
diversity (tm) edition

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Some people say life isn't only black and white, that it's tones of grey.
Well those people just aren't looking closely enough to distinguish the black and white tones that make up the grey.

oh piss off rorke
take your fucking meds

does anyone have the .mp3 of schizo throwing a tantrum directed at mouthyank on the thailad call

shut the fuck up leftist freak


anyone know where you can get porn accounts? pastebin deleted their search bar

its coming down

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for me the biggest clown world moment of the whole thing is the government still holding daily corona updates and pontificating on quarantine minutiae, whilst there are hordes of niggers and nigger-panderers roving around in the cities completely unrestricted by any element of law enforcement
or have i missed a statement explicitly permitting "protests" may take place without lockdown rules applying? thats an unironic question; i havent watched all the briefings
i just dont get it, the white elephant is planet-sized in those briefings but ive never seen it addressed, its so ridiculous it makes the spokespeople whether its PM or whoever look non-sentient



Why do so many women have no interests? Outside of social media with Netflix programs on in the background, most of them do nothing.

National tax authority I'd assume.

business idea: Rachel Riley JOI video that plays the Countdown clock music for the last 30 seconds

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I’ve seen cheap lifetime porn accounts on empire market before
don’t know if they’re legitimate though, most digital products on there are sketchy

Very clever how they did the glasses.

I always forget we have this. Its quite based

a girl has asked me over, i repeat a girl has asked me over on saturday
fucking hell im out of my depth

Gave me a good chuckle lad.

Send this to your girlfriend without any context


this is just me with the chonnel and youtube

listening to no remorse

Bit harsh, would argue a lot of men don't have any interests either.

>Far-right protesters plan 'defence' of statues such as Churchill's
Imagine my shock when the MSM is already poisoning the well

nice to be living in a multicultural house of cards

That's a great idea lad.
You could solve the Coomnundrum.

Arm the rockets

crazy how the narrative is already written

>quoting a far righter in your little "meme"
not helping your case mate

Tell her you can't because of lockdown

actually or is this what you consider humor

How old are you?

No one is following the rules anyway now. The government is essentially torn between a general public who have an attention span of about two months and a press that will pull them up on the tiniest thing that happened ages ago. Everyone is just waiting for the charade to end so that we can get on to dealing with the inevitable economic catastrophe.

Can see a bright future ahead lads. Just kidding. My life is shit

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lockdown? didn’t you guys literally open public schools back up for two weeks before summer break?

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wonder how much money I would need to make this video a reality. note that it has to be the real rachel riley and not a lookalike


too late
24 lol

reading the guardian article now
>every time defend is mentioned it's in ironic speech marks
>Hope Not Hate quote
>Lefty academic saying the police will protect the far-right

Fatty running up to film it

You'll be fine user and good luck.

Just play it cool.

frenchfag here, at school i had a female friend from britain, she was my first ever crush, she was wearing tons of makeup and everyone was making fun of her, they called her "bucket of paint", so I whiteknigheted for her and I never got to get into a relationship with her.
And she ended up dating a muslim guy and losing her virginity to him.
So chav slags are my fetish.

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Police should be working in pairs at all times here honestly

keep up with the news lad, that decision was reversed and schools are now shut again

adderall binge update
sat on the shitter for three hours without realizing it. no poo, just four cigarette butts dropped into the toilet water

If you can succeed in life without being an interesting person, or having anything worthwhile other than your looks, what's the incentive to develop interests?

Just remembered the time I asked to have a pen pal in school where we wrote to them in French and a French lad wrote back in English.

He wrote that he liked basketball when i wrote saying how much I liked football and it really pissed me off thinking 'who the fuck gives a fuck about basketball?' so I never wrote back

Lefty academics need to be dragged into the streets and covered in piss and petrol

>sexual assault

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how long does school in the UK go until? our school year has always ended in early June, even when I went to school

I think you could get her to do it as a "joke" on 8 out of 10 cats does countdown and then just use the material for a wank.
So you just need to bung the writers some money. They might even do it for free if they are deviants.

how weak is that copper? Jesus Christ lad, get your shit together

since becoming a racist this past week i must say its not enjoyable
all i have to do is see one and i feel the hate start rising, and hate is such an exhausting and unpleasant emotion. not fun

weird how lefties fucking love science until it comes to behavioural genetics

uk is racist against white people

"A tale of two titties" jesus christ Springwatch, almost choked to death

Didnt teachers refuse to go back or summat?

now you understand why rorke throws daily, if not hourly, tantrums

And learning some basic grappling skills. Fucking pathetic how so many of them are incapable of controlling and apprehending a resisting criminal, let alone at least being able to stay in a neutral position.

What's that they're tussling over? Knife?

God how embarrassing

you lads ever wonder what the world would be like if there were no 'rona

was looking forward to the Euros and the Olympics desu

had a week trip to Manhattan planned for late may

It's fucking depressing how we're missing out on them because of this

more Azula

Who /RepairShow/ here?

and i dont know if thats even possible but we'll find out
should i tell her ive still got the ol v card haha

*pictures are 'arry lifting up the trophy*
Would've been great

fuck off

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Buying German Shepards by the litter, covering myself in shea butter, putting blackface on and antagonizing them while they are muzzled, then going to release them onto the streets unmuzzled

won't lie to you mate I would still be sat alone in my bedroom doing nothing

agree that it would be nice to have large-scale sporting events taking place though. Miss the /yfmoc/ footy threads on /sp/

I’ve genuinely forgotten since It’s years since I last went, but new terms begin in September normally and the summer break usually lasts about 6-8 weeks.

honestly more focused on wondering what the world would be like if there were no blacks tbqh lad.

>should i tell her ive still got the ol v card haha

Give us some context.

Where'd you meet her, is it fliratious, is it for food?

You'll watch a film probably, during the film, get close together, put a hand on her , see how she responds, if it seems good move in closer then just kiss.

absolutely hate the shits speed gives me

only for them to turn 360 degrees and start gnawing on your pathetic paper skin and wiry fragile “bones”

Probably working, getting ready to do a spot of travelling from August
Drinking too much and doing too many drugs
Sorting it all out now, the damage has gone on long enough

it's worked out better for me overall, ended up earning and saving more money because of it, i just have to accept this whole year being a write off in terms of developing a social life

They can swarm White countries in the millions but whenever we ask Asian countries if we can go they deny us.

thank you, more pls, just re-watched avatar
would love to see Kitara's hairy pussy but for me it's always Azula

*disappears into the crowd*


ah yes akala, another skintellectual

Gilbers spilt his spaghetti on the table


How is such a kino factory?

Absolutely humiliates these women

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fuck off yank

I'd be out shagging fanny all night every night


where to cop jacket

you are a yank

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I remember february
I remember going into asda after the news had broken but before the government response
it was... tranquil... innocent.

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New raws boyeeeees what’s up

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one fucking spastic yank caused all of this. the utter destruction of the west. the complete and total erasure of western history. i fucking hate yanks.

met on a dating app. kinda flirtatious but not overly, keeps saying she wants to cuddle and spoon & have drinks


Needs a knighthood.


I would have been looking to start a Masters. Now I never want to return to academia for as long as I live.

I’ve genuinely lost what little sanity I had left and am considering suicide as an option somewhere down the line if things don’t work out.
