Anybody from Egypt here...
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2410
Are the really girls on Zig Forums?
Call an paki/afghan/bangladeshi/burmese/ indian
Do american girls really?
What happens in Peru?
What type of student were you in the school days?
Sverigetråden - damp
Would you throw away your genes and marry a Dutch woman?
/deutsch/ ehemals /mashiro/
Were people actually afraid to take a shit in school bathrooms?
Tell me about these cities
Your country
/turk/ - (formerly known as /tr/)
Post famous borders
/esp/ - Hilo español
Shit food
2020 projected change in GDP
Slavs on /pol are racist as fuck, but here they are always posting pictures of black women. I can´t understand
Brazilian famous drummer was just canceled (and kicked from the band) because he was flirting with a 16 yo girl in 2012
They're coming for Spain next
In Eastern Europe word "family" comes from "give birth", "friend", "household", "born in the same house"
When are Italians going to pay for their crimes against BIPOC?
Do you like asian women with big, defined pointy nose? Yes, it’s a rare look and wish it was more common
/fr/ - le fil de la francophonie
/fr/ - Le Francofil
/mena/ - /شأشأ/
Guess the country
Only major country NOT to have a BLM protest movement
I unironically see myself as a citizen of the world and don't care much for borders
Whats college like in you're country?
Animals in Europe
Where did the stereotype that American houses are made of wood come from? This is the typical American house...
Do you love black girls in your country?
I can't fucking talk to Americans online without them automatically starting on about their fucking "heritage"...
Why tf did this guy get so much international attention...
/mashiro/, ehemals /deutsch/
See random pic of a hot chick somewhere in a random thread while scrolling
Muh Polish no vowels
Koreans stand up for BLM!
Make a new one of these based on your country (but in english)
/brit/ + /it/
Your cunt
Sverigetråden tuffa uffe upplagan
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
Do American teenagers really shave their legs?
American women are all crazy abusers who have literally ruined my life with false rape accusations...
/ita/ - il filo
You can only post in this thread if your country never ever lost a war
Why doesn't he do something? His inaction is pissing off both his supporters and his haters
Whats having a Slavic gf like ?
/world of poIska/
Today is portugal day
It's +51c (124 in freedom units) under the sun
Victims of Communism
You wake up in a successful EU where all the non-darkblue areas have sinked
What's the origin of your cunt's name?
/ישר/ - /isr/ - /इज़रा/ - /ΙΣΡ/ - מהדורה כלשהי
Do Americans get offended by something you do in your country?
Why are Chinese tourists so disrespectful?
Time for an EVROPA picture thread
EuroCHAD Thread
Tfw ethiopians are gonna cuck us in a few years and our country will collapse
When will they get their own flag?
What's the difference between American-African and African-African?
What's happening inside America? There's a literal uprising going on
/lang/ - Language Learning General
10th if June - Portugal day
What's the gay capital of your country???
This scares and confuses the Westerner
Everything the black man does is based on instinct
Amerimutt SJWs attacking Japanese manga/anime creators on Twatter
Name your cunt
I'm so glad I'm not american. Does anybody here feel the same way?
On a scale from 1-10, where 1 is least and 10 is most
If your language isn't the same as your nationality, you are quite literally a civilisational cuckold
Scottish lakes look so scary. Imagine swimming in there
Sverigetråden - knegarensupplaga
Have you ever eaten an ass regardless of its gender?? If so, what was it like???
PROPER /balt/ + /ausnz/
Serious talk. I'm so sick of westerners trying to make the Japanese look 100x more racist than it is now...
/desi/-Elamite Dravidian Chads edition
Why americans are like this
What phenotype is this?
Your country
I miss americans
What are french gfs for?
Tfw no Japanese girlfriend
Why do you call me Sub human nihongoloid
/fr/ - le francofil
I support Polish companies by buying Witcher 3
Mfw there are 2 ugly incels in my uni class try to talk to me and my friends
Why didn't you go to college?
Zig Forums hunger games
Why are they so self-centered? They are on Zig Forums and yet they show zero interest in other cultures and countries...
Be australian
You are forced to live in the poorest region of your cunt. Forever...
This is what happens when Zig Forums incels come to Japan
How anglo are Norwegians?
What the hell is happening? 30ºC in fucking Russia and it's going to snow in the mountains next to my city
This is America
Name 3 ukrainians
Do chinese people really do this?
Zig Forums be like
Tfw everything in the Qur’an has been proven by science
America is being taken over by communists
Do they... really?
Sverigetråden - Episka skurtupplagan hehe
If europe is so racist, then why do all of you non europeans swarm here?
Where did the Japanese come from?
How fix?
Why do the Japanese produce such great vehicles?
True Satanic Black Metal is bands like Darkthrone, Aryan Satankampf, Graveland, Gestapo 666, Satanic Warmaster...
Racist lunatic
Is anime an important part of your country's national TV?
Why do French have a massive inferiority complex toward German???
Dad called me a faggot because i shaved my armpits
Why do people like slavic women so much? What's the appeal?
Video games are seen as an incelish activity in Greece
I have 7
Why doesn't South Korea have a single Nobel prize in sciences...
What are some sounds that foreigners have trouble pronouncing in your language...
/esp/ - Hilo español
Swedish man with his Lebanese-Syrian gf
The White Boy is, indeed, the pinnacle of all Creation
Yes, henlo, pleased to meet you, I am Slovenia, how do you do. Post virtual Slovenia-experiences pls
Russia has the highest share of cat owners in the world at 59 percent
/v4/ + Turkmenistan
/desi/-Good question brother edition
/med/ - olive oil general
Kurva anyátok
We've literally become as liberal as sweden in less than 2 weeks
/turk/ - (formerly known as /tr/)
/balk/ Coffee edition
Swedish police has finally figured out who killed Olof Palme...
Post [your ethnicity + men] results
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Is there a single European nation where gypsies are integrated well?
Is Tolkien's works revered in your country?
Everyone...The Worlds newest country!
Is this accurate americans?
Why do Mexicans tolerate this?
What's it like to live in France?
What do Israelis think of their American Jewish brothers?
Do I sound white?
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Tfw no californian gf
/mex/ - hilo mexicano
Koreans unironically still "boycott" stuff on a national level
What makes /int happy?
Is the Four Corners best region of the US?
Which race of women are the purest?
And I'm proud to be an American
Sweet sexy vaginas
Why do Indians have dark rings around their eyes? are they not getting enough sleep?
Does this kind of person exist in your country?
White women seem to relieve their white guilt by fucking black men
If your country decided to start construction on its own Mount Rushmore, who would go on it?
What's the coldest weather you've ever been in?
1. Your country
Why are Asian countries like this?
Your cunt
/cum/ - Canada Usa Mexico
How did they get away with this?
Here's your government assigned wife, sir
/lat/ hilo latino lat
*Blocks your path*
Here are some things french girls are for:
Can you pinpoint the exact day or moment you realized you were gay?
I'm 25 and starting university from scratch this autumn
Where do you see both the US and China in 2030?
Suicide rate
Imagine being doxxed and accused of being a terrorist without any proof by your own president on fucking twitter...
What's your favourite album, Zig Forums?
Nose shape
What does an average 18-25 year old boy look like in your cunt?
She is cute, CUTE!
I will answer any questions you have about your country
Tfw Costa Rica legalized gay marriage a few weeks ago
How fucked will your cunt be from climate change?
What the heck?
Are bear cubs protected in your country?
Reddit is better than Zig Forums. There, I said it
Do you do things bad for your health?
Tfw you will never attend one of those big American highschools like in all the movies
I'm fucked. I just got the sudden realization that I'm screwed for the rest of my life
What’s there problem
/fr/ - Le Francofil francophone
/luso/ Fio Lusófono
India after defeating China
Real talk, why do Russians look whiter than Germans?
If the French were such awful colonizers, then why is Quebec highly developed and first world?
ITT: Tell about an encounter you've had with a person from the country above your post
Average white man visits Asia
I am 18 y.o. vegan autistic boi from Istanbul
I suffer in korea
So Argentina has 31 million white people and youre telling me Argentina is not white????
Are you an incel? How common is it for a male in your country to be a lonely virgin?
I suffer in India
What a blunder, Italy
/ita/ il filo
Does anyone want to be my penpal?
What an embarassement
How do i acquire a med gf ? what kind of men do they like
Tfw no italian gf
Daily reminder
/skandi/ - Skanditråden
/desi/-Gulabi choot edition
/lat/ hilo latino
I have a question regarding this region
What's your opinion on Islam. Only theological critiques allowed not political please. We all get you hate Muslims
The best country on the world
/svt/ - Sverigetråden
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
Your favourite city in the European Union?
Do you feel this way about lockdown in your country?
Ameriburgers have to fap using lubricants because they have no foreskin
/fr/ - le francofil
Why the FUCK are Zig Forumsfags so good looking?
Be American
Prove your cunt isn’t retarded
He cant name 3 swedish products
/nachtschicht/ morgen wieder /deutsch/
Post music that you listen to from your country
White Ethnostate
Would you a Muslim?
If you actually put in the effort, how high in the Doctor Hierarchy could you ascend?
Europeans love to boast about their education systems
/mena/ + /EU/
One shot at life
/v4/ + Turkmenistan
How common is big milkers in your country?
Sverigetråden - Kampupplagan
Why are there so many trannies in Brazil?
Which one is a better place to live?
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
European interest in the Amazon
/Scots/ Language General
ITT: write english like you pronounce it
What's your excuse for not moving to Russia or China?
He doesn't speak a language that's at least a lvl 4
How is highschool like in your cunt?
/fr/ - Le fil français
Does your countrys leader hate old people?
This destroys the anglo
Florida is better than California. You can't really even dispute this. I've been thinking a lot about this
/esp/ - El puto hilo español
Sverigetråden - Polisupplagan
What happens here
Why is anonymous
How's life in the poorest region of your cunt?
International experiences
I love my country but I hate italian people
What happens here?
Sex sex sex
/ita/ - il filo di umaru
Gotland is a country
Why is soccer so popular outside of the United States?
Red countries
How wake up?
Norwegians be like
/ISR/ - /ישר/
How's your country relation with its biggest enemy?
Ukrainians are weak
Atheists be like
Are there male maids in your country?
Your country
/fr/ - Le fil français
The Egyptian Supreme Court
Your cunt
Sverigetråden - tjoccisupplagan
Will you anser the call of EVROPA, user?
How did Egypt become such a shithole?
How are bald people viewed in your country? How do women treat them?
/ita/ il filo
*ruins the world*
Would this face be considered good looking in your country?
Do Turkish girls really do this
Name 5 cities in France
Are Blacks aware that Arabs enslaved them for longer than Europeans did and in fact, keep doing it to this day?
/cum/ - canada, usa, mexico
American """cheese"""
Japan can make 10000 games for every 1 game Sweden makes. But they can never match our SOUL
Reminder the most popular person in human history is a Swede
What things do you not understand about American culture?
What race are they?
What separatist movement will become true this next decade?
Lets analyze you psychos
/mashiro/, ehemals /deutsch/
How much did you get from the government for the coronavirus?
Sverigetråden - Erövra flaggan upplagan
What phenotype is this? Brazilian?
Is this really how Russians see the world?
How often do you shower, Zig Forums?
Are you happy with the state of your country or do you wish to move?
What does your country smell like??
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Do Brits really?
How much is Zig Forums earning?
What's considered a good salary in your cunt?
ITT: We thank Portugal for dragging the world into the modern era
Which do you support?
Do Dutch people really hate these?
We are reaching peak Burgerism
Any Mauritanian here ? There is a cute Mauritanian girl in a univerity class with me, how can I approach her ?
Why Germans, French, Swedish and other western Europeans have such good english...
Speedtest thread
Male Circumcision across the globe
All these blacks are talking about how hard they have it being american descendants of slavery or whatever
/ita/ il filo
/brit/ + /birt/ + /brot/ + /bret/ + /brat/ + /brut/
Do you have a culture of "hikky avengers" in your country?
Do you worship stone?
Be in paris
Sverigetråden - Autistupplagan
What is the manlet cutoff in your country?
Britain but with sunny climate and less class society bullshit
Mom is crying again about how I...
A murder made by a dark web hitman paid in bitcoin discovered by the Finnish police
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2409
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine