I live alone and I got about 400 dollars last month.
A paid holiday of about $1,500 a month. It's been three months.
It will probably be extended for another three months.
I don't know when I'm going back to work.
I live alone and I got about 400 dollars last month.
A paid holiday of about $1,500 a month. It's been three months.
It will probably be extended for another three months.
I don't know when I'm going back to work.
Nothing lol, the local drug lord gave us food and water though
I got extra work, thanks a lot.
based local drug lord
nothing tangible. i work half as much but i get the same amount of money.
Nothing. We had no lockdown here so I've been working as usual. Actually, I've been working more than usual, taking the night shift as well.
nothing because our president is a fucking piece of shit that decided to invest on a retarded oil refinery and a stupid train.
im grateful that i have a job and can do home office otherwise i would be royally fucked
got fired and they raised the unemployment benefits so basically had a 3 month holiday
but get extra money?
432€/month for a whole year even though I only need it until my Masters starts in october.
2.5k euros and soon I will get 1.1k more
$4.6k off unemployment that i never would have qualified for without coronavirus. i think i could get $10k+ total if things keep going well
we got raped by taxes only
fuck it, they are thieves? we can all be thieves!
Mohamed bring the tools lets steal a power cable and pay nothing for electricity
lets traffic the water counter and pay nothing for water
lets siphon gas
lets hijack planes
I was not fired, but I am on a three-month vacation.
I bought a tablet just before the pandemy and the government is giving refunds up to 250€ if you have bought any electronic device you would use for following lectures online. I bought a shitty tablet but I should have bought a Samsung 5e or a surface laptop
>The country is falling aparts and death squadrons are killing each other.
>Let's build a train and oil refinirey.
Is Mexico just Tropico IRL?
obviously, but lost 2 week vacation due to being modifing machinery to produce face masks.
Seems like a good guy, glad all the dope I've bought over the years is benefitting a community somewhere
Fucking nothing really.
tropico is perfect simulator for even libya
pls help us, i which i was joking but we literally have a retard as a president
Thanks for the food señor crackhead, narcos are anti heroes, fuck the gubmint
The fact that Obradork didn't release any coronagibs to the general public is ok. However I can bet my right testicle he'll hand extra gibs to the ones who are already receiving them.
I really, really fucking hate the fact that everyone is getting a piece of the cake except the middle class.
A nonexistent state of law really is the only thing that keeps us underdeveloped.
this allot
law exists but there is no justice
it is applied only to fuck us over and help the mafia buy whole streets in Spain
Good thing I work from home.
Why is everyone getting free shit?
Government gave us absolutely nothing.
sounds like fun. I'm so tired of work I don't want to work at all. I prefer to be poor but at least have my free time and a luxury of waking up when I want
In Poland they did the shady techniques to keep the workers in the firms hit by the pandemic and keep their wages despite them not working
Bolsobux gave me $120 for three months. Thanks Bolsonaro!